Tuesday, May 31, 2011
HELP TALKS - Mrs.Mangala Sarda on Pranayam
Mrs.Mangala Sarda can be contacted at 9322293236/ 0251 2603171.
Feedback - Pranayam
HELP TALKS - Ms.Khushnam Rana on A Sneak Peek into the World of Psychology & Hypnotherapy
Ms.Khushnam Rana can be contacted at 9833055118.
Ms.Khushnam Rana - Her Experience on giving a talk at HELP
At HELP, we organize talks everyday by doctors/specialists on different health related topics, issues. These talks are recorded and uploaded on our website, youtube, facebook, orkut, twitter.
Are you a doctor? Would you like to give a talk at HELP Library? Feel free to contact us at HELP - 22061101, 22031133.
For more details log in to our website www.healthlibrary.com
Feedback - A Sneak Peek into the World of Psychology & Hypnotherapy
Monday, May 30, 2011
HELP TALKS - Dr.Imtiyaz Kondkari on Diabetes & its Natural Management
Dr.Imtiyaz Kondkari can be contacted at 9322253527/ 9833815938.
Feedback - Diabetes & its Natural Management
HELP TALKS - Ms.Tejal Gandhi on Personality Defect Removal for Productive Living
Ms.Tejal Gandhi can be contacted at 9821152591.
Schedule of HELP TALKS from 1st June to 15th June 2011
Hello Dear Readers,
As you know, we constantly try to upgrade the talks conducted at the center, you shouldn't miss! Following is the schedule of the talks/workshops. All of these talks are absolutely Free of charge. For details log on to our website:www.healthlibrary.com. Please do attend and also inform your friends and relatives who could take advantage of this unique free service. |
Get Answers to all your Health Questions Online Would you like a quick consult about a medical problem, symptom or just want more information on a medical topic. This is a FREE service. |
Click here if you are unable to view this schedule
Date Speaker Topic
Wed 1st June 3.30pm | Dr.Akhil Sangal | Role of Patients and Carers in Safer Healthcare - ICHA Initiative | |
Thu 2nd June 3.30pm | Dr.Bijal Maru | Help Your Homeopath Help You | |
Fri 3rd June 4.30pm | Dr.Deepak Patel | Health Analysis through Yoga: The Yogic Method | |
Sat 4th June 3.30pm | Dr.Kaushal Trivedi | Stem Cells & its Future | |
Mon 6th June 3.30pm | Mr.Ravi Balakrishna | Hypnosis to Help You Study Better | |
Tue 7th June 3.30pm | Mr.Ashok Agarwal | Simple Home Remedies for Constipation | |
Wed 8th June 3.30pm | Ms.Rukmini Iyer | Behavioral Lessons from Indian Mythology | |
Thu 9th June 3.30pm | Mr.Shekhar Khandalekar | Vaastu & Good Health | |
Fri 10th June 3.30pm | Mr.Uttam Dave | Safer Sex Practices | |
Sat 11th June 3.30pm | Dr.Vandana Mathur | My Daddy Strongest | |
Mon 13th June 4.30pm | Master Dharmendra | Simplified Yoga & Meditation for Working People | |
Tue 14th June 4.30pm | Dr.Shreeram Vaidya | Blood Banking – Past, Present & Future | |
Wed 15th June 3.30pm | Dr.Deepali Panchal | Communication in Relationships |
For Library Membership and To register call: 65952393/94, 22061101, 22031133
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Role of Patients / Carers in Safer Health Care - ICHA Initiative
HELP TALKS-A SPECIAL TALK ON PATIENT SAFETY "Role of Patients / Carers in Safer Healthcare - ICHA Initiative" Dr.Akhil Sangal, CEO - Indian Confederation for Healthcare Accreditation Wednesday 1st June 2011 - 3.30p.m. at HELP The need for understanding the perspectives of all stakeholders is paramount to build and ensure a trustworthy health care system. The patients and carers have a significant role in taking more responsibility for their care. They also need to partner with the providers to ensure safer health care. The need for greater communication is critical for transparency. This shall be graphically brought about through PowerPoint presentation, a video and interactive discussion. ICHA's initiative and partnering with HELP will be highlighted regarding the work being done and to enlist support for "Patients for Patient Safety" - a WHO - Patient Safety action area. Join us at HELP, 206, Dr.D.N.Road, National Insurance Building, Gr.Floor, Fort, Mumbai-400001 Phone: 65952393/94 |
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Thursday, May 26, 2011
HELP TALKS - Mr.Anand Ghuyre on What to Eat: Astrological Food Guide
Mr.Anand Ghuyre can be contacted at 9820489416.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
HELP TALKS - Dr.R.C.Shah on Healing through Mudra Therapy – II
Dr.R.C.Shah can be contacted at 24082531/ 9769082137.
HELP TALKS - Dr.Rahul Joshi on Homeopathy for Common Ailments
Dr.Rahul Joshi can be contacted at 9323971760.
Dr.Rahul Joshi - His Experience on giving a talk at HELP
At HELP, we organize talks everyday by doctors/specialists on different health related topics, issues. These talks are recorded and uploaded on our website, youtube, facebook, orkut, twitter.
Are you a doctor? Would you like to give a talk at HELP Library? Feel free to contact us at HELP - 22061101, 22031133.
For more details log in to our website www.healthlibrary.com
Monday, May 23, 2011
HELP TALKS - Dr.Muneerah Kuraishi on Yog Nidra
Dr.Muneerah Kuraishi can be contacted at 9322263489/ 9224531106.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
HELP TALKS - Ms.Allka Thakkar on Yoga for Preventing Diseases
Ms.Allka Thakkar can be contacted at 9004725932.
Ms.Alka Thakkar - Why she likes to give talks at HELP Library
At HELP, we organize talks everyday by doctors/specialists on different health related topics, issues. These talks are recorded and uploaded on our website, youtube, facebook, orkut, twitter.
Are you a doctor? Would you like to give a talk at HELP Library? Feel free to contact us at HELP - 22061101, 22031133.
For more details log in to our website www.healthlibrary.com
Feedback - Yoga for Preventing Diseases
HELP TALKS - Dr.Rohit Bartake on Ayurveda Nature’s Medicine
Dr.Rohit Bartake can be contacted at 9819689024.
Feedback - Ayurveda Nature’s Medicine
HELP TALKS - Mr.S.L.Sharma on Aura Sensing & Energy Healing
Mr.S.L.Sharma can be contacted at 9823248323/ 9811056357.
Mr.S.L.Sharma - His Experience on giving a talk at HELP
At HELP, we organize talks everyday by doctors/specialists on different health related topics, issues. These talks are recorded and uploaded on our website, youtube, facebook, orkut, twitter.
Are you a doctor? Would you like to give a talk at HELP Library? Feel free to contact us at HELP - 22061101, 22031133.
For more details log in to our website www.healthlibrary.com
Feedback - Aura Sensing & Energy Healing
Friday, May 20, 2011
HELP TALKS - Mrs.Rashida Dhorajiwala on Wesak Meditation & its Benefits
Mrs.Rashida Dhorajiwala can be contacted at 9819051139.
Feedback - Wesak Meditation & its Benefits
The Patient Community@HELP - 14th May 2011
The meeting was attended by 7 members who could make it to HELP on that day. Many members who had wanted to join in were away for their summer break.'
Some of the enthusiastics who attended were Ami Dixit, Joseph Martins, Deepak Bhat, christopher and Aminali Panjwani.There are different reasons for them to join the community ranging from having many family members suffering from ailments,
growing health conscious, interest in the healthcare and healthcare system of our country, feelings that a patient definitely needs to have greater involvement in his/her medical care. One of our members feels that medical costs are too
high and are ever increasing and that by joining the community and sharing and learning ways to look after oneself patients may be able to reduce their medical costs.
Dr.S.V.Nadkarni spoke on the current health care scenario in India.Some of the topics covered by him were:
1. Declining role of the family physician
2. 80% of the health care is in the hands on non-qualified so called 'doctors'.
3. Fresh MBBS pass-outs ought to have a 2-3 years' training before they actually set up practice.
4. Lack of transparency on medical costs has resulted in lack of faith in the physician's treatment plan.
5. Quality medical care is something that patients need to look for.
6. Patients need to ensure and find out 'what will be my cost of treatment ?' right from the start.
7. There is a need to increase consumer resistance - taking a second opinion should be considered.
8. Patients need to understand that there is no need to panic as diseases are now diagnosed fairly early; they need to ask questions - business like questions; find out the cost of their treatment; get a medical insurance at an early age.
9. Hospitals must have a 'price-list' for various treatments - the medical council is saying this; the government is saying - It is the patients who must say this !
One advise - If your doctor gets angry with you, change him !
Ms.Kunjal Shah gave us a presentation on how pyscho therapy helps people to tackle various mental challenges which we confront in our day-to-day lives; how guidance and counseling and long-term insight therapies help patients to overcome
problems which an individual may find difficult to handle himself. Some of the tips she gave included taking time to contemplate; indulge in relaxing activities; slowdown and take a hold of your problem.
It is the goal of Health education Library for People to educate people to take better care of themselves. We pulled out a a chapter from Dr.Malpani's book "How to get better medical care" and gave a presentation on "Preventing Medication Errors"
which was appreciated by all community members.
We now wish to grow this community in order to share more view points. Those interested in sharing their views please send us an email to helplibrary@gmail.com.
Google is where it is by just word of mouth - Please spread the word and help the community to GROW.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
HELP TALKS - Dr.Mansoor Mirza on Healing through Homeopathy
Dr.Mansoor Mirza can be contacted at 9004435977.
Dr.Mansoor Mirza - His Experience on giving a talk at HELP
At HELP, we organize talks everyday by doctors/specialists on different health related topics, issues. These talks are recorded and uploaded on our website, youtube, facebook, orkut, twitter.
Are you a doctor? Would you like to give a talk at HELP Library? Feel free to contact us at HELP - 22061101, 22031133.
Feedback - Healing through Homeopathy
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
HELP TALKS - Dr.Sonal Motta on How to Heal Yourself
Dr.Sonal Motta can be contacted at 9930099110.
Monday, May 16, 2011
HELP TALKS - Dr.Ghazala Shaikh on Reviving the Forgotten Healing Powers of Unani Medicine
Dr.Ghazala Shaikh can be contacted at 9324870825.
HELP TALKS - Dr.Shreeram Vaidya on Cancer Treatment - Side Effects of Chemotherapy - I
Dr.Shreeram Vaidya can be contacted at 9869266049.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
HELP TALKS - Mr.Vivek Joshi on Music Therapy for Enhancing Concentration in Children
Mr.Vivek Joshi can be contacted at 9221320800.
Mr.Vivek Joshi - Why he likes to give talks at HELP Library
At HELP, we organize talks everyday by doctors/specialists on different health related topics, issues. These talks are recorded and uploaded on our website, youtube, facebook, orkut, twitter.
Are you a doctor? Would you like to give a talk at HELP Library? Feel free to contact us at HELP - 22061101, 22031133.
For more details log in to our website www.healthlibrary.com
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Schedule of HELP TALKS from 16th May - 31st May
Hello Dear Readers,
As you know, we constantly try to upgrade the talks conducted at the center, you shouldn't miss! Following is the schedule of the talks/workshops. All of these talks are absolutely Free of charge. For details log on to our website:www.healthlibrary.com. Please do attend and also inform your friends and relatives who could take advantage of this unique free service. |
Get Answers to all your Health Questions Online Would you like a quick consult about a medical problem, symptom or just want more information on a medical topic. This is a FREE service. |
Click here if you are unable to view this schedule
Date Speaker Topic
Sat 14th May 11 3.00pm | Dr.Rahul Joshi | Healing through Homeopathy | |
Mon 16th May 3.00pm | Mrs.Rashida Dhorajiwala | Wesak Meditation & its Benefits | |
Tue 17th May 3.30pm | Mr.S.L.Sharma | Aura Sensing & Energy Healing | |
Wed 18th May 3.30pm | Dr.Rohit Bartake | Ayurveda: Nature’s Medicine | |
Thu 19th May 3.30pm | Ms.Alka Thakkar | Yoga for Preventing Diseases | |
Fri 20th May 4.00pm | Dr.Iqbal Shaikh | Miracle Remedy through Homeopathy | |
Sat 21st May 4.00pm | Dr.Rahul Joshi | Homeopathy for Common Ailments | |
Mon 23rd May 4.30pm | Dr.R.C.Shah | Healing through Mudra Therapy – II | |
Tue 24th May 3.30pm | Mr.Anand Ghuyre | What to Eat: Astrological Food Guide | |
Wed 25th May 3.30pm | Ms.Tejal Gandhi | Personality Defect Removal for Productive Living | |
Thu 26th May 3:00pm | Dr.Uday Chotai | Natural Living With Natural Remedies | |
Fri 27th May 4.00pm | Dr.Imtiyaz Kondkari | Diabetes & its Natural Management | |
Sat 28th May 3.30pm | Ms.Khushnam Rana | A Sneak Peek into the World of Psychology & Hypnotherapy | |
Mon 30th May 4.00pm | Mrs.Mangala Sarda | Pranayam | |
Tue 31st May 3.30pm | Ms.Sarada Devi | Introduction to Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's Art of Living Course |
For Library Membership and To register call: 65952393/94, 22061101, 22031133
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