Saturday, July 30, 2011
HELP TALKS - Mr.Kishore Kuvawala on Laughter Therapy For Common Man
What if the Second Opinion differs from the First?
What course of action should the patient adopt if the second opinion differs from the first? Such a situation can be very confusing. Consequently, the patient needs to do a good deal more homework before making a decision. It would be worthwhile to get a family physician (preferably one who has no vested interest in the matter) to advise you. It would also be prudent to discuss the differences in the two opinions with the concerned doctors, so that they can explain and justify the reasons for the discrepancies in their diagnoses or plan of treatment. Remember that it's your body which has to bear the consequences and you need to make your own decisions intelligently. It would be highly sensible to ascertain your options in advance, rather than to burn your fingers and then regret your actions later on!
HELP TALKS - Dr.Saurabh Dani on New Born Screening : Metabolic Disorders
Mr.Saurabh Dani - His Experience On Giving A Talk At HELP Library
HELP TALKS - Mr.Nabhiraj Mehta on Managing Stress Through Art Therapy
Feedback - Managing Stress Through Art Therapy
Therapy conducted on 26th July 2011. For more details log in to our website
Friday, July 29, 2011
Dr.Malpani says:
I always encourage my patients to get a second opinion. As I explain to them: If two different doctors happen to reach the same conclusion, at least you know you are on the right track! However, don't always assume that just because the opinions of both doctors are identical, you are safe. For example, if you have angina and you consult a cardiac surgeon, there is a high likelihood that he will advise you to undergo bypass surgery. A second cardiac surgeon is also likely to recommend the same; after all, it's just simple financial common sense from the surgeons' viewpoint! Therefore, getting a second opinion from a non-surgical specialist (in this case, a cardiologist) can be helpful in preventing unnecessary surgery.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Consulting a second doctor individually
It may be difficult to get an unbiased opinion from a second doctor who is a member of the staff in the same hospital as your doctor. If at all possible, you should consult an independent doctor in another hospital for a second opinion. Most medical insurance policies that cover consultation fees will pay for this. In case of disagreement between two specialists, a third opinion could prove helpful. In the present age of the telecommunication revolution, the 'magic' of telemedicine enables one to get a second opinion from a leading medical authority in any part of the world. The procedure usually consists of sending such an authority your clinical findings and medical reports through the Internet, so that you can get an unbiased opinion usually in as short a period as two days. Many clinics in India now offer this service in collaboration with leading hospitals from all over the world.
Dr.Dilip Raja - His Experience On Giving A Talk At HELP Library
Library.At HELP, we organize talks everyday by doctors/specialists on different health related topics, issues. These talks are recorded and uploaded on our website, youtube, facebook, orkut, twitter.Are you a doctor? Would you like to give a talk at HELP Library? Feel free to contact us at HELP - 22061101, 22031133.For more details log in to our website
Feedback - Urinary Problems & Their Solutions
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Schedule of HELP TALKS from 1st August - 13th August 2011
Hello Dear Readers,
As you know, we constantly try to upgrade the talks conducted at the center, you shouldn't miss! Following is the schedule of the talks/workshops. All of these talks are absolutely Free of charge. For details log on to our Please do attend and also inform your friends and relatives who could take advantage of this unique free service. |
Get Answers to all your Health Questions Online Would you like a quick consult about a medical problem, symptom or just want more information on a medical topic. This is a FREE service. |
Click here if you are unable to view this schedule
Date Speaker Topic
Mon 1st August 4.00pm | Dr.Muneerah Kuraishi | Acupressure For Hair Loss | |
Tues 2nd August 3.30pm | Ms.Rajni Agarwal | Living In Harmony – Adjusting Your Inner Being With The Demand Of The World Outside | |
Wed 3rd August 3.30pm | Mr.Aminali Panjwani | Sujok – Accupressure For Knee,Back & Cervical Pain | |
Thurs 4th August 3.30pm | Mr.Anand Ghuyre | Health Care Using Ancient Indians Ways Of Rishis | |
Fri 5th August 3.30pm | Ms.Kinjal Pandya | Emotional & Mental Health of Children | |
Sat 6th August 3.30pm | Mr.Rahul Soni | Faith: A Necessity For Modern Times | |
Mon 8th August 3.30pm | Mr.Prashant Das | Energy Medicine | |
Tues 9th August 3.30pm | Ms.Preeti Mehta | Angel Therapy | |
Wed 10th August 3.30pm | Dr.Rohit Bartake | Ayurveda: Nature’s Medicine -III | |
Thurs 11th August 3.00pm | Ms.Kunjal Shah | Self Identity & Personality | |
Fri 12th August 3.30pm | Mr.Uttam Dave | How To Educate Your Children About Sex | |
Sat 13th August 3.30pm | Dr.Dilip Nadkarni | Knee Problem No Problem – How To Avoid Knee Surgery |
For Library Membership and To register call: 65952393/94, 22061101, 22031133
HELP TALKS - Dr.Dilip Raja on Urinary Problems & Their Solutions
HELP TALKS - Ms.Purnima Vaze on Yogic Practice Of Antar-Mouna To Catch Creative Thought
contacted at 9867297958.This is part of the HELP Talk series at HELP,Health Education Library for People, the worlds largest free patient education library
Second Opinion: Needed for Patient or Gain for Doctor?
Often, many patients tend to become sceptical or dissatisfied if their doctor suggests that they seek a second opinion, because they feel that such a suggestion indicates that their doctor is not competent. However, one should not forget that medicine is a highly complex science in which rapid advances are the order of the day and it is not humanly possible for one doctor to keep abreast of all developments in all fields. Consequently, a second opinion proves very useful for those patients afflicted with rare or complex problems. Unfortunately, some doctors tend to refer patients unnecessarily to other members of their fraternity. Also, doctors will often cross refer patients to each other for personal financial gain. In hospitals, especially, specialist consultation is often automatic and mandatory, and this process is inevitably overused. The upshot is that the patients’ bill shoots up! Thus, a hospitalized patient should ask the family physician (who should act as your medical manager) to intervene if the number of specialists involved in the treatment seems excessive.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Second Opinion
At present, getting a second opinion has become a common practice among doctors; in fact, the American Medical Association advises that 'physicians should seek consultation upon request; and in doubtful or difficult cases'. That is why family physicians often consult with specialists, and specialists, in turn, consult other specialists - and superspecialists. (Sometimes, though, the process could be misused, and the patient may feel that he is stuck on a non-stop merry-go-round of consulting a wide variety of specialists!)
Saturday, July 23, 2011
HELP TALKS - Ms .Rukmini Iyer on Healing Emotional Wounds
Feedback - Healing Emotional Wounds
conducted on 22nd July 2011. For more details log in to our website
Friday, July 22, 2011
HELP TALKS - Cardiac Surgery :Myths & Concerns Of Common Man
HELP TALKS - Cardiac Surgery :Myths & Concerns Of Common Man
Dr.Bashisht Mishra - His Experience On Giving A Talk At Help Library
Feedback - Cardiac Surgery : Myths And Concerns Of Common Man
Thursday, July 21, 2011
HELP TALKS - Dr.R.C. Shah on How To Cure Diseases Through Prayer And Meditation
Feedback - How To Cure Diseases Through Prayer And Meditation
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Second Opinion
At present, getting a second opinion has become a common practice among doctors; in fact, the American Medical Association advises that 'physicians should seek consultation upon request; and in doubtful or difficult cases'. That is why family physicians often consult with specialists, and specialists, in turn, consult other specialists - and superspecialists. (Sometimes, though, the process could be misused, and the patient may feel that he is stuck on a non-stop merry-go-round of consulting a wide variety of specialists!)
Often, many patients tend to become sceptical or dissatisfied if their doctor suggests that they seek a second opinion, because they feel that such a suggestion indicates that their doctor is not competent. However, one should not forget that medicine is a highly complex science in which rapid advances are the order of the day and it is not humanly possible for one doctor to keep abreast of all developments in all fields. Consequently, a second opinion proves very useful for those patients afflicted with rare or complex problems. Unfortunately, some doctors tend to refer patients unnecessarily to other members of their fraternity. Also, doctors will often cross refer patients to each other for personal financial gain. In hospitals, especially, specialist consultation is often automatic and mandatory, and this process is inevitably overused. The upshot is that the patients bill shoots up! Thus, a hospitalized patient should ask the family physician (who should act as your medical manager) to intervene if the number of specialists involved in the treatment seems excessive.
It may be difficult to get an unbiased opinion from a second doctor who is a member of the staff in the same hospital as your doctor. If at all possible, you should consult an independent doctor in another hospital for a second opinion. Most medical insurance policies that cover consultation fees will pay for this. In case of disagreement between two specialists, a third opinion could prove helpful. In the present age of the telecommunication revolution, the 'magic' of telemedicine enables one to get a second opinion from a leading medical authority in any part of the world. The procedure usually consists of sending such an authority your clinical findings and medical reports through the Internet, so that you can get an unbiased opinion usually in as short a period as two days. Many clinics in India now offer this service in collaboration with leading hospitals from all over the world.
I always encourage my patients to get a second opinion. As I explain to them: If two different doctors happen to reach the same conclusion, at least you know you are on the right track! However, don't always assume that just because the opinions of both doctors are identical, you are safe . For example, if you have angina and you consult a cardiac surgeon, there is a high likelihood that he will advise you to undergo bypass surgery. A second cardiac surgeon is also likely to recommend the same; after all, it's just simple financial common sense from the surgeons' viewpoint! Therefore, getting a second opinion from a non-surgical specialist (in this case, a cardiologist) can be helpful in preventing unnecessary surgery.
HELP TALKS - Ms. Khush Dubash on Accupressure For Headache
Acupressure is quick and easy and one of the best natural solutions to headaches and a wide range of other health problems.Acupressure is a very safe technique though, you can try it on virtually any type of headache.It is a technique of massaging acupuncture points related to headache.In this video Ms.Khush Dubash has shown various useful ways for relieving and preventing headache.
Ms.Khush Dubash - Her Experience On Giving A Talk At HELP Library
Feedback - Accupressure For Headache
Topic: Angel Healing Workshop
Speaker: Ms.Preeti Mehta
Fees: Rs.4, 444/- (inclusive of manual and certificate of training)
Date: July 21 - 22, 2011
Day: Thursday, Friday
Time: 11:00am – 02:30pm
Details of the Workshop:
Welcome Angels in to your life...Take the First Step to Living the Life You were Born to Live!!
The topics to be covered during the sessions:
* Meeting Your Angels & Your Spirit Guides
* Releasing blocks, fears and old painful emotions with help of the angels
* Protection from Negative Energies
* Learning to use Angel Oracle Cards for Self and others
* Undergoing Past Life Regression with Angels
* Learning the Art of Automatic Writing
The programme is being conducted by Ms. Preeti Mehta – MBA (Marketing) & an Internationally Certified Spiritual Counselor. She is an ex banker with 10 years of corporate experience. You may also follow her blogs on spirituality on and visit her website
To Register & for further details please contact:
Preeti Mehta-9702860044, email id:
HELP Library: 22061101/ 22031133/ 65952393/94
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
HELP TALKS - Mr.Vijay Jain on Vaastu Dosha and Diseases
Monday, July 18, 2011
HELP TALKS - Mrs Mangala Sarda On Daily Yoga Practice
Saturday, July 16, 2011
HELP TALKS - Mrs. Mamta Jhunjhunwala On Healing Yourself And Your Anxiety With Tarot
Mrs.Mamta Jhunjhunwala - Her Experience On Giving A Talk At Help Library
Friday, July 15, 2011
Feedback - Ayurveda Nature's Medicine
Dr.Rohit Bartake - His Experience On Giving A Talk At Help Library
Mr.Rajiv Sethi His Experience On Giving A Talk At Help Library
Feedback - Philosophy Of Good Parenting
HELP TALKS - Dr.Rohit Bartake on Ayurveda Nature's Medicine
9819689024.This is part of the HELP Talk series at HELP,Health Education
Library for People, the worlds largest free patient education library
Ayurveda is the medicine of nature, the medicine of life.It seeks to present to the human mind the principles and powers of Nature herself. It teaches us to put into practice Nature's great principles of health and natural livingIn this video Dr.Rohit Bartake has given many useful tips of ayurveda specially for the monsoon season.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
HELP TALKS - Mr.Rajiv Sethi On The Philosophy Of Good Parenting
Raising a happy, healthy child is one of the most challenging jobs a parent can have - and one of the most rewarding.Good parenting involves lots of patience and concentration towards children by putting some effort with good strategy.
For your good parenting to materialize in your children, the first thing you should do is to gradually make your children feel, think or behave in the exact way that you want.Another method you can use in good parenting is your way of communication with your children. Be positive in your mode of speaking when talking to your children.
Patient Community Meeting - 9th July 2011 - How to research your medical problem
Dear Patient Community Members,
Following are points of discussion and url links of the video recording of The Patient Community @ HELP – Meeting held on 9th July, 2011
Patient Story: Mr.Hosi Daruwala shared his experience on helping poor and needy cancer patients. Funding for cancer treatment is a major constraint in getting good treatment. He explained the procedure needed to be followed when applying to charitable trusts. It is important that the patients receive timely help. Mr.Daruwala also gave tips on how to make wheat grass juice at home as he believes that wheat grass juice helps one’s system to cope with the high doses of medication.
The patient story session was followed by a presentation by HELP Library on How To Research Your Medical Problem. It was agreed by all that books are the best source of information for looking up your medical problems and a medical/health library are a great places to have access to encyclopedia and books. In addition to books, libraries and internet, the media like newspapers, television and radio channels can be important sources of information – especially for general health problems. For need-based information the internet has now become an important source of information. The members expressed concern on how can the poor have access to internet? The solution comes in the form of hospitals and doctors making an effort to provide evidence-based and researched information available on their website. Their patients can have access to information and at the same time the hospital derives good will for having been able to provide this information.
We also discussed how incorporating Information Prescription and a Patient Education Center in each hospital into the system of providing good quality treatment will go a long way in developing a healthy doctor-patient relationship.
We also discussed the importance of one’s doctor’s contribution in providing high quality treatment. This will always remain the best source of information – if only the doctors had more time !
Click here to read up details on How To Research Your Medical Problem – a chapter from How To Get The Best Medical Care by Dr.Aniruddha Malpani and Dr.Anjali Malpani.
Click here to download the presentation: How To Research Your Medical Problem.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Mr.Peter Theobald - His Experience On Giving Talk At Help Library
Feedback - Overcoming Obesity The Natural way
HELP TALKS - Mr.Peter Theobald On Overcoming Obesity - The Natural Way
Everyday thousands of people are looking for key useful tips on overcoming obesity, in this video Mr.Peter Theobald has given some natural effective ways through which one can overcome obesity.
HELP TALKS - Mr.Vinay Shetty On Have You Tested For Thalasemia Minor
Thalassemia is a blood disorder passed down through families (inherited) in which the body makes an abnormal form of haemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen. The disorder results in excessive destruction of red blood cells, which leads to anemia.Thalassemia minor occurs if you receive the defective gene from only one parent. Persons with this form of the disorder are carriers of the disease and usually do not have symptoms.Thalasemia major may cause death of the unborn baby during birth or the late stages of pregnancy.
Mr.Vinay Shetty - His Experience On Giving A Talk At HELP Library
Schedule of HELP TALKS from 16th July - 30th July 2011
Hello Dear Readers,
As you know, we constantly try to upgrade the talks conducted at the center, you shouldn't miss! Following is the schedule of the talks/workshops. All of these talks are absolutely Free of charge. For details log on to our Please do attend and also inform your friends and relatives who could take advantage of this unique free service. |
Get Answers to all your Health Questions Online Would you like a quick consult about a medical problem, symptom or just want more information on a medical topic. This is a FREE service. |
Click here if you are unable to view this schedule
Date Speaker Topic
Sat 16th July 4.00pm | Ms.Suchitra Pareekh | Patanjali Yoga Part 11 - Klesha | |
Mon 18th July 3.30pm | Mr.Vijay Jain | Vaastu Dosha & Diseases | |
Tues 19th July 3.30pm | Ms.Khush Dubash | Acupressure for Headache – Causes & Treatment | |
Wed 20th July 4.30pm | Dr.R.C.Shah | How to Cure Diseases through Prayers & Meditation | |
Thurs 21st July 4.00pm | Dr.Bashisth Mishra | Cardiac Surgery: Myths & Concerns of the Common Man | |
Fri 22nd July 3.30pm | Ms.Rukmini Iyer | Healing Emotional Wounds | |
Sat 23rd July 3.30pm | Ms.Purnima Vaze | Yogic Practice of Antar-Mouna to Catch Creative Thought | |
Mon 25th July 3.30pm | Dr.Dilip Raja | Urinary Problems & their Solutions | |
Tues 26th July 3.30pm | Mr.Nabhiraj Mehta | Managing Stress through Art Therapy | |
Wed 27th July 3.30pm | Dr.Saurabh Dani | New Born Screening – Metabolic Disorders | |
Thurs 28th July 3.30pm | Mr.Kishore Kuvavala | Laughter Therapy for the Common Man | |
Fri 29th July 4.00pm | Ms.Ratna Khemani | Keep your Marriage Alive | |
Sat 30th July 3.30pm | Dr.Vatsal Parikh | Cataract – When To Get Operated |
For Library Membership and To register call: 65952393/94, 22061101, 22031133