Saturday, January 31, 2009

HELP TALKS- Dr. Nishit Shah on "Sinusitis- Know what it is and How it is treatable"

This video is a talk conducted by Dr. Nishit Shah at HELP on 21st January' 09 : topic - "Sinusitis- Know what it is and How it is treatable"

Dr Nishit J Shah is an ENT Surgeon, Bombay Hospital, Mumbai

He has Conducted workshops on Endoscopic Sinus and skull base surgery all over the country.

Also Numerous Lectures on Sinusitis and advanced endoscopic surgeries in India and abroad

Conducted 1st live surgery workshop on Balloon Sinuplasty in Mumbai

President – AOI (Mumbai) 2001- 2002.

Governing body member - All India Rhinology Society.

Sinusitis is defined as inflammation of the sinuses, but is used loosely (by the lay person) to mean anything from headache and cold to nasal obstruction. It occurs usually due to infection from the nose and could be bacterial, viral or fungal. The treatment for acute sinusitis is medical, but when it is chronic and unresponsive to medical treatment, then the option is endoscopic sinus surgery. In the past, and probably even today, sinus surgery did not have a great reputation and the majority of patients would be symptomatic after surgery. But the understanding of sinusitis and it's treatment has changed considerably in the last 15 years and today- with endoscopic surgery, the approach is more physiological, the surgery less radical and the results significantly better. Investigations such as CT scan and diagnostic nasal endoscopy have helped to differentiate cases for surgery against those who would do very well with medical treatment. We will discuss the aetiology, diagnosis, treatment and complications of sinusitis.

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HELP TALKS- Mr. Arjun Advani on "Stress management- How you can manage your stress in Daily life"

This video is a talk conducted by Mr. Arjun Advani at HELP on 20th January' 09 : topic - "Stress management- How you can manage your stress in Daily life"

Mr. Arjun Advani has conducted various sessions on health topics like Anti-Aging, Su-Jok, Stress management, Universal meditation, Aloe vera, Innovative Health care etc.

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HELP TALKS- Dr. Keshav Chander on "Yoga for improving your Memory"

This video is a workshop conducted by Dr. Keshav Chander at HELP on 19th January' 09 : topic - "Yoga for improving your Memory"

Dr. Keshav Chander has done Ph. science and have done a diploma from yoga vidyaniketa. He has done a diploma in yogic education and advance diploma in from Mumbai university. He also teaches yoga at different places since 10 years.
His workshop covers how a person can increase their Memory with the help of Yoga.

You can also visit our website to view previous talk conducted at HELP

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Risk In Perspective - Book Review

A book that empowers one to take charge of health information, gives you the tools one need to manage the risks of one’s life, and keep one laughing all the while. This book will be invaluable for anyone who teaches risk analysis.

Author : Dr. Kimberly M. Thompson
Publisher : AORM
Year Of Publication : 2004
No. Of Pages : 325

Friday, January 30, 2009

HELP TALKS- Dr. R. K. Bhide on "Save your Life- Everything about Heart disease & what your Doctor will never tell you"

This video is a talk conducted by Dr. R. K. Bhide at HELP on 17th January' 09 : topic - "Save your Life- Everything about Heart disease & what your Doctor will never tell you"

Dr. Bhide is a famous Heart Specialist and he has conducted several sessions at HELP in past.
His talk covers Everything about Heart Disease.

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The Common Cold Cure - Book Review

‘The Common Cure’ guides you how to boost your immune system so that you can triumph over common cold. The author tell you exactly what is necessary to prevent a cold or flu and also provide detailed information on how to handle the infection from the very first symptoms through conventional approaches. It offers extensive guidance on the leading natural remedies—vitamin C, Echinacea, and zinc—as well as a number of other herbal therapies and lifestyle changes.

Author : Ray Sahelian, Victoria Dolby Toews

Publisher : Avery

Year Of Publication : 1999

No. Of Pages :167

HELP TALKS- Dr. Dhananjay Gambhire on "Mental health after a Tragic event"

This video is a talk conducted by Dr. Dhananjay Gambhire at HELP on 16th January' 09: topic - "Mental health after a Tragic event"

This talk gives idea about what is a tragic event, after effects of tragic event, symptoms to recognize ill effects, different disturbances seen, ways of taking car of health after tragic event etc.
Dr. Dhananjay Gambhire is M.D. in Psychiatry and practicing since last two years.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Meditation The Most Natural Therapy - Book Review

This book focuses on the use of meditation for healing and shows how it can be used in conjunction with other therapies. As per the author meditation & healing improves our modern lifestyle, communication, better relationships. For the beginner, there are many practical exercises and for more practiced meditator are case studies showing how meditation can be used in a very practical way . The book explores the levels of consciousness, the chakras, reincarnation and the devas to increase our spiritual understanding, and give depth and meaning to our meditations.

Author : Judy Jacka

Publisher : Geddes & Grosset

Year of Publication : 2005

No. Of Pages : 224

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Blood Presssure - Book Review

This illustrated guide gives expert advice on understanding high blood pressure, or hypertension. It includes – How the circulatory system works and what can go wrong, the causes and symptoms of high blood pressure, practical advice on diet and lifestyle, and types of treatment for high blood pressure.

Author : Professor D.G. Beevers

Publisher : Dorling Kindersley

Year Of Publication : 2000

No. Of Pages : 96

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Mourning Handbook - Book Review

In this handbook the author gives special attention to the complex emotions that can accompany especially traumatic situations, such as when a loved one has been murdered, when there have been multiple deaths, when a body has not been recovered, or when the mourner has been the inadvertent cause of death. The book offers practical and compassionate advice on coping with all aspects of death and dying. With many subchapters and cross references, it can be consulted for a specific problem or read at length.

Author : Helen Fitzgerald

Publisher : Simon & Schuster Inc.

Year Of Publication : 1995

No. Of Pages : 317

Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Health Seeker's Handbook - Book Review

In this book, the author advice on how to shape up, trim down, and chill out. The handbook integrates the essential elements for creating any long-lasting health change-whether physical, psychological, or spiritual. It recognizes that the key to success is not the strength of our willpower but the willingness to pay attention, to treat ourselves with kindness and caring, and to shed the self-limiting beliefs that block us from acting on our deepest intentions.

Author : Bob Merberg
Publisher : Well Lit Books
Year Of Publication : 2003
No. Of Pages : 178

Friday, January 23, 2009

Natural Prescriptions - Book Review

Natural Prescriptions is particularly exciting because it gives the natural treatments and vitamins therapies that not only have proven themselves with patients, but eliminate the risks and side effects of conventional drugs. Included are – specific vitamin therapies that help eliminate the symptoms of arthritis, menopause, PMS. Optimum antioxidant dosages for reducing risk of heart disease, stroke, and cancer. Effective treatments for the miseries of colds, sickness, and hangover. Natural ways to minimize wrinkling, dry skin, and scarring from burns and acne. Best exercises for reducing back pain, tension headaches, and stress.

Author : Robert M. Giller & Kathy Mattheews
Publisher : Carol Southern Books
Year Of Publication : 1994
No. Of Pages : 370

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Healing Depression Naturally - Book Review

This book provides comprehensive and innovative treatment concepts that guides one in reviewing lifestyle, forming your healing team, and picking the best treatment techniques for oneself. With this comprehensive guide you’ll learn all about the factors contributing to depression and how to once again enjoy emotional health and well being.

Author : Lewis Harrison
Publisher : Kensington Publishing Corp.
Year of publication : 2004
No. Of Pages :251

HELP TALKS - Mr. Hirani on "Yoga for Backache problems- 2"

This video is a talk conducted by Mr. Hirani at HELP on 12th January' 09: topic - "Yoga for Backache problems- 2"

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My Pocket Mentor:A Health Care Professional's Guide To Success - Book Review

The book presents information on a number of practical elements such as public speaking, professional appearance and behaviour, and interviewing the patient that supports personal and professional development. This resource is ideal for any allied health or nursing program to give learners all the tools they need to make the transition from student to health care professional.

Author : Sandra Gaviola

Publisher : Thomson

Year Of Publication : 2005

No. Of Pages : 224

मैं डॉक्टर के नुस्खे कैसे समझूँ

मैं डॉक्टर के नुस्खे कैसे समझूँ

आपके डॉक्टर के नुस्खे कैसे पढ़ें - समझें :-

आपके अधिकतर डॉक्टर के प्रिसक्रिप्शन डॉक्टर के नाम, पते और फोन नम्बर के साथ छपे पैड पर होते हैं । उसमें आपका नाम, पता और उम्र और डॉक्टर के हत्साक्षर, आपके लक्षण और अनुमानित निदान, परीक्षण (टेस्ट) की सलाह और आपकी चिकित्सा का विवरण होता है । चिकित्सा का विवरण इस प्रकार होता है :-

  • दवा का नाम ।
  • दवा की मात्रा ।
  • दवा कितनी बार ली जाए ।
  • दवा कब ली जाए ।
  • दवा कैसे ली जाए ।
  • दवा कब तक ली जाए ।

साधारण उपयोगी चिकित्सकीय संक्षप्तिकरण शब्द :-

ग्रीक और लैटिन भाषा से लिये शब्दों और चिन्हों का उपयोग अक्सर डॉक्टर करते हैं । यदि आप इसे नहीं समझ पाते तो डॉक्टर अथवा दवा विकेता ही इसे समझ लेते हैं । क्योंकि आपको मौखिक निदेश प्राय याद नहीं रह पाते और घर आने पर पुन आपको इस संदर्भ की जरूरत पड़ सकती है ।

यदि अंग्रेजी में आपको समझ में नहीं आता तो जरूरी है कि आप डॉक्टर से ही हिन्दी या मराठी में निदेशों को लिखने को कहें ।

दवा कितनी बार ली जाए :-

इससे पता चलता है कि दिन में कितनी बार दवा लेना है ।

o.d. दिन में एक बार
b.d./b.i.d. दिन में दो बार
t.d.s. दिन में तीन बार
q.i.d. दिन में चार बार

दवा कब लेवें :-

यह दवा के समय और भोजन के संदर्भ में दर्शाता है ।

a.c. भोजन के पहले
h.s. सोने के पहले
i.n.t. भोजन के बीच में
p.c. भोजन के बाद

कितनी मात्रा में दवा लेवें :-

यह दवा कि कितनी मात्रा दर्शाता है ।

caps कैपसूल
gtt. ड्राप (बूंद)
tab टैबलेट (गोली)
mg. मिली ग्राम
mcg. माईक्रो ग्राम
ml. मिली लीटर
tbsp टेबल स्पून (15 मि.ली.)
tsp. चाय का चम्मच (5 मि.ली.)
i, ii, iii, iiii दवा की मात्रा की संख्या (1,2,3,4)

दवा का उपयोग कैसे करें :-

प्राय डॉक्टर साधारण भाषा में R या Ld लिखकर साईड लिखते हैं । इसके आलावा भी कई सीनियर डॉक्टर संक्षिप्त शब्दों का उपयोग करते हैं ।

ad सीधा कान al दायां कान
od सीधा आँख os दायीं आँख
ou दोनों आँखें c या o साथ
s या o बगैर po मौखिक
sl जीभ के नीचे top चमड़ी पर लगाने के लिये

सामान्य प्रिसक्रिप्शन कैसा होता है - उदाहरण -

डॉ. अ.ब.स. एम.डी. (मेडिसिन) पता व सम्पर्प नम्बर

रोगी का नाम : क्षत्रज्ञ उम्र : लिंग : तारीख

मुख्य शिकायत/लक्षण

लक्षण की अवधि

अन्य उपस्थित रोग

पारीवारिक इतिहास

चिकत्सकीय परीक्षा - ज्वर, ब्लड प्रेशर


परीक्षण की सलाह

उपयोग करने की दवा

डॉक्टर के हस्ताक्षर

दवा के उपयोग में सावधानियाँ

दवा के उपयोग में सावधानियाँ
सावधानी क्यों बरतें ?

बीमारी और स्वास्थ्य की समस्या से छुटकारा पाने के लिये दवा लेना जरूरी है । मामुली सिर दर्द या बुखार के लिये सीधे दुकान से दवा ली जा सकती है अथवा रोगी की पर्याप्त जाँच के बाद डॉक्टर विशिष्ट निदान कर दवा देता है ।

किसी भी प्रकार से दवा रोग के लक्षणों से आराम तो दिलाती है । कभी सही मात्रा व सही योग में दवा न लेने पर इससे कई विभिन्न समस्याएँ पैदा हो जाती है । इसलिए भले ही आप दवा की दुकान से सीधे खरीद कर अथवा डॉक्टर के परामर्श के बाद दवा का उपयोग करें तो पूरी सावधानी बरतना जरूरी है ।
दवा के बारे में आप क्या विवरण पढ़ते और समझते हैं :-

औषधी का नाम, उसके ब्राण्ड का नाम, मात्रा, उसकी अन्य उपयोगी फीचर जैसे सस्टेन्ड या एक्सटेन्डेड अवधि का दवा ।

दवा का वांछित असर और दवा का असर कैसे होगा इसकी जानकारी जैसे - पैरासिटामाल - बुखार कम करती है न कि इन्फैक्शन और इसका लाक्षणिक प्रभाव दो या तीन बार लेने पर होता है ।

सही तरीके से दवा कितनी बार और किस तरीके से लेना है । जैसे - दूध के साथ (भोजन के पहले) या भोजन के बाद रात में (जैसे निद्राकारक दवा), चबाकर लेना है या निगलना है आदि ।

दवा के अवांछित प्रभाव और उन्हें कैसे कम किया जा सकता है । जैसे - एलर्जी शामक दवा लेने से सुस्ती आती है तो उन्हें रात में अथवा भोजन के बाद लिया जाय ।

दवा के संभावित अन्तर-प्रतिक्रिया जैसे - भोजन, मध्यपान अथवा अन्य दवा के साथ प्रतिक्रिया व इनसे कैसे बचा जाय । जैसे - हैलोपेरिडॉल और मद्यपान या माओ-इनहिबिटार के साथ बी.पी. की प्रतिक्रिया आदि ।

दवा उपयोग की अवधि में बचने की प्रतिक्रियाएँ जैसे एन्टी हिस्टामिन या कोडीन युक्त खाँसी का सीरप वाहन का चालन न करें ।
दवा खरीदने और उपयोग में बरती जाने वाली सावधानियाँ :-

लेबल को ध्यान से पढें और उसकी औषधी को समझें, दवा का नाम पढें (कई औषधि स्पेलिंग और उच्चारण में एक जैसी लगती है) । दवा विकेता से सही मात्रा और अवधि की जानकारी ले लेवें ।

स्वयं से दवा कभी न लें । जैसे, दवा की मात्रा स्वयं ही घटाएँ या बढाएँ नहीं । प्रभाव न करने पर या तकलीफ होने पर बिना डॉक्टर की सलाह के ब्लड प्रेशर, हृदय रोग, मधुमेह की दवा कभी न रोकें ।

बिना डॉक्टर की सलाह के सीधी खरीदी दवा के साथ डॉक्टर की लिखी दवा का एक साथ उपयोग न करें । यदि आप किसी प्रकार की घरेलू दवा या आयुर्वेदिक दवा ले रहे हो तो डॉक्टर को इसकी सूचना देवें क्योंकि कभी कभी ऐसी दवाएँ एलोपेथी दवा के साथ गंभीर प्रतिक्रिया कर सकती है । यदि डॉक्टर को इसका पता न लगे तो वह आपकी चिकित्सा भी नहीं कर सकता ।

पक्के तौर पर घर में आपके अलावा किसी अन्य सदस्य को आपकी दवा की जानकारी होनी चाहिये । ताकि गंभीर समस्या होने पर वह डॉक्टर को समझा सके ।

आपको जैसा बताया गया है उसी तरीके से दवा लेवें, गोली को कभी तोड़े, चूरा न करें अथवा किसी सीरप में न घोलें । ऐसा करने से पहले डॉक्टर से सलाह ले लेवें । कभी कभी दवा का या तो असर नहीं होता अथवा अधिक प्रतिक्रिया भी हो सकती है । कभी-कभी दूध में भी घोलने से ऐसा हो सकता है ।

दवा की एक्सपायरी (प्रभावी काल) को सावधानी से देखें । चाहे वह आपके घर में हो अथवा खरीद रहे हों तारीख जरूर देखें । तारीख के बाद ही दवा के उपयोग के अवांछित दुष्परिणाम हो सकते हैं ।

अन्य किसी के लिये लिखि दवा, भले ही उसके लिये अच्छी हो आप उसे लेने का दुस्साहस न करें । आपके शरीर की जरूरत, रोग के लक्षण और दवा की प्रतिक्रिया सबके लिये अलग-अलग होती है । इसलिए डॉक्टर की सलाह से बच कर शार्टकर्ट मारकर अपने जीवन को धोके में न डालें ।

आपके डॉक्टर को आपकी एलर्जी आदि की पूरी जानकारी देवें और स्वास्थ्य समस्याएँ जैसे ब्लड प्रेशर, मधुमेह, एपिलेप्सी, हृदय रोग, गुर्दे का रोग, अस्थमा, गेस्ट्राइटिस आदि की जानकारी और कौनसी दवा आप ले रहे हैं पूरी बात अपने डॉक्टर को बताएँ ।

दवा को अच्छी तरह, सीधी धूप से बचाकर, शुष्क स्थान पर सुरक्षित रखें । तीखी गंध वाली दवा से दूर रखें । जब भी दवा लें तो उसका कवर पढ लेवें । अंधेरे में दवा कभी न लेवें । जैसे भूल जाने पर आधी नीन्द से उठकर कभी दवा न लेवें ।

सामान्यत दवा लेते समय मध्यपान न करें क्योंकि शराब से दवा के अवांछित प्रभाव हो सकते हैं जोकि कभी-कभी अत्यन्त गंभीर होते हैं । याद रखें आप अपने डॉक्टर से जरूर कहें कि आप नियमित शराब पीते हैं या शराबी हैं क्योंकि आपका लीवर शराबग्रस्त होता है और दवा के प्रभाव में अंतर आ सकता है ।

बच्चों की बदमिजाजी

बच्चों की बदमिजाजी

बच्चे बदमिजाज होते हैं । यह बदमिजाजी सामान्य रुदन, जमीन पर लोटने से लेकर जोरों से चीखना, बातें मारना, ऊपर-नीचे कूदना-फाँदना और कभी कभी उत्तेजित व्यवहार तक रह सकती है । बच्चों के इस व्यवहार को अपनी स्वायतत्ता बताना या अभिभावकों से आजादी पाना - ऐसा समझा जा सकता है ।

बच्चों में बदमिजाजी कब होती है :-

  • जब बच्चे नीन्द न होने से या भूख से थक जाते हैं ।
  • अचानक नापसन्द बदलाव और वातावरण जैसे तलाक या मानसिक अनिश्चितता ।
  • बच्चे मौखिक अभिव्यक्ति नहीं कर सकते इसलिए अपनी संवेदनाएँ - बदमिजाजी से दर्शाते हैं ।
  • कई बार इस बदमिजाजी से घर के बड़ों का ध्यान आकर्षित न होता है ।
  • बच्चे जैसे-जैसे बड़े होते हैं वे कुछ आजाद रहना और अपना निर्णय खुद लेना चाहते हैं ।
  • कठिन कामों, जैसे स्कूल में अच्छे अंक न प्राप्त करने अथवा प्रतियोगिता में विफल होने पर, बच्चे निराश होकर बदमिजाजी करने लगते हैं ।
  • कभी उनकी मनचाही चीज जैसे - चॉकलेट, मिठाई न मिलने पर भी बच्चे बदमिजाजी करने लगते हैं ।

इससे कैसे निपटें :-

सबसे महत्वपूर्ण है, बच्चे को उसकी बदमिजाजी की सजा कभी न देवें । सजा के भय से बच्चा अपनी संवेदना प्रकट ही नहीं कर सकता और इसके दुष्पिरणाम हो सकते हैं ।

यदि आपका बच्चा बदमिजाजी कर रहा है तो आप इस पर ध्यान न दें क्योंकि वह आप द्वारा मना करने से विचलित है । आपके द्वारा ध्यान न देने पर बच्चा समझता है कि बदमिजाजी से कोई हल नहीं निकलेगा । कई बच्चे कुछ और करने लगते हैं, इसके परिणाम अच्छे होते हैं ।

आप निराश होने पर भी अपना नियंत्रण न खोयें । क्योंकि आप बच्चों के सताने का उदाहरण प्रस्तुत कर रहे हैं । कभी सजा न देवें और न ही आपा खोकर चीखें । याद रखें, यदि आप अपना नियंत्रण खोते हैं तो दूसरी ओर आपका बच्चा उसे झेल रहा है । और वह बदमिजाजी में भी इसी व्यवहार को सीख रहा है ।

बच्चे की बदमिजाजी रोकने के लिये कभी भी उसे फुसलायें नहीं । इससे उसमें बदमिजाजी बढेगी और वह समझेगा ऐसा करने से उसे कुछ न कुछ तो मिलेगा ।

बदमिजाजी से छुटकारा :

  • बच्चों को तनावपूर्ण स्थिति से दूर रखें और जहाँ ऐसी स्थिति उत्पन्न हो सकती है उससे भी दूर रखें ।
  • यदि आप बदमिजाजी की शुरुआत होती देखें तो बच्चे का ध्यान उसकी पसंद की ओर आकर्षित करें ।
  • बच्चों को बारबार नीन्द आने का ध्यान रखें और देखें कि बच्चों को कई अन्य स्वास्थ्य समस्या तो नहीं हैं ।
  • जब कभी बच्चे भूखे हों तो उन्हें तुरन्त पौष्टिक आहार मिलना चाहिये ।
  • बच्चों को उसकी साधारण पसंद का अवसर देवें । जैसे - नाश्ते में उसे सैण्डविच में अण्डा या सब्जी पसंद है या पहनने के लिये दो जोडी कपडे चाहिये जो कि आपको भी मान्य हो । इस प्रकार बच्चे भी स्वतंत्र महसूस करते हैं ।
  • अधिकांश बच्चों की बदमिजाजी 3-4 साल की उम्र तक कम हो जाती है । यदि आपको लगे कि बच्चे भी बदमिजाजी उसके कोई अन्य भावुकता का परिणाम है तो तुरंत किसी डॉक्टर से सलाह लें ।
  • बच्चे की बदमिजाजी का हल ढूंढने में याद रखें आप उसके गुस्से का हल निकालकर रहे हैं ना कि उसकी गलतियाँ निकाल रहे हैं ।

कुछ महत्वपूर्ण युक्तियाँ ये है -

  • न सजा दें, न ईनाम दें ।
  • शान्त रहें, जहां तक हो सके अवहेलना करें । प्रतिक्रिया करने से बच्चा समझेगा बदमिजाजी अच्छा हथियार है ।
  • बच्चे को सुरक्षित और हो सके तो अकेला रखें ।
  • बच्चों को आपके व्यवहार की निन्दा न करने दें । यह तो केवल आपका बच्चा ही इसका पात्र है ।

घर पर :-

  • जब बच्चा घर पर बदमिजाजी करे तो उसे शान्ति से उसके रूम में अथवा उसके बिस्तर पर अकेले छोड़ देवें ।
  • और फिर रूम बन्द कर उसे अकेले तब तक छोड़ देवें जब तक वह चीखना बन्द न कर दे ।
  • यदि बच्चे को अकेले छोड़ना असुरक्षित लगे, बच्चे की बदमिजाजी की पूरी अवहेलना कर देवें, उससे आँख तक न मिलाएँ ।
  • बच्चा शान्त होने पर उससे बात करें और उसके व्यवहार के बारे में उसे समझायें ।

सार्वजनिक जगहों पर :-

  • यदि बच्चा सार्वजनिक स्थल पर बदमिजाजी करे तो उसे किसी एकान्त जगह ले जायें ।
  • सबसे अच्छी जगह आपकी कार है । बच्चे को वहां ले जायें और बैठा दें । आप कार के बाहर खड़े रहें या कार ही में बैठ जायें, किन्तु बदमिजाजी के प्रति प्रतिक्रिया न करें । बदमिजाजी शान्त होने पर बच्चे से बात करें समझायें और अपनी सामान्य क्रिया में लौट आयें ।
  • यदि आप सार्वजनिक स्थल से हट नहीं सकते तो किसी भी तरीके से स्थिति को सम्भालें और बच्चे की बदमिजाजी की अवहेलना करें ।
  • लोगों की बातों निगाहों की ओर ध्यान न देवें ।
  • आप शान्त रहें ।
  • एक बार जगह से हटने पर बच्चे को उसके व्यवहार के बारे में समझायें ।

बच्चे को समझाना :-

  • बच्चा शान्त होने पर तुरंत उसे समझायें ।
  • बच्चे को पूरी घटना समझायें और बतायें की आपको गुस्सा क्यों आया, आपने पुकारा किया आदि । इस तरीके से बच्चा सारा घटनाक्रम समझेगा ।
  • बदमिजाजी की घटनाओं से बचने का प्रयास करें ।
  • बदमिजाजी सामान्य व्यवहार नहीं है, ऐसा बच्चे को समझायें । बच्चे को साफ समझायें कि अच्छे बच्चे ऐसी हरकत नहीं करते इसका बच्चे पर प्रभाव पड़ेगा और वह बदमिजाजी नहीं करेगा ।
  • बच्चे को बतायें कि बदमिजाजी के बदले वह अपनी भावना आपको कैसे प्रकट कर सकता है । ऐसा अपनी भावना प्रकट करने का सही तरीका समझाएँ ।
  • बच्चे को विश्वास दिलायें की उसे जब भी गुस्सा आये या निराश हो या कोई समस्या हो तो वह सीधे आपसे कह सकता है । आखिर आप उसकी मदद के लिये ही तो है ना ।
  • ऐसा करने से बच्चे जल्दी समझ जाते हैं । याद रखें बच्चे बड़ों से जल्दी समझते हैं ।
  • इस प्रकार का व्यवहार आपको बार-बार करना पड़ेगा । बच्चे की बदमिजाजी सुधारने में समय लगता है ।

कुछ महत्वपूर्ण वेबसाईट :-

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Monday, January 19, 2009

HELP TALKS - Mr. Suterwala on "Learn different ways of avoiding Stress by Time management"

This video is a talk conducted by Mr. Shabbar Suterwala at HELP on 13th January' 09: topic - "Learn different ways of avoiding Stress by Time management"

Profile of Mr. Shabbar Suterwala
Mission “To Help Others to See the Best in themselves”.

A Post-Graduate in Psychological Counseling, a NLP Practitioner, a Computer Consultant by Profession, and a Personal Growth Trainer by Choice. Mr. Suterwala completed his graduation from the University of Mumbai and then took up the field of Computer Training and Software Development. Over a period of years, he changed his interest from the field of Software Training to Soft-Skills Training and specialized in the field of Self-Development Training and Counseling. Today he has established himself as a Corporate Soft-Skills Trainer and is into full-time Soft-Skills Development - Training & Learning Solutions for various Corporate Organizations, Colleges and Private Institutions for the past 12 years now in India and Overseas.

He has designed and conducted various successful Customized In-House Workshops and Training Programs for Companies such Asian Paints, L&T Ltd, DHL Express India Pvt. Ltd., Emerson Network Power, J.P.Morgan, Mahindra & Mahindra, Hindustan Construction Company, TCS, Syntel., Pentagon Technologies, Pfizer Ltd., World Trade Center-Mumbai and many more.

His expertise's are in the area of Man Management Skills and Motivation. His Behavioral & Attitudinal Programs are tailor-made to the customers needs to bring out the desired outcome from the participants. His strengths lie in his personal involvement with the participants so as bring out the best in them. The popular programs on Leadership Skills, Team Work, Communications Skills, Presentation Skills, Time Management and Personal Effectiveness have been called for repeat programs in the organization for the benefit of all their staff.

The unique style of Mr.Suterwala to conduct the program in a non-conventional way, is what makes his program popular and learning becomes a joyful experience for the participants. He uses experiences and metaphors, live examples and case studies along with a highly interactive session with multimedia presentation.

He is the most wanted Speaker at various Company’s Annual & Marketing Meets and Gatherings for “Josh” - Special Motivational Session which is full of enthusiasm, that helps Organizations to “Recharge the Batteries” of their people.

He has also been invited as Guest Faculty by various Management Institutions and Mr. Suterwala has extended his knowledge to the General Public as well through several Open Public Programs and thousands of participants have benefited from his extremely result oriented Workshops.

He has special interest in Personal Counseling for Students and Parents and believes that his counseling sessions support individuals to resolve their conflicts and difficulties. Also helps these individuals to realize their strengths and weaknesses so that they utilize their potential in the right direction.

Mr. Shabbar likes to be with people and deal with people and he lays great importance on motivating people to use their full potential and help them to perform better in all aspects of life.

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HELP TALKS - Dr. R. C. Shah o "Divine Healing"

This video is a workshop conducted by Dr. R. C. Shah at HELP on 15th January' 09: topic - "Divine Healing"

Dr. R. C. Shah has done B. A., D.L.W., L.L.B.,D.T.M. (LON), D.J. (LON), D.S.E.(LON), M.C.I.A.H.M. (LON), Ph.D.
He has wrote several books in English and in Gujarati. Some of them are Divine Healing, Human body, Acupressure, Magnet therapy, Gems therapy, Yoga for mind control, Improve your Eye-sight, How to get wealth from Share market, etc.

Divine healing includes Bases, Human Body, Healer, Prana- the vital energy, Elements, Healing by touch of hands, Distance healing and absent healing, other methods, Self Healing, Thought power, Love, etc.
Divine Healing in India is neither a mystery nor a miracle. Healing is the greatest gift that can be desired by a human being from nature. The diseases cured by Divine healers include Arthritis, Sciatica, Muscular pain, Slip disc, Spin troubles, Parkinson's disease, Swelling, Appendicitis, Uterus troubles, Ulcers, Piles, Kidney troubles, Stones, Blood pressure, Asthma, Stroke, Paralysis, Mental disorders, Anxiety, etc.

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HELP TALKS - Dr. Rohit Bartake on "Lifestyle Management"

This video is a talk conducted by Dr. Rohit Bartake at HELP on 14th January '09 : topic - "Lifestyle management"

This talk includes health tips for healthy living, dinacharya, rutucharya and its importance in day to day life, Sadvrutta and its importance. Similarity between nature and human being and its correlation with our day to day habits like wrong food combination, yoga pranayama and its scientific importance, food habits, also what rules to be followed while having meals daily, sleep, dreams and many more aspects which covers physical and psychological aspects of life.

Dr. Rohit Bartake is an Ayurvedic consultant and Panchakarma Physician.
He Presently consults at Pedder Road, Mulund (W), Ghatkopar (E)
His Email ID is

He has also given some lectures on:
  • Introduction to Ayurveda (Rotary Club, Mumbai)
  • Old Age and Ayurveda (Senior citizen association, Ghatkopar)
  • Introduction to Ancient Indian Medical System (IACMAC International conference, J. W. Marriot Goa)
  • Diet in Diabetes (Nehru Science Center, Worli)
  • Importance of Yoga in Hypertension (Holy Family Hospital, Bandra)

How To Maintain Your Body In Health And Sickness - Book Review

In this book, the author has made a serious attempt to help us get over ignorance and indifference and show us the functioning of our body in a healthy state, under stress or pain, and when attached by disease. Ordinarily we tend to take its working for granted and thus let ourselves be victims of minor ailments and sometimes of major diseases. As per the author, this book will go a long way in motivating us to seek physical health and mental well-being.

Author : Dr. P.S. Shankar
Publisher : Jaico Books
Year of Publication : 1995
No. of pages :326

HELP TALKS - Dr. Saurabh Dani on "A drop of Blood can save your child"

This video is a talk conducted by Dr. Saurabh Dani at HELP on 10th January '09 : topic - "A drop of Blood can save your child"

Dr. Saurabh Dani is a Practicing surgeon and consultant of Obstetrics; Gynecology, having special interest in High Risk Pregnancy; Emergency Obstetrics. Having done his Post Graduate from Nawrosjee Wadia Maternity Hospital, Mumbai – has allowed him to work with the best professionals in the field of Obstetrics; Gynecology.

He has attained is under graduation from the prestigious Shivaji University, Maharashtra.

From the very early age he always admired the role of preventive medicine. He made it a point to always practice and stress on the importance of preventive medicine in his field. This love of preventive medicine inspired him in starting a company called Health ‘N’ Wellness which is dedicated towards Preventive Health – of which he is a co-founder.

His journey as a speaker started from very early days of his education. He loves to teach and has given numerous lectures in his subject in his post-graduate years to medical students.

He is a strong believer of “Evidence Based Medicine” and also strongly believes that we are the commander of our health.

In recent years he has been associated with numerous organizations and has helped them improve their “Health Quotient”.

To name a few:-

E-Funds, IBM, Capgemini, LionBridge, Reliance Industries, E-Serve, Skyline Aviation, Rotary Club (Dist 3140)

He has been recalled multiple times on different occasions to speak to the employees on various topics of his expertise, which are:-

Lifestyle Diseases

Lifestyle and Pregnancy

Essential Ergonomics

“A Planned Family is a Healthy Family” – Role of Contraception

He presently consults at Ankur Hospital, Kandivli; Mediheights, Charkop

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HELP TALKS - Dr. Deepak Patel on "Yoga for Spine Disorder management"

This video is a workshop conducted by Dr. Deepak Patel at HELP on 9th January' 09 : topic - "Yoga for Spine Disorder management"

Dr. Deepak Patel is a Naturopath. He has conducted several sessions at HELP.
He is also associated with Bandra Hindu Sabha.

Growing Younger - Breakthrough Age-Defying Secrets (Book Review)

This book show you how to make yourself over, inside and out, so that you’ll not only feel great, but you’ll look great too. It is a breakthrough age-defying secret packed with advice, illustrations, action steps, and tips and also with new advances in every area that affects our lives, from nutrition and exercise to fashion and cosmetic surgery, this book can help one stay youthful for all of one’s life.

Author : Julia Van Tine, Bridget Doherty
Publisher : Rodale Inc.
Year of Publication :1999
No. of Pages : 201

Saturday, January 17, 2009

What To Do When Your Baby Is Premature - Book Review

This is a wonderful handbook for parents experiencing a high-risk pregnancy or parents of a premature infant. It contains most up-to-date information on the most common medical conditions that can cause prematurity, including pregnancy-induced hypertension, placental disorders, gestational diabetes, HELLP Syndrome, Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome, and more. Topic also include steps to take to prevent early delivery, understanding the neonatal intensive care unit, specific recommendations for different stages of prematurity, taking preemie babies home.

Author : Joseph A. Garcia-Prats, Sharon Simmons Hornfischer

Publisher : Three Rivers Press

Year of Publication : 2000

No. of pages : 361

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Indian Head Massage - Book Review

This book looks at the history of Champissage, introduces you to the power and importance of touch, and takes you step by step through the basic methods of head massage, including self massage. Each technique is fully illustrated, with easy to follow instructions for massaging the upper back, shoulders, neck, head and face.

Author : Narendra Mehta

Publisher : Thorsons

Year Of Year : 2000

No. Of Pages : 150

HELP TALKS - Mr. Shirish Awadhani on "A Patient's story- How I managed my Diabetes and kept Secondary complications away"

This video is a Talk conducted by Mr. Shirish Awadhani at HELP on 8th January' 09 : topic - "A Patient's story- How I managed my Diabetes and kept Secondary complications away"

Mr. Shirish Awadhani is a retired Professor from Pune in the field of Biology. He is suffering from Diabetes since many years. This talks gives an idea about how he has managed his Diabetes and its Secondary complications.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Radical Healing - Book Review

This book is not about radical healing but sensible healing. It is vitally important guide for working with your emotions and your body is radical in its simplicity, clarity, and effectiveness. As per the author, it is a source of wisdom and empowerment for every individual. The information in this book is priceless. This book empowers one to become a partner in your own healing.

Author : Rudolph Ballentine
Publisher : Harmony Books
Year of Publication : 1999
No. of Pages : 612

HELP TALKS - Dr. Ravindra Kapadia on "Energy remedy using Acupressure"

This video is a workshop conducted by Dr. Ravindra Kapadia at HELP on 7th January' 09 : topic - "Energy remedy using Acupressure"
He conducts a Series of workshop at HELP Library on Acupressure. He is attached to Bhatia Institute of Health Care.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Healing Foods - Book Review

This reference book allows anyone interested in their health and well-being to make informed decisions on what foods to include in their diet. Healing Foods looks at the health-enhancing and healing properties of a wide range of foods, Helping to explain why these should be included in our daily diet. Individual enteries contain a description of the food in question, its essential properties and health benefits, advice on how much should be eaten and cooking methods where appropriate.

Author : Katherine Wright

Publisher : Geddes & Grosset

Year Of Publication : 2006

No. Of Pages : 224

HELP TALKS - Dr. Rajiv Anand on "Learn different Fear & Anxiety management techniques"

This video is a talk conducted by Dr. Rajiv Anand at HELP on 6th January' 09: topic - "Learn different Fear & Anxiety management techniques"

Dr Rajiv Anand is a practicing Psychiatrist, Counselor & Sex Consultant in Mumbai for the last 28 years.

He is the Medical Director of Amazing Insights & Personal Touch Counseling Center, which he runs with a team of counselors offering individual counselling as well as group workshops on topics as follows:

{ Personal Counselling

{ Child/ Parental Counselling

{ Inter - Personal Skills

{ Happy Family

{ Maximize Wellness, Minimize Medicines – program on healthy living

{ Stress Management Program / Post-Traumatic Stress management

{ Anger Management

{ Managing Addictions

{ Sex Education Program

{ Shy to Dynamic Personality - Personality Development program

{ Grow 10 years Younger workshop – program to add years to your life

{ Study Skills

{ Obsessive Compulsive Behaviour

{ Pre-Marital Education / Marriage Counselling / Marriage Enrichment Program

  • He has conducted over 2000 workshops in the last 8 years alone. Out of these, more than 50 workshops have been for various AgaKhan Social Welfare Board, in Pune, Nashik, Vapi, Thane, Goa and all over Mumbai covering Vasai to South Mumbai.
  • He is regularly conducting workshops in association with the Nalanda Foundation, a group associated with The Times of India. In addition, he is also an affiliated consultant with the NIE foundation of The Times of India group, which conducts programs for various schools across Mumbai and surrounding areas.
  • His clients range over all ages starting from 2 years to 90 years all over the world. Many of his overseas clients avail of his E-mail therapy program and have successfully been guided to lead happier lives.
  • He has been running Sex & Marriage Counselling Clinic for over two decades through which thousands of couples have rediscovered new meaning and happiness in their relationships.
  • He has authored a book named “What every young adult must know about sex” on Sex Education for Adolescents. It was released in 1994 by the Minister of Higher Education, Govt. of Maharastra.
  • He passed his MBBS in 1976 and completed his MD in 1980 from King George’s Medical College, Lucknow.
  • Dr. Rajiv Anand has been the President of IMA, Mumbai West Branch in 1995 and 2004—5. Earlier he was the Secretary in 1987 & 1993. He also has been the Chairman –Cultural Committee of that branch for this year .This branch is known for being the largest in the country and has won many awards for multifarious activities. He has been honoured with the award for the best President during his term among all the branches of the country.
  • Dr. Anand has been invited to offer his expertise on TV by various channels. He has been appreciated for his forthright and balanced approach to life with traditional wisdom combined with modern science. He has appeared frequently on Zee TV in Good Health show as well as on Care TV.
  • He has been the Editor of Medical Image –Monthly bulletin of IMA for three years.
  • Dr. Anand practices at his own clinic in Andheri West, besides serving clientele two other locations in Juhu and Lokhandwala.

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Saturday, January 10, 2009

Hope For Heart Care - Book Review

This book gives you basic ideas about coronary heart diseases – the causes and consequences and guides one step-by-step to reduce and eliminate the risk of heart attacks (and stroke) through simple lifestyle enrichment. The author provides an insight into how one can truly take care of the heart and health in a holistic way. And the goal is not just to live longer, but also to live better, not just to avoid dying but also to enjoy living.

Author : Dr. Nirmal K. Bhattacharjee

Publisher : Hope Foundation

Year of Publication : 2004

No. of pages : 248

What is Halitosis or Bad Breath?
• Halitosis is an offensive odour from an individual’s mouth as he/she speaks or yawns. It may occur temporarily or may be a chronic problem.
• Bad breath is often viewed as a sign of poor hygiene and can be a very embarrassing situation, if it is obviously being noticed by people standing close to the person.
• It usually indicates some ongoing infective activity in varying extents, as nobody gets bad breath without a reason. Infact it can be treated quite easily, and not only does it give a fresh, clean feel to the individual, it also protects from recurrent throat and oro-dental infections.
What causes Halitosis?
As mentioned above, bad breath usually occurs as a reaction to a source of infection. It happens whenever there is any residual food in the oral cavity sticking to the teeth or gums, or in cases of dryness of the mouth where the protective action of the saliva in clearing the germs from the mouth is reduced. This is why, people normally have bad breath in the morning, as overnight the saliva production is reduced, and people often also sleep with an open mouth, increasing dryness, and thus waking up with bad breath. Other important reasons for bad breath throughout the day include:Poor dental health: Having plaque over the teeth, dental caries, or infection at the base of the tooth, especially involving the gums, with swelling and pus collection in the gums is the most common cause of bad breath.Respiratory tract infections: Sore throat, bacterial rhinitis and sinusitis, with yellowish-green nasal discharge, and swollen lymph nodes (swollen glands) in the neck, are other important causes of bad breath.Cigarette smoking: This is a common self-induced cause of bad breath, and the offensive smell of cigarette is not even masked well with mints, etc resulting in a typical unpleasant odour, that can’t be missed.
General body illnesses: Some organ diseases are also known to cause typical mouth odours, which can be important indicators to the disease, such as liver disease, chronic kidney failure, diabetes, or chronic lung disease.
How can Bad Breath be prevented or treated?
Bad breath can be treated and prevented by ensuring good oral hygiene as well as treating any other sources of infection that may be present.
• In addition to daily morning brushing the following tips can be helpful:
• Brushing twice a day and rinsing the mouth after every mea
l• Flossing should be made a daily habit• Those having a tendency towards dry mouth should make it a habit to munch on fresh vegetables like salads, and can intermittently chew on sugar free gums or mints.
• Using a good quality mouthwash at regular intervals can also help.
• A regular dental check-up at least twice a year, even in the absence of any symptoms is recommended, to get them cleaned and detect any caries or cavities early.
• However, if these basic remedies do not resolve bad breath it is important to get a general health check-up done to rule out any likely serious bodily disorders. The new, modern point of view on teeth and its protection:
• Teeth, saliva and chewing are absolutely critical in pulping up the food we eat. Infact digestion starts in the mouth itself and if the food is not chewed thoroughly before swallowing, it takes longer to digest it, and often the tougher foods like corn, peas, chick peas (chana), kidney beans (rajma), legumes, which are rich in bodily proteins are passed unutilized in our stools.
• As you grow older, your food intake will reduce. Add to it bad teeth/ rotting teeth removed from your jaws, leaving you with few teeth to chew you food with. You will naturally tend to swallow food instead of chewing it in later years, and thus food absorption is severely decreased, weakening you body and the immune system from fighting diseases.
• It is thus crucial to understand that unlike what our parents and grandparent did, we should not leave tooth and gum problems unattended, or attend to it with ineffective home remedies. It is increasingly being realized how crucial good teeth are in maintaining general health. Contrary to olden day practices of removing spoiling teeth, dentists now suggest that teeth need to be preserved at all costs even after they start to decay. The latest technology includes means to clean and cap tooth cavities, perform root canal surgeries to correct decay and prevent it from spreading to other teeth.