Thursday, September 30, 2010
Google team and volunteers for Health Speaks event at HELP
Partha from Google team helping volunteers to translate their articles.
Health Speaks at HELP - Training for Reviewers
Dimple Batra from Google team at Bangalore - training the Reviewers. Once the volunteer completes translating an article, the Review takes over to ensure that the article is of a good standard. The aim is publish articles which are of good quality and at the same time be understood by the target audience.
Himanshu Panchmatiya at the Google Health Speaks Event at Mumbai-HELP Library
Himanshu Panchmatiya a Banker by profession, and his wife Bijal volunteered at the Google Health Speaks event at HELP Library - he describes his experience in this video clipping.
HELP TALKS - Mr.Shailesh Mishra on Help for Alzheimer’s Family members
Mr.Sailesh Mishra can be contacted at 98198 19145
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
HELP TALKS - Mr.Arya Guruji on Philosophy of Diseases - Three Body
Mr.Arya Guruji can be contacted at 022 25322759
How to Keep Fit While Travelling
Before the Trip
Even healthy people may find that travelling can precipitate illness. Differences in food, climate and schedule, in addition to the possible stress of travel can make you more susceptible to illness.
Here are some tips to help you stay healthy when you travel:
- First of all, plan ahead. Get your medical and dental checkups done before your trip, so that any problems can be detected, and to relevant medicines can be taken along.
- Find out what your health insurance company will pay for if you need to consult a doctor while you're away.
- In case you are travelling abroad, you may need to obtain a special health insurance policy called an Overseas Mediclaim Insurance Policy.
- Carry adequate quantities of your regular medicines in their original containers, along with extra prescriptions for them. It would also be a good idea to carry a doctor's note, listing your medical diagnoses and the medicines you need to take. If you are going abroad, get this translated into local language (for example, French or German), if possible.
- Carry a spare pair of spectacles and an extra set of contact lenses, if needed.
- If you have medical disorders such as diabetes or epilepsy, wearing a medical information bracelet can provide life-saving information in an emergency in a foreign country
A library that empowers patients to learn about their affliction
A library that empowers patients to learn about their affliction
Health information services in India is quite pathetic. We currently run one HELP service (Health Education Library for People) in downtown Mumbai, successfully.The idea is to create at least four such centers in Mumbai this year.Patient education has been shown to improve doctor-patient relationship by providing Information Therapy!

Schedule of HELP TALKS from 1st Oct - 15th Oct 10
Hello Dear Readers, As you know, we constantly try to upgrade the talks conducted at the center, you shouldn't miss! Following is the schedule of the talks/workshops. All of these talks are absolutely Free of charge. For details log on to our Please do attend and also inform your friends and relatives who could take advantage of this unique free service. To subscribe to daily SMS reminders on HELP Talks Click on the image |
Click here if you are unable to view this schedule
Date Speaker TopicFri 1st Oct 03.30pm | Dr.Sunny Sandhu | How Suryayog can help in conquering Vitamin D deficiency epidemic | |
Mon 4th Oct 03.30pm | Mrs.Asha Garekar | Know yourself through Pranayam & Meditation | |
Tues 5th Oct 04.30pm
| Dr.R.C.Shah | Divine Healing | |
Wed 6th Oct 03.30pm
| Ms.Rajni Agarwal | The Joy of Giving | |
Thurs 7th Oct 03.30pm | Mr.Kishore Kuvavala | Effect of Diminishing Laughter in Your Life | |
Fri 8th Oct 03.30pm | Mr.Uttam Dave | Sex and Illness | |
Sat 9th Oct 03.30pm | Dr.Sadhana Nayak | How to Take Care of your Voice | |
Mon 11th Oct 04.00pm | Mr.Sudhir Pai | Self-Healing with Visualisation & Affirmations | |
Tues 12th Oct 03.30pm | Mr.Ravindra Junagade | Graphology - a Remedy for Psychological Ailments | |
Wed 13th Oct 03.30pm | Dr.Rohit Bartake | Saar Parikshan-Know Your Saar | |
Thurs 14th Oct 03.30pm | Dr.Ravindra Kapadia | Energy Remedy for Sleep | |
Fri 15th Oct 03.30pm | Dr.S.V.Nadkarni | Understanding Cancer Treatment |
To register call: 65952393/94, 22061101, 22031133
HELP TALKS - Dr.Leo Rebello on Ten Commandments of Health
Dr.Leo Rebello can be contacted at prof.leorebello@gmail
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Feedback - Mr.Arya Guruji on Philosophy of Three Body Diseases
Monday, September 27, 2010
HELP TALKS - Mr.J.D.Jadhao on Water Therapy
Mr.J D Jadhav can be contacted at 93214 80147
Feedback - Mr.J.D.Jadhao on Water Therapy
Friday, September 24, 2010
HELP TALKS - Dr.Shalini Ratan on Understand your Medicines
He can be contacted on 98202 18176
Feedback - Understanding your Medicines by Dr.Shalini Ratan
Thursday, September 23, 2010
HELP TALKS - Dr.Rajiv Naidu on Relationship Counseling with Hypnosis
He can be contacted on 98208 00120 or
Feedback - Dr.Rajiv Naidu - Relationship Counseling with Hypnosis
Feedback - Dr.Imtiyaz Kondkari on Diet & Nutrition
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
HELP TALKS - Dr.Imtiyaz Kondkari on Diet and Nutrition for Growing Children
Dr.Imtiyaz Kondkari can be contacted at 93222 53527
HELP TALKS - Dr.R.K.Saksena on Color Therapy for Chronic Illnesses
Dr.R.K.Saksena can be contacted at 94232 15040.
Monday, September 20, 2010
HELP TALKS - Dr.Muneerah Kuraishi on Tummy Tuck and Hip Reduction by Yoga-Part 2
Dr.Muneerah Kuraishi can be contacted at 9322263489/ 9224531106
Feedback - Dr.R.K.Saksena on Colour Therapy for Chronic Illness
Feedback - Dr.Muneerah Kuraishi on Tummy tuck & Hip Reduction
Sprains - Measures for Self-Care
A sprain is an injury that causes a stretch or a tear in a ligament. Ligaments are strong bands of tissue that connect bones at the joint. Sprains may be classified as mild, moderate, or severe.
Measures for Self-Care:
The general rule for treating sprains is R-I-C-E:
- R for rest. Rest the joint! Avoid activities that cause pain. If you have an ankle sprain or knee sprain you may need crutches.
- I for ice. Apply ice and cool the injury to avoid swelling and every 3 to 4 hours. Do this for 2 to 3 days or until the swelling goes away. The ice will help to numb the pain.
- C for compression. Tie an elastic crepe bandage around the injured joint to reduce the swelling and inflammation.
- E for elevation. The injured part should be elevated so that gravity helps the circulatory system to reduce the swelling.
- You can also take pain-killers to reduce the pain.
- Symptoms of a severe sprain.
- If a mild sprain persists longer than 2 weeks.
- Pain, swelling or bruising worsens despite treatment.
Inability to move the limb or joint.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
HELP TALKS - Mr.Nitin Jain on Third Eye Meditation
Mr.Nitin Jain can be contacted at 98191 06275
Feedback - Mr.Nitin Jain on Third Eye Meditation
Feedback - Mr.Saradindu Chanda on Meditation and Right Action
Feedback - Mr.Saradindu Chanda on Meditation and Right Action
Vomiting - Measures for Self-Care
Measures for Self-Care
- Don't eat solid foods; don't drink milk.
- Drink only clear liquids (such as clear soups or coconut water). Take small sips; i.e., drink only one to two ounces at a time. Suck on ice chips if nothing else will stay down.
- After you stop vomiting, continue with clear liquids. Gradually return to regular diet, but wait about 8 hours from the last time you vomited to eat solid foods. Start with foods that are easy to digest.
- Don't smoke, don't drink alcohol, and don't take aspirin.
- Very severe stomach pain, which lasts for more than two hours.
- Yellow looking skin or if the whites or the eyes appear yellow.
- Vomiting which lasts for more than 12 hours (two to six hours for a small child) without subsiding.
- Vomiting caused by a serious head injury.
- Vomiting accompanied a stiff neck, fever, headache, and lethargy.
- Vomiting which is black or bloody.
- Dehydration (symptoms: very little or no urine, extreme thirst; and lightheadedness; dry skin that doesn't spring back after being pinched; sunken eyes; and confusion). Vomiting occurring after a mild blow or injury to the head.
Friday, September 17, 2010
HELP TALKS - Mr.Saradindu Chanda on Meditation and Right Action
Mr.Saradindu Chanda can be contacted at 2807 3103.
Sore Throats - Measures for Self-Care
Mild to severe throat pain, with or without swollen neck glands. The inside of the throat and/or tonsils could turn bright red or could be marked by white spots.
Measures for Self-Care
- Mix one-fourth teaspoon of salt in half a cup of warm water. Gargle every few hours with this mixture, preparing it afresh each time.
- Drink plenty of warm liquids, such as tea and soup.
- Don't smoke at all.
- Avoid eating spicy or hot foods.
- Suck on a medicated lozenge frequently.
- Take an over-the-counter medicine for relieving the pain and/or fever.
- Sore throat that occurs along with: fever; swollen, enlarged neck glands; headache; chest, or ear pain; bad breath; skin rashes; abdominal pain; vomiting; or discharge of dark urine.
- The back of the throat turning very red or developing white spots.
- A mild sore throat that lasts for more than two weeks.
- Extreme difficulty while breathing or if the lips turn purple.
- Inability to swallow your own saliva.
25 Sep 2010 - 10 am - 3.00pm
Learn to Translate from English to Hindi using Google Translation Toolkit !
Learn a smart way to translate articles straight from the masters - GOOGLE.
HELP Library is proud to host the Health Speaks Event at Mumbai on 25th September, 2010 - at 10 am sharp.
To register please send us an email with your name, address, and confirmation latest by 20th September 2010. Registrations will be accepted on a first come first basis - only limited seats available.
We will provide you with the laptop - and also give you a Google certificate for your
participation !
This event is about's health team which is currently working on a project that is exploring ways to increase the quantity of high-quality health information online, particularly in languages other than English.
One way that we are working on this is through the creation of a community of volunteer health translators who will translate high-quality Wikipedia health articles from English to other languages, including Hindi.
We are reaching out to bilingual Medical/Nursing/Public Health Professors & Students, Health NGOs and Medical Professional Associations to help build this community of volunteer health translators. We will hold trainings & events and have online training available to facilitate the community.
We have selected roughly 500 articles that are on important health topics and are of high quality.
Online translation is going to become increasingly important as the world becomes flatter ! This is a great opportunity to learn more about how to translate - and contribute to the health of Indians by sharing your knowledge !