Monday, September 29, 2008
Greeting visitors at HELP
Friday, September 26, 2008
HELP TALKS- Dr. Keshav Chander on "Have high BP- learn how yoga can help you"
Thursday, September 25, 2008
HELP TALK- by Mr. Sailesh Mishra on "World Alzeimer's Day- Celebrating the golden memories"
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
HELP TALK- by Dr. Gayatri Devi on "Ayurveda- A women's best friend for solving menstrual cycle problems"
HELP TALK- by Ms. Deepti Bansal on 'Feel good diet- learn what to eat to loose weight and uplift your mood'
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
HELP TALK- by Mr. Minoo Jokhi on 'Mathematics- Childs play-learn the tricks!'
Heart Attack

Signs of a heart attack
1. Chest pain or pressure.This is the most common symptom.But some people especially women, older adults & people with diabetes, may not have chest pain during a heart attack
2. Sweating
3. Shortness of brreath
4. Nausea or vomiting
5. Pain or discomfort in the upper back, upper belly, neck, jaw or arms.
6. Feeling dizzy or lightheaded,
7. Fast or uneven heartbeat
The symptoms of a heart attack usually last longer than 5 minutes & do not go away with rest.
When to call a doctor
Call the helpline if you think you may be having a heart attack.Do not wait to see if you will feel better If an ambulance is not an option, have someone drive you to the hospital.Do not drive yourself.
Call a doctor if you have mild chest pain that does not stop or keeps coming back, and there is no obvious cause.
A heart attack occurs when one or more of the coronary arteries are blocked and blood cannot flow through.The coronary arteries carry blood to the heart.They can be blocked when plaque inside the artery breaks open and a blood clot forms.
Many people mistake a heart attack for anopther problem. Such as heartburn or a pulled muscle.It is important to recognize the signals your body sends during the early stages of a heart attack and get help. Quick treatment may reduce the damage caused by a heart attack & may save your life.
Sleep Problems


When to call a dentist
1. You have signs of a tooth or gum infection such as :
a. Increased pain, swelling, warmth or redness
b. Red streaks on the skin over the area
c. Pus or blood that drains into the mouth
d. Swollen lymph nodes in the neck
2. You have a severe toothache that does not improve after 2 hours of home treatment
3. You have facial pain or swelling
4. You have a painful bump near the sore tooth
5.A toothache keeps you from sleepingor doing your usual activities
6. You have had a toothache off and on for 2 weeks or longer
Home Treatment
1. Put ice or a cold pack on the outside of your cheek for 10 to 15 minutesat a time. Put a thin cloth between the ice and your skin.Do not use heat.
2.Avoid very hot, cold, or sweet foods and drinks if they make the pain worse
3. Talk to your dentist about special toothpaste for sensitive teeth.Brush with this toothpaste regularly, or rub a small amount of it on the sensitive area with a clean finger 2 or 3 times a day. Floss gently.
4.Do not smoke or chew tobacco.It can make gum problemsworse and makes you less able to fight infection in your gums
Monday, September 22, 2008
HELP TALK - by Mr.Nitin Jain on "Meditation on Manipura Chakra (Naval)
HELP TALK - by Dr.Nandita Shah on "Real Health, Not Medicines"
HELP TALK - by Mr.Amit Sharma on "Dieting & Exercise"
HELP TALK - by Mr.Lalit Parimoo on "Abhinaya Yoga"
HELP TALK - by Dr.Ravindra Kapadia on Energy Remedy using Acupressure
HELP TALK - Ms.Neeta Bhujbal on "Healing Hands using "Teramai" Reiki"
Friday, September 19, 2008
Ways for preventing headaches

Ways for preventing headaches
1. Reduce emotional stress.Take time to relax before and after you do something that has caused a headache in the past. Try relaxation techniques such as meditation or progressive muscle relaxation.
2. Reduce physical stress.When you sit at a desk, change positions often, and stretch for 30 secdonds each hour. Try to relax your jaw, neck, shoulder, and upper back muscles.
3. Check your neck and shoulder posture at work.
4. Exercise everyday.It can help reduce stress and muscle tension.
5. Get regular massages.Some people find this very helpful in relieving tension.
6. Limit caffreine to 1 or 2 drinks a day. People who drink a lot of caffeine often get a headache several hours after they have their last caffeine drink. Or they may wake with a headache that does not go away until they drink caffeine-withdrawal headaches.
Tracking your headaches
If you have headaches often, keep a record of your symptoms.This record will help your doctor if you need to be checked or treated.It may also help you take control of your headaches.especially if they are migraines.
Write down :
1. The date and time each headache starts and stops.
2. Anything that could have triggered the headache.This might be food, smoke, bright light, stress or activity.
3. Where the pain is.Is it in one spot or all over your head ?
4. What kind of pain you have.Is it throbbing,aching, stabbing or dull ?
5. How bad the pain is.Rate it from 1 to 10 ( 10 is the worst )
6. Any other symptoms you have, such as nausea, vomiting vision changes or sensitivity to light or noise.
7. ( For women only ) Any link between your headaches and your menstrual cycle, birth control pills or hormone therapy
How weekly schedule is sent to readers via Email
Book processing at HELP
How to introduce speakers at HELP
How to talk to your Doctor about symptoms.
I questioned him about his symptoms. He had said that the pain, which radiated from his lower neck to his left shoulder and arm, came and went and wasn’t linked to any sort of neck movement. Even more telling, his symptoms occurred only during the daytime, when he was most active. Since he did not think it was relevant, he hadn’t told the orthopedist. I sent him for treadmill stress test. Sure enough, the test triggered the pain showed that his symptoms were caused by coronary heart disease. He had his operation, all right-but it was angioplasty, not neck surgery.
HELP your Doctor
Most of the time, a complete medical history can lead to an accurate diagnosis-even without a physical exam. But a lot rides on your ability to communicate your complaints to your doctor thoroughly and clearly. Here’s how.
• Make a list and check it twice:
Bringing a list of concerns to each office visit can be especially helpful when it comes to describing symptoms. So start preparing your list a few days in advance, if you can. Don’t make the list too long; you don’t want to put off your doctor with a three-page laundry list. But do be thorough. Omitting potentially important details or even jumbling the order in which your symptoms developed can lead to the wrong diagnosis – which, in turn, could lead to unnecessary testing or inappropriate treatment.
• Speak up:
Since doctors tend to narrow their diagnostic choices very early into the office visit, you need to make your concerns known at the outset, before your doctor jumps conclusions.
• Get Specific:
When describing symptoms, use the most descriptive terms you can. Think of analogies. For instance, don’t just speak of “pain.” Is it dull and aching, as from a toothache; burning, as from heartburn; stinging as from an insect bite; piercing or sharp, as from a knife cut; or pressing, as if someone was sitting on your chest? Does it spread it into nearby area? How often does it occur? How long does it last? Is it affected by position, exercise, sexual activity, emotional upset? What makes it better or worse?
• Don’t minimize your symptoms:
Remarks like “it’s probably just gas” might lead your doctor to the same conclusion. Moreover, minimizing symptom is often a cover-up for the fear that something is seriously wrong. If you worry that your “gas” might signal abdominal cancer, say so. A few reassuring words or an appropriate test could put your mind at ease.
• Seek reassurance:
The week after comedian Gilda Radner died of ovarian cancer, I saw several women with lower abdominal complaints who wanted their ovaries checked. That’s not unusual; symptoms often stem from fear of a disease that case, a celebrity. But even if you suspect that’s the cause of your symptoms, you should still take it over with your doctor, if only for reassurance.
• Tell all to someone:
Sometimes one minor symptom triggers a cascade of others that can obscure the initial problem. I recall one women whose lightheadedness, sweating and diarrhea led myriad tests and ultimately to a psychiatrist. Careful questioning finally revealed that the entire alarming sequence was kicked off by a “skipped” heartbeat or two. Once that irregular beat was determined to be harmless, the women’s symptoms, caused by anxiety, promptly disappeared. Occasionally, several symptoms from a syndrome-a constellation of symptoms that point to single underlying problem –and the forest may be missed for the trees. I remember one woman who had a high blood pressure treated by a cardiologist, her backache by an orthopedist, diabetes by an internist, and thin skin by a dermatologist. It turned out that every problem stemmed from an uncommon disorder called Cushing’s syndrome, caused by a benign adrenal-gland tumor. That potentially fatal disease had gone undiagnosed-and untreated-for nearly five years because she had not discussed all of her symptoms thoroughly with one doctor.
• HELP yourself:
For many people, notion of modern medical diagnosis probably conjures up images of assorted high-tech tools, including sophisticated tests, computer analysis, and scanning equipment. To be sure, all those things can play an important role. But today as always, nothing is more important than the patient’s own report of symptoms-and the doctor’s analysis. When you make the most of your half of the equation, your doctor stands the best chance of solving your problems.
Source: Consumer Reports – The Best of Health.
Author: Marvin M. Lipman, M.D. and the Editors of Consumer
Reports on Health
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
10 Simple ways to reduce blood pressure
The lower you get your blood pressure, assuming you dont have dizziness, the better off you are.Dont smirk just because your blood pressure is 138/88mm Hg.You would be better off with a blood pressure of135/85 mm Hg or even better,130/80 mm Hg
Making sure you have high blood pressure : Step one for reducing your blood pressure is to be certain that your blood pressure is persistently elevated. Blood pressure measurements can vary so that a single high reading is not acceptable for a diagnosis of high blood pressure.It should be confirmed with additional readings several weeks apart.
Make sure your doctor is measuring your BP properly.Numerous aspects of a BP measurement can affect the accuracy of the reading as well.
Determining if you have secondary high blood pressure : A patient is more likely to have secondary high BP if her high BP develops suddenly in childhood or past the age of 50 or if she is resistant to treatment with drugs.Changes in the shape and pigmentation of the body suggest that high BP is associated with another disease.Also high BP tends to run in families.Thus the doctor should have a specific diagnosis in mind and then do the tests for the diagnosis.
Giving up tobacco and excess alcohol : Both tobacco and alcohol raise blood pressure.Tobacco in any form whether smoked, chewed or snuffed does this. Drinking excessive amount of alcohol, i.e more than 2 glasses of wine for a man or a glass of wine for a woman every night, raises BP.
Reducing salt in your diet : So you do have high BP overall, and you want to bring it under control because you are aware of the damage that itr can do to your body.The easiest change you can make is to take as much salt out of your diet as possible.
Starting an exercise program :If you dont want to lose weight or curb your salt intake you can still lower your BP with exercise. But have to choosean exerciseprogram that you can stick to.Make up a program that starts slow for short distances and builds up until you're doing 45 minutes of exercise three or four times a week. This sounds like a walking or jogging program and that's works best for most people. A walking or jogging program is certainly an attainable goal, but you still have to make yourself do it.
Adopting the DASH Diet : You can lower your BP by the same amount as one of the good drugs of high BP can. DASH Diet requires you to eat a mix of grains, fruits and vegetables and low fat or non fat dairy products, while you reduce the intake of high fat dairy products.The diet also encourages a weekly ration of nuts & seeds.When the program is followed properly, the results are remarkable.People with the highest BP seem to benefit the most. One of the best features of the DASH Diet is that the recommended foods are the ones you eat each day. Combining DASH with a reduction in salt can double the lowering effects on your high BP.If you follow the DASH Diet salt reduction takes place automatically.Thus DASH contains foods that you usually prepare
Monday, September 15, 2008
बहुत तेज बुखार
जब बुखार बहूत तेज (४० डीग्री से ऊपर हो तो उसे तुंरत कम किया जाना चाहिए)
ठंडा पानी उसके ऊपर ढालें याः कपड़े को ठंडे पानी मै भिगोकर व्यक्ति के माथे, बाँहों, टांगों पर रखे. इन कपडों को ठंडा रखने के लिए पंखे से हवा कारेन और कपड़े बदलते रहें. जबतक बुखार ३८ डीग्री से नीचे न आए, तब तक यह कार्य करते रहें . इस कार्य के लीयेह बरफ का ठंडा पानी कभी इस्तःमाल ना क़रेह, कयोंकी इस से कम्कापी छुते सकती है और बुखार घटने की बजयेह और जादा बढ़ सकता है!
बुखार मै व्यक्ती की शक्ती कम हो जाती है. इस्लियः शक्ती को बनाइये रखने के लीए उसहे ठंडे
पानी मै थोरा सा नमक, चेनी, यहाँ गुर मिलकर दातेह रहे !
बुखार को कम करने के लीयेह दावा दें. परासितामोल प्रभाशाल्ली है!
सोर्स: जहाँ डाक्टर न हो!
4 Ways To Ease Back Pain
As you sleep, your body shifts blood and warmth from the back muscles to the kidneys, liver, stomach and other organs that need them all night. When you wake up in the morning, the lack of blood flow and movement in your spine makes it vulnerable to strains and sprains. Face it, your back is just not ready for the day.
To reduce the risk of back strain or injury, stretch before you get out of bed. Lying on your back in a relaxed, comfortable position with your legs extended, slowly raise your arms over your head and lay them on the bed. Gently reach with both arms over your head as you comfortably can. Then, add your legs and toes toward the foot of the bed. Remember to stretch only to the point of mild tension, hold the stretch for ten seconds, and then allow your whole body to relax. Repeat this stretch a few times. For your spine, it’s like breakfast in bed.
Shoes play an important role in the comfort of your back. Flat, thin-soled shoes often increase your back discomfort. Look for shoes with good arch supports and a fair amount of soft material under the heel to absorb the shock created when you walk. If you cannot find a shoe that meets these requirements, look into silicone or rubber shoe inserts.
Woman may experience low-back pain when wearing high heeled shoes – and not without reason. As you remember, the low back should have a slight inward curve to it. High-heeled shoes greatly exaggerate this curve and can compress the facet joints of the spine. Wearing a lower heel is usually a better choice for your back. If you work in an environment that requires you to wear high-heeled shoes, wear a pair of athletic shoes to work and then change into your dress shoes at work. Men need to watch out for a similar problem if they wear boots with tall heels.
3) When you have a choice, Push, Don’t Pull.
Moving heavy objects on a cart are, of course, much less strenuous than carrying them, but even with a cart, you can still hurt your back if you’re not careful. As a rule, it is safer to push an object than pull it. When you push, you use the strength of your legs and your back to move the object; you can really get your weight behind it. When you pull, the tendency is to stand flat-footed and to yank, relying solely on your back without using the leg muscles. Also, the back is often in a poor position when pulling, increasing the risk of a sprain. Next time you have a choice, remember to stand tall, lean into the object, use your legs and arms, keep your head up and push.
4) Eat regularly to maintain your energy.
Some people eat the right kinds of food, but they don’t eat frequently enough to maintain their energy level and keep their back muscles working. The most important meal of the day is breakfast, because as you sleep, the energy stored in your liver is depleted by the brain and other organs. When you wake up, about 95 percent of this reserve is gone. Your muscles and the rest of your body are just about to run out of gas, and weakened muscles can quickly become injured muscles. So eat a good breakfast, and back energy they need for the morning.
Now that you’ve started the day with a full tank of gas, you must maintain your energy level throughout the day. The body actually works better and weight control is easier if you eat meals when you are hungry. You probably are conditioned to think that after breakfast, you should not eat until noon. However, your body may actually need the energy at 10:00am; if you wait until noon you are starving your body for two hours and increasing the risk of a fatigue-related injury. This does not necessarily mean that every time you are hungry you should sit down to a full meal. A slice of whole-wheat bread, a piece of fruit, or some low-fat yogurt may work just fine to keep your energy up and tide you over until you can have a complete meal.
Most people still believe in the three-meal diet, but a normal body should actually consume five or six small meals per day rather than two or three large ones. Research has shown that the routine of smaller, more frequent meals is much more effective in meeting the body’s energy needs and reducing the storage of body fat than the traditional three-meal diet. Just be sure that you choose healthy foods for your six small meals.
Source : Medical Book of Remedies - 50 Ways to Ease Back Pain.
Author : Billy Glisan, M.S.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
How To Talk To Your Doc
Posted On Times Wellness, Sunday, September 14, 2008
Ever find your doctor not listening to you? It might pertain to your manner of questioning him about your illness. Find out how bridge the doctor-patient communication gap
Dr Aniruddha Malpani
It’s all very well to advise patients to become empowered and to take an active interest in their treatment. However many patients complain that if they ask their doctor questions, the doctor gets irritated and often puts them in their place by asking them – “Are you the doctor?” or – “Just leave everything up to me - I am the expert.”
So what is the poor patient supposed to do?
Firstly, try to be empathetic and look at things from your doctor’s point of view. He has lots of patients to see; a limited amount of time; and will do his best to maximize his efficiency and his income by trying to see as many patients as possible.
The trick is not to get scared and stop asking questions, but to learn how to ask questions and which questions to ask. Don’t worry that your doctor will think your questions are stupid – after all, the only stupid question is the one you don’t ask! How will you ever learn without asking questions?
Here are some suggestions you might find helpful
Do your homework. Be prepared.
Try to find answers for your questions yourself by doing a google search
Ask focused questions, which relate to your specific problem
Remember that both you and your doctor have the same interests at heart – both of you want you to get better. Work as partners - you are both on the same side!
It’s a good idea to write your questions down. If you can show him that you have tried to answer them for yourself, he will be much happier to answer the ones that have stumped you!
It’s important to not waste your doctor’s time by asking irrelevant questions. These will often end up irritating your doctor, and you will lose his good will. Do understand that sometimes doctors don’t have answers to all the questions. Medicine is an inexact science, and there are still major areas of ignorance. A good doctor will share these with you! ‘I don’t know’ can be a very good answer sometimes!
Remember that the quality of the answer depends upon the quality of the question. Take time and effort to frame your questions well.
Try to be assertive – but not aggressive. It’s not hard to do this, if you are respectful and ask your doctor for permission to ask questions! In case you have lots of questions, request him to suggest a book or website where you can get enough background information about your problem.
Ask if you can email your questions. This way, your doctor can answer your questions at his leisure and you can utilize your personal interaction time more constructively.
It is also important to learn not to ask poor quality questions. Thus, if there are queries about clinic timings, it is best to ask the clinic staff, rather than the doctor. Also, please don’t ask questions on behalf of your aunt or friend – focus on your problems, so your doctor can help you solve them!
If, inspite of your best efforts, your doctor is still upset when you ask questions, then this just means that he is not the right doctor for you – or that you are not the right patient for him. Find another doctor!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
MD Consult
The site thus allows doctors access to the most uptodate medical information , so that they can provide the latest medical information for their patients. MDConsult can meet all information needed by doctors!
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For a Doctor paying directly by himself for the subscription : Rs. 9995/-.
For a Doctor being gifted by an independent Pharmaceutical company : Rs. 9995/-.
For a Doctor who works for a Pharmaceutical company / a Corporate which will sponsor this subscription : Rs. 11,995/-.
Inorder to subscribe, please mail a Demand Draft, payable to Health education Library for People.
For a little over Rs. 25/- per day, you now have your own personal medical library, which is constantly updated, so you never need to buy another medical text book again in your life!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Cancer- What you should know before its too late..
Oral Cancer Detection Camp
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Sahita Pranayam- The yogic method to prepare the mind for inner concentration & meditation
Book At HELP - 8 Tips for Living Well With Diabetes
Fortunately, there are many drugs for the treatment of diabetes—and even more in the pipeline—so your doctor’s changing them shouldn’t be a problem.
2. Stay Away From Your “Trigger” Foods – We all have a love-hate relationship with certain foods: the ones that sing their siren song to us until we open the package—and then consume its entire contents. And then feel guilty as all get-out.
Very often, measuring out small portions of those beloved trigger foods doesn’t work. We go back again and again and again.
The only effective strategy is to stay away from those foods completely—or to find a safer substitute, like air-popped popcorn instead of potato chips.
3. Be A “Good” Patient – “Good” by our standards, not theirs. This is not the same as taking your doctor’s every word as gospel.
Bring a list of questions to every appointment. Keep a log of your blood-glucose readings and bring that, too. Show that you are very motivated about preventing serious complications; some diabetics aren’t.
Let your doctor know that you won’t pester him/her, but if you phone, it means that you’re in serious trouble and need a quick call back or appointment. Suggest this as a “treatment contract.”
Ideally—especially if you are insulin-dependent—your doctor will let you fax weekly logs and then call you if there are unusual reading or patterns, or your medication need adjusting. As a result, you probably will have fewer extreme high and low blood-glucose readings.
4. Know Your Blood Type—When you are in the hospital or emergency room, crucial time can be wasted if your blood must be typed before you receive a transfusion. If you don’t know your blood type, ask your doctor to run the proper tests at your next visit.
5. Just Don’t Call It Exercise—Many of us have a hatred of exercise that dates back to grade school, when we were the chubby, slow, ungraceful kids who were always chosen last on teams.
Nevertheless, physical activity is a crucial component of good diabetes care. There’s a simple solution. Find something you like to do. Stroll through city streets and parks. Wander through museums or malls with a friend. Go for a bike ride or play volleyball with your kids or grandkids. Go out dancing or put on some music and dance at home.
Just don’t call it exercise!
6. Learn To Live With Murphy’s Law—Diabetics have a triple-barreled right to be angry and depressed. Diabetes is a chronic disease that can last more than fifty years. It requires constant attention and complex treatment, and can have some ugly consequences.
That’s the first barrel. The second barrel is the depression that can accompany progress from one stage of life to another. Depression hits extra hard when you’re an anxious teenage, a worried parent, or a middle-aged person coming to grips with aging.
The third barrel is Murphy’s Law. If anything can possibly go wrong, it surely will.
You can eat exactly the same meal two days in a row. One day it will raise your blood glucose 20 points, one day 100 points. Even endocrinologists don’t always know why, and we diabetics get understandably frustrated that the specialists can’t explain it to us.
That said, recognize the difference between short-term sadness that has a cause you can pinpoint, and longer-term true depression. After all, as American poet Delmore Schwartz pointed out, even paranoid have real enemies.
Still if your blues last more than a week or two, call your doctor.
7. Ban Eating In Front Of The TV—Make this a family rule, and keep it: no eating anyplace except the kitchen or dining room table. Snacks in front of the tube are doubly deadly. Not only are you and your kids zoned out and sedentary, you’re also taking in calories that are almost certainly carbs and fats, (Admit it: Nobody eats celery sticks in front of the boob tube.) And unless you have a dog to police the area for you, those Cheetos in the sofa cushions are the perfect bug-bait.
8. Know Your Neighbors—Because you live alone, get to know your neighbors. Be aware of who their family and relatives are, and get an idea of their normal schedules. Preventing a burglary next door may keep you safe a well
Also tell your neighbors that you have diabetes, and tell them what to do if they don’t see you at the usual times.
Source:1,001 Tips for Living Well With Diabetes by Judith H. McQuown
Ways to reduce stress in your life
1. Exercise regularly
Stress occurs whenever there is a life change upsetting your equilibrium. The key to find balance so that your level of daily stress is stimulating but manageable. Exercise is known to reduce stress and relieve tension. Studies indicate that exercise reduces feelings of anxiety, depression and hostility associated with high levels of stress. There are physiological explanations for these positive effects of exercise.
2. Face problems with a positive attitude
Psychological studies confirm that optimists suffer fewer physical signs of stress than pessimists.Your predisposition toward optimism or pessimism will determine how many unnecessary stress reactions you experience in your lifetime. If you are an optimist, who believes you can make a difference in the world, you will not simply accept difficult circumstances.
3.Resolve ongoing conflicts
Stress is the perception of danger or a reaction to changing circumstances.Conflict creates stress because you must fight to win an ongoing battle. If you have internal conflicts that are unresolved, you must continually battle against yourself.If ongoing conflicts are a part of your relationships at home or work, you must live on the defensive.Whether the ongoing conflicts are internal or external, at home or at work, resolving them will significantly reduce daily stress.
4. Manage your time
Planning to structure your time wisely can help you deal effectively with stress as it comes your way. To keep your stress level manageable, you need a routine schedule for each day, even if you dont stick to it exactly.Having a structured schedule will keep you moving when you need to move and free you up to rest when you might otherwise push yourself to exhaustion.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Magnet Therapy by Dr. R. C. Shah
How Information Therapy helped me get better medical care
“ An excellent place to be if you really want to empower yourself and not let the doctor take you for a ride. This is the place to be. Keep it going. – wrote a reporter from a leading Mumbai newspaper.
“The concept of self health education must catch on!” – writes a well known Doctor.
These are only a couple of compliments being regularly received by us from our readers and speakers at Health Education Library for People – HELP.
At HELP we have made it our goal to provide the best health information for every patron every day. The words of our readers say it best. Their stories are really the story of our Library. All the formal awards and accolades just can't tell the HELP story better than the words of our readers.
When one is very ill and things look their worst, nothing seems more inspiring than reading about how other patients survived against the odds and coped with their situations. There are as many different ways to survive as there are patients, and so we can learn something different from each one. At the same time certain similarities, certain patterns emerge.
Now, you can actually tell us how Information Therapy has helped you look after yourself or your family members, your acquaintances etc to help each other.
Perhaps you have a story to contribute. You need not be a "miracle cure" to contribute here - all you need is the desire to use your experiences to help someone else.
Some of the people have voluntarily come forward to share their experiences with HELP. Their ‘stories’ have helped us to provide better information to other, newer readers. Each of these stories illustrates the way someone was helped to overcome and defy the odds and shows how people have redesigned their lives to be meaningful and fulfilling following what could have been a life-shattering event. Their stories are tributes to the ability of people to triumph over adversity and to succeed when life is at its hardest. You will be amazed at their courage, energized by their achievements, and awed at the miracles they managed to accomplish. Some of these stories will bring a tear, some a smile, but all will inspire you with the knowledge and confidence that ‘ordinary day-to-day miracles’ do happen. Some were born with disabling conditions, others suffered illness, some were injured, and some experienced the ordinary conditions of old age. All of them required help to learn or relearn the skills they needed for the job of living, and with the aid of a good book, a cd, or a HELP Talk, they all found the strength and courage to do so.
Nowadays there are so many tragic and angry stories about healthcare--not just in Mumbai and rest of India, but everywhere. What we are looking for are stories that show the humanity within the medical system… stories of hope that were made possible by services offered by Doctors, Nurses, Emergency Medical personnel or HELP Library.
These stories could also be about those times that a medical professional has allowed compassion to be their guide and have "bent the rules" “gone out of their way” in order for you or your loved one to experience a joyful moment, something meaningful. These events are the sorts of things that never seem to make it into the local newspapers---but we tell our readers and the world and we will never forget them.
We now INVITE you to share your story with us. The best of your stories will be posted on our website – with your permission of course! The best story of course deserves to receive a prize – we will send you a copy of our publication – The Healthwise Handbook – so remember to send us your address.
Your story should clearly and concisely state your experience.
You could avoid the diagnostic test details and mention only the main problem.
Names of Doctors/Hospitals may be avoided to protect privacy.
Nature of research conducted by you to help yourself – this could also include any second opinions, research from books, visits to quacks etc and their effect on the problem.
The story could be in the form of a skit, poem, or plain essay.
You may protect your identity/privacy by writing in the third person.
Stories should by email: or or by post/courier at the following address:
Dr.Aniruddha Malpani, M.D.,
Health Education Library for People,
National Insurance Building,
Ground Floor,
206, Dr.D.N.Road,
Mumbai - 400 001.
Tel Nos.65952393/ 65952394/22061101
Free Ask the Librarian service for all your health queries at
For complete details of our free health talks check our 'HELP TALK' google calendar at
Visitor's Name: VIKRANT.
"I am the member of the HELP Library and always find interesting programmes organized here. Very happy to be a member."
Visitor's Name: PURNIMA POOJARI.
"Very knowledgeable books, that keeps you updated through your Seminars. I am also very happy with the large collection of books found here."
Visitor's Name: K.KOCHHAR.
"A beautiful idea to help mankind. Would like to help to spread this awareness. THANKS A MILLION!!"
Visitor's Name: RAJIV BHANSAL.
"Congratulations for doing such wonderful service for the society. Great collection of books useful for all. Very informative Lectures & Talks and above all a very Helpful, Ever Smiling and Courteous staff. Feels great to come and spend time at the library."
Visitor's Name: Mehrangiz Press.
"At HELP I have finally found several wonderful books that I have always wanted to read but never come across. I would particularly like to commend on your 'Mental Health' collection, which is a rare and essential read for the person on both sides of the therapy table."
How We Send Out Weekly HELP TALK Schedules to Our Readers
It is our constant endeavour to create awareness about health related issues affecting the common man. One such activity being undertaken by HELP includes Free HELP Talks. Currntly around 3,500 of the general public have shown interest in receiving a schedule of such events from our end.
We, at HELP, have found an interesting way to prepare such schedules which includes graphic representations of the talk/workshop scheduled during a particular week. The presentation will explain this process.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Health Education now comes alive with DVDs made by P.E.A.S

Pictures speak a thousand words!
What better a form of learning can we have than interactive media? Colorful and moving animations that teach you how the Heart works.. or excellent graphics showing you how Laparascopy is done? Simplifying osteoporosis or Diabetes with actual videos? All this and many more...
A must have for children, schools, patients and even as corporate gifts in Hospitals..
This is the collection of DVDs on Patient Education Awareness series that you could find at HELP. The best part is that you could even buy these..
Have a look at the exhaustive list of titles available, that's not all, you can get a discount of 50% on all of them..
We also accept corporate orders, in combination with a copy of the best-seller "Healthwise Handbook"- For those interested, just send us an email at and we'll help you get the best deal..
Friday, September 5, 2008
HELP CORPORATE - Corporate Membership Plan
Your employees are your most important competitive resource – and as long as they are healthy, they are productive! HELP – Health Education Library for People is the world's largest free health library. We can help your employees understand their health and medical problems better, so they can get better care, in partnership with their doctor.
What is HELP Corporate?
Information packages especially designed for corporate companies to help your employees help themselves.
1. Why should corporates invest in their employee's health?
The simple answer is – Healthy Employees mean Healthy Bottom Lines
The goal here is informing and motivating employees - and their dependants-to select and maintain a healthier lifestyle. The intent is to empower the employees to change their own health behavior so they will live longer, healthier, more productive and enjoyable lives.
2. Who's giving the employees this health information?
Increasingly, the answer is employers and health care providers, with help from HR. Channeling health information--much of it online--to employees can help contain health cost increases for the organization and employees alike.
3. How will this help your employees?
Falling ill is a major personal crisis – and an enlightened employer understands the importance of providing support to the employee at this time. To better understand the health issues and treatment options they face and to make choices wisely and cost-effectively, employees need more information than ever. We can help provide reliable information to them – we are Information Specialists, and Information Therapy can be Powerful Medicine !
4. What does an employer gain?
As an employer you will be able to provide a quality benefit to your employees. Any contribution to our NGO gives you tax relief u/s 80-G of I.T. Act. Employees need not spend precious office hours in trying to figure out what to do in situations needing attention to their own and their family's health problems – they could simply send an email query to HELP directly or via their IT department and they will be empowered by authentic information on coping with and taking informed decisions about their health from persons trained to answer these queries.
You will thank us for providing such services to your Group – especially designed for you and your employees.
Following are the details of the Corporate Membership Plan at Health Education Library For People – (HELP).
Annual Fees: Rs.5,000/- p.a.
Facilities included:
2 Membership cards will be issued to your company.
Books: Your company will be able to borrow 2 books at a time for a period of 7 days, renewable once for a further period of 7 days. Renewal may be done by phone. HELP will levy a fine charge of Rs.5/- per day, per book, if the books are not returned by due date.
In case of loss of any book, a notification will be required to be sent to HELP alongwith a fine of Rs.1,000/-. In case the company fails to do so, that particular card will be cancelled for future use by any employee.
Weekly Health Tips: will be sent by HELP to the authorized person’s email to be forwarded to their employees with a bcc email to HELP each to enable us to keep track of health tip topics. Information on topics relevant to the company’s employees will be sent by HELP after liaising with the HR Manager.
HELP will also provide a 'health tip bank' of 10 health tips to your company to avoid delay in case of a technical problem at our end.
Events and Workshops at HELP
In addition to the above, Schedules of Events/Discount Offers/Free schemes at HELP etc. will be sent out to your employees.
Email Health Queries:
A valuable service to your employees – at a click of a mouse and at no additional charge they will receive health related information on any health related topic.
HELP will provide a link to its website enquiry portal.
From your end we will require:
The following Form completed and duly signed, a stamp sized photograph of the authorized personnel from your company and a cheque for Rs.5,000/- favouring “Community Health Research Programme Charitable Trust“.
Corporate Membership Cards will be issued to the company and these will be required to be produced each time books are borrowed and returned to HELP. Due date will be stamped on the book.
Tel: 022-65952393 / 65952394/ 22061101
Email: ; Website:
NAME OF ORGANISATION: _______________________________________
ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________
(Direct No.) ________________ (Board Nos./Extn.) ______________________
Mobile Nos. ______________________________________________________
Enclosed Cheque No. ___________________ dated ____________________
Drawn on ________________________________________________________
Date: _______________ Signature & Rubber Stamp ______________________
For office use: Membership Card issued on ________________
by ___________.
You will be required to pay by cheque to avail of tax benefit u/s 80-G of IT Act.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
कसरत! शुरू करने की दस युक्तियाँ....
अगर आपने कभी कसरत नही की तो कोई बात नही.
अभी से आपका स्वास्थय बनाईये और ख़ुद को अच्छा महसूस कीजिये और अच्छे दिखिये.
यही शुरू करने का सबसे अच्छा समय है
छोटे और वास्तविक लक्ष्य के साथ अपनी कसरत शुरू कीजिये
अगर आपने बहुत समय से कसरत नही की है तो फीर कसरत शुरू करने से पहले अपने चिकित्सक से बात करे
पहले छोटी कोशीस से शुरुवात कीजिये. जैसे पहले दो सीढियों से शुरुवात करके फीर उसे बढाइये.
कीसी की सहायता लीजिये
- अपने दोस्त को शामील होने के लिए आप पूछें
- अपने परीवार को बताएये की आपको उनकी भोजन और कामकाज में आवश्यकता होगी क्योंकी कसरत के लीये ये दो चीजे बहुत जरुरी है
Monday, September 1, 2008
Health Tip: Take Time For Meaningful Relationships
अपने निकट संबंधियों - जैसे अपने जीवनसाथी, माता पिता, बच्चे, मित्र और अन्य रिश्तेदारों, के साथ समय बिताएं.
शोधकर्ताओं का कहना है कि भावनात्मक रिश्ते नीभाने से आपको तनाव, उच्च रक्तचाप और अन्य बीमारियों से बचने में मदद मिलेगी.