Saturday, August 30, 2008

Health Tip - Provide Information To Your Doc

Health Tip:

Remember, your doctor is not a detective; give him/her a clue to what ails you instead of projecting an “I dare you… find out what’s wrong with me!” attitude.

स्वास्थ्य सुझाव:

याद रखें कि आपके चिकित्सक जासूस नहीं है.

उनसे साहस करने के बजाये आप अपनी समस्या का संकेत उन्हें दे सकते हैं.

इससे उनको आपकी जांच और आपकी मदद करने में सहायता मिलेगी.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Thursday, August 28, 2008

An introduction to the teaching of His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

This video gives information about the teaching of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's Holiness, A Free talk given by Ms. Harsha at HELP

Please 'Click' play to view the video...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

महिलाओं में बाल झड़ने

असामान्य बाल झड़ने क्या है ?

आम तौर पर सर से १००-१२५ बाल झड़ना कोई बड़ी बात नही है . तथापि , बाल झड़ने की समस्या हो सकती है जब आप 125 से अधिक बाल हार के एक दिन अपने सिर से , या जब नए बालों की वृद्धि को वापस नहीं बालों को बदलने के लिए खो दिया है . हो सकता है आप शरीर के अन्य हिस्सों से भी बाल खो रहे है . यह समस्या अस्थायी या स्थायी हो सकती है , के कारणों पर निर्भर करता है .

यह कैसे होता हैं..?

महिलाओं में बाल झड़ने के अनेक कारन हो सकते हैं..

* महिला के पैटर्न गंजापन
* स्थानीय बाल झड़ने
* आम बाल झड़ना.

पुरूष - पैटर्न गंजेपन की तरह महिलाओं में भी गंजापन परिवारों में जारी रहता हैं . यह आमतौर पर वंशानुगत गंजापन के कारणों को पतली बालों में सामने मुकुट पर, या पक्षों पर शुरू होता है . यह महिलाओं को पुरी तरह गंजा नही बनता हैं.

बाल झड़ने के कारन क्या हो सकते हैं:

  • आहार में प्रोटीन, लोहे की कमी

    एक फंगस संक्रमण

    कैंसर के उपचार

    एक बाल सुखाने वाला गर्म या कंघा

    गर्म तेल के उपचार और रसायनों का इस्तेमाल किया और बालों में रंजक

    तंत्रिका , बालों को दोहराया खींच

    स्थायी त्वचा या गंभीर क्षति बर्न्स से त्वचा रोग .

गर्भावस्था भी महिलाओं में बाल झड़ने का कारन हो सकता हैं. परन्तु इस तरह से बाल झड़ना थोड़े समय के लिए ही जारी रहता हैं. आपका बच्चा ४-६ महीने का होने तक आपके झडे बाल वापस आ जाने चाहिए

आप बाल झड़ना कैसे रोख सकते हें?

  • अच्छी तरह से बाल धोना, बालों को गन्दा रखने से भी बाल झड़ सकते हें, परन्तु ध्यान रहे की बाल धोने के लिए ज्यादा सकत शैंपू का इस्तमाल न करें, किसी कुदरती शिकाकाई या रीता का उपयोग करें

    अपने आहार का भी ख्याल रखें - खाने नें सब्झिया, सोयाबीन दूध मांसाहारी उत्पाद का समावेश करें जिससे बालों के पोषण के लिए लोहे और प्रोटीन की सही मात्रा प्राप्त हो सकें अगर घरेलु उपायों से बाल झड़ना कम नही हो, तोह एक बार डॉक्टर के पास जरूर जायें ताकि थ्य्रोइड, हारमोन दिस्तुर्बंस, या किसी बिमारी के कारन यदि बाल झड़ रहे हो, तो उसका पता लगाया जा सके और सही इलाज किया जा सके.अपने बाल ज्यादा कसकर न बांधे, हफ्ते में कम से कम एक बार गरम तेल से बालों को मालिश करें और अगले दिन धो दे

Monday, August 25, 2008

How to talk to your doctor

How do you talk to your doctor? Does he or she do all the talking while you do all the listening? Are you afraid to ask questions? Do you leave the office feeling like you just sat through a foreign language class?

Your relationship with your doctor, including how well you talk with each other, affects your care. A good relationship — where you and your doctor share information and work together to make the best decisions about your health — will result in the best care. You'll also feel more confident in your doctor and the quality of care you're getting. Here are some ways to make talking to your doctor more effective:

Be Prepared

Doctors are busy people and their offices are often abuzz with activity, like ringing telephones and crowded waiting rooms. When you actually see your doctor, your visit probably won't last more than 15 minutes. The best way to make the most of your limited time is to come to your appointment prepared:

  • Write down all the questions you have for the doctor in advance and bring a pen and paper to jot down answers and take notes.

  • Make and bring a list of symptoms if you're not feeling well. You might want to research your condition at the library or on the Internet if you're visiting your doctor for a specific problem or illness. Learning some related medical terms (see online course below) and common treatments will make it easier to follow what the doctor is telling you.

  • Bring a list of all the medicines you take. Write down the doses and how often you take them. Include vitamins and other supplements.

  • Arrive early enough to fill out forms.

  • Have your insurance card ready and bring your medical records or have them sent in advance if you're seeing the doctor for the first time. Also bring your health care advance directive, which outlines instructions about your care if you become unable to speak for yourself. Go over it with your doctor so that your wishes are clear.

Here are some questions to ask the doctor. You can add to the list as you come up with more questions:


  • What is wrong with me? How do you know?

  • What caused this problem?


  • Must I have tests?

  • What tests do I need and why?

  • What do the tests involve?

  • How do I prepare for the tests?

  • When will I know the test results?

  • Will my insurance cover the cost of the tests?

  • Will I have to take the tests again?


  • What are my treatment choices?

  • What are the benefits and risks of each treatment?

  • What are the side effects?

  • How good is each treatment?

  • Which treatment is most common for my condition?

  • What do I do if treatment fails?


  • What kind of medication(s) must I take? For how long?

  • What does the drug do? Will there be any side effects?

  • What should I do if I have side effects?

  • Can I take a generic version of the drug?

  • Will the medicine interact with any I am already taking?

  • Should I avoid any kind of food or activity while taking this medicine?


  • Do I need to see a specialist?

  • Should I get a second opinion?

  • Do I need a follow-up visit?

Speak Up

Don't be put off by big words or a doctor's impatient manner. If you don't understand what the doctor is telling you, ask him or her to explain it again. Using different words, or drawing or showing you a picture can help. Don't leave the office without understanding everything the doctor told you.

If there are issues you want to discuss that the doctor doesn't mention, raise them yourself. Doctors often are so focused on making sick people better — or so rushed — they forget to talk about important health matters like diet and weight, exercise, stress, sleep, tobacco and alcohol use, sexual practices, vaccines, and tests to find diseases. Find out what tests you might need for your age, such as a mammogram or colonoscopy, and ask your doctor about getting them. Don't be embarrassed or ashamed to bring up sensitive topics.

Don't Withhold Information

Speaking up also means telling your doctor everything you know about your body and health, including all your symptoms and problems. The more information you share, the better the doctor will be able to figure out what's wrong and how to treat you. Don't make the doctor guess. Be sure to mention any and all medicines, vitamins, and herbs you are taking, and anyone else you are seeing about your health, physical and mental.

Bring Someone With You

Sometimes, people like to bring a friend or family member to a doctor appointment for moral support. A companion also could help you relax, remind you of questions you forgot to ask, and help you remember what the doctor said. If you need personal time with the doctor, the person can sit in the waiting room. Having someone join you is especially helpful if you feel too ill to get around easily on your own.

Follow Up

If you feel nervous, rushed, or just plain overwhelmed, you might forget to ask a question, even if you wrote it down. If this happens, or if you think of a new question, call the office right away. Be patient but firm if you want to speak directly with the doctor, who might not be able to take your call at that moment. If the doctor wants you to come back for a follow up visit, be sure to set and keep the appointment.

Building a successful partnership with your doctor takes time and effort. It's not uncommon to have a frustrating doctor visit now and then. But overall, your relationship with your doctor should be positive and comfortable. You should have confidence and trust in his or her medical ability and judgment.

Let your doctor know when there's a problem. If you can't resolve things together, you might need to entrust your care to someone else.

A cool hangout for these Xavier students!

The other day, we had these two students from St. Xavier's pursuing Psychology who found our center a great place to sit down and research for a project they were working on..
We were particularly pleased to see that they were so comfortably lost in their pile of books, that it was a must to snap them like we did!
This is a very encouraging beginning for that new Gen X who believes that libraries & education centers are great places to use their free time..Moreover, it is free of cost as against simply burning their money on extravagant hangouts..What better than enriching yourself with the treasures of information we have on store here!
Time spent equal to it's worth in gold, I'd say!

गर्भावस्था के पोषण के लिए गाइड

  • गर्भावस्था के दौरान , यह महत्वपूर्ण है खाने के लिए भोजन का अधिकार है , सही मात्रा में और पोषण के लिए विकास के और अपने बच्चे के लिए भी अपने स्वयं के शरीर

  • गर्भावस्था के दौरान , आपको चाहिए लाभ आम तौर पर 8 से 12 किलो वजन , क्रमशः के नौ महीनों में , अचानक नहीं

  • दो लोगों के लीए खाने का मतलब यह नहीं है कि दो बार खाने की मात्रा का भोजन करें, यह केवल अधिक अच्छा भोजन खाने का मतलब है .

  • एक अच्छा भोजन में एक संतुलित भोजन से मेल खाने के सभी समूहों के दूध , मांस , अनाज , फल और सब्जियों .

    1. दूध और दूध के उत्पाद :

  • एक कप दूध एक दिन में दो बार

  • कैल्शियम और प्रोटीन मजबूत दांतों हड्डियों के लिए, , बच्चे के पूर्ण विकास के लिए और माता के दूध की आपूर्ति के लिए.

    1. मांस और अन्य मांसाहारी उत्पाद:

      • दो अंडों / एक कटोरी उबले मांस / चिकन या भुने मछली एक दिन में.

      • प्रोटीन , विटामिन बी और लौह मजबूत मांसपेशियों और स्वस्थ रक्त के लिए.

    1. सब्झी :

  • दिन में दो कटोरियाँ पकाई हुई सब्झी जैसे - पालक , सेम , मटर , अंकुरित और एक कप कच्ची सब्जियां जैसे ककड़ी , गाजर , टमाटर और बंदगोभी

  • विटामिन , खनिज फाइबर, स्वस्थ त्वचा , अच्छे पाचन के लिए और कब्ज

से बचने के के लिए.

    1. अनाज :

  • भाकरी, ब्रेड , चावल, रोटी , बिस्कुट , दलिया दिन में दो बार, यदि एक बार में रोटी और चावल, तोह दूसरी बार में भाकरी और दलिया.

  • फाइबर , ऊर्जा , कैलोरी और प्रोटीन के लिए.

    1. फलों और फलों के रस :

  • संतरा , तरबूज , अनानस , पपीता , सेब , अंगूर , केला और नाशपाती
    प्रति दिन कोई भी दो फल / दो कप फलों का रस या टुकड़े.

  • विटामिन सी, और अन्य विटामिन , खनिज स्वस्थ रक्त और त्वचा के लिए.

6. तेल और वसा:

खाने का तेल, बुट्टर, घी दिन में दो बड़े चमच खाने में मिलाये हुए.

अधिक कैलोरी और ऊर्जा के लिए, भोजन के स्वाद के लिए , और कुछ विटामिन और पाचन में मदद के लिए.

जो खाद्य उत्पादों को न खाना खाने या बहुत कम मात्रा में खाए:

  • केक, तला हुआ खाना, होटल से लाया हुआ खाना, रस्ते पर से गंदा खाना, आइस क्रीम , नमक.

आपके दिन भर का खाना कुछ इस प्रकार से होना चाहिए

सुबह का नाश्ता :

  • एक फल या एक कप फल का रस,

  • एक बड़ा कप दलिया

  • एक अंडा

  • एक ग्लास दूध

  • एक छोटा कप चाय या काफी


  • रेशा बिस्कुट , आधे एक फल

दोपहर का भोजन:

  • दो रोटी

  • एक कप पकाया सब्जी

  • एक कप चावल दाल

शाम में अल्पाहार:

  • छाछ

  • भूना मूँगफली , चना

रात का भोजन:

  • एक कप चिकन / मांस या या एक मछली

  • एक कप सब्जी कच्ची सलाद

  • एक कप चावल

  • एक केला

  • एक कप दूध

Yoga- Clearing the myths

Sunday, August 24, 2008

How To Be A Patient Advocate

How to be a patient advocate
Posted On Sunday, August 24, 2008
By: Dr Aniruddha Malpani

Abroad, patient advocates is a professionally run service. Maybe its that that India too starts looking at providing this service to patients, who till date have had to rely on friends and relatives to fulfil this role.
When you are ill, you are vulnerable, and you need someone to stand up for you. While usually this person is your family doctor, his role is limited to providing you with the right medical treatment. And, unfortunately, most of us don’t even have a family doctor today. This where a patient advocate can come in! This is a very broad title that encompasses many types of services for patients and while most advocacy in India is done by friends and relatives, there are many professionals and organizations in the US who provide patient advocacy services for a fee. These include – Lynx Care, Patient Pal, Health Advocate and Patient Advocate Foundation. Many hospitals in the US now have full-time patient advocates. These staff members act as representatives for patients; and help to resolve grievances and improve communication with the medical staff. They are the equivalent of an ombudsman, and act as a bridge between patients and hospital staff.
In India, the word advocate is synonymous with a lawyer, which means it usually has a negative connotation. However, to become a health advocate, you do not need to a get a LLB! Remember that the word advocacy means someone who champions a cause; and an advocate is someone who fights for your cause.
It's helpful to have someone at your bedside in the hospital to make sure overworked nurses notice if your vital signs are going downhill or to ensure that the right medications are given at the right time. It is good to have someone who can get on the Web and research your disease. And it's important to have someone to take notes during doctor visits and ask the questions you forget.
If someone is ill, how can you become a patient advocate for that person? This is actually something we do informally for friends and family members. Trisha Torry has as excellent website at which will show you how to do a better job!
Becoming informed and working as a partner with health care providers helps to insure that the best possible treatment and outcome will be achieved. As an advocate, you will need to wear multiple hats. You need to learn to network with doctors; to coordinate appointments; to get specialists to talk to each other to organize a hospital bed; arrange for blood; buy medicines; fill in medical forms and insurance paperwork; and to act as a caregiver and provide moral and emotional support! This can be a tall order and a thankless job – but it’s well worth it, because your efforts can spell the difference between life and death. And all these skills can prove to be invaluable when you fall ill yourself!
A ‘patient advocate’ is a critical component of the healthcare team and a caregiver is in the best better position to know and understand the needs of a loved one. You already have all the skills you need to be a patient advocate. It does not require specialized medical training. All it takes are basic communication skills, the courage to do things differently and willingness to think through a problem.
Keep in mind that being a patient advocate is not an adversarial position. It doesn’t necessarily mean rushing out and getting a second opinion on every matter, or conducting your own research and confronting a healthcare professional with your findings.
This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t seek second opinions, or do your own research. On the contrary, this is often a wise approach. If you do decide to do your own research or obtain a second opinion, please speak with your doctor about it. Effective patient advocates do not breed discontent – they build and strengthen relationships.
What are some of the common mistakes a patient advocate may make?
1. Failure to get permission to act as a patient advocate.
2. Failure to recognize your loved one’s style.
3. Failure to recognize that behind every medical goal is a personal goal.
4. Plant seeds of mistrust between the patient and the doctor.
You need not be an advocate just for a friend or family member. You can reach out and touch many patients if you are willing to do so! Thus, if you suffer from a particular illness, you can set-up a support group to raise funds and help others; or a website to create more awareness about this illness. Many people also find volunteering in a hospital allows you to help those less fortunate than you – and helping others is a great way of helping yourself!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Understanding Dementia & Alzheimer's- Why they need your help...

Don't just lose weight- Detoxify.. and discover a new you!


Wellness is more than not being sick--it's an approach to health that aims to reduce your risk of serious illness. Why wellness? Because the way we live has a lot to do with our health. Unhealthy lifestyle can cause life-threatening conditions such as heart disease, cancer, stroke. Yet many of these "diseases" can be prevented. By recognizing and reducing your health risks, you can start making wellness a way of life.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

A day at HELP

Its been nearly two years I am associated with HELP. I am particularly assigned the entrance welcome desk.My job is to greet the visitors and take them on a guided tour of the library. In the process, I came across several visitors.This is indeed a different and unique experience with every visitor.

There are a few of the regular visitors to the library who are addicted readers and cannot resist spending time at the library. One day away from the library and they feel something missing.The library has positive vibes or vibrations which draws them towards it according to them. Since it is centrally located air conditioned library the readers can thus relax and spend their leisure hours constructively.

One such case, was that of a young gentleman whom I came across. He was in a very troubled state of mind. He hailed from a middle class family and was undergoing a psychiatrist treatment.He was being financially exploited by his psychiatrist and did not know the exact condition he was suffering from. Also his illness was wrongly diagnosed by his psychiatrist and at the same time could'nt afford the mounting expenditure of his illness and its medications. At last he could see light at the end of the talk tunnel. Our HELP attendant treated him as a king. And therefore ultimately he experienced solace with the books.

Another case which I came across was that of an old gentleman. While passing by, he incidentally discovered our library.He had been wandering all these years looking for answers.For the retired gentleman, this place was heaven where he could kill time and effectively utilise his time.The library is the hub of all health activities i.e. where we offer free talks for all. In his case, he was being troubled by his wife and children. But the books proved to him as his best friends. He was truly fascinated with the Complementary Therapy Section.Today, he not only guides others but also does counselling. The library is thus his"Peace of Mind".

Aarti Bhagat,
HELP Librarian

Taare Zameen Par- 4: Dysgraphia

Monday, August 18, 2008

Ha Ha Therapy


The edifice of worldwide quackery rests on three human foibles.

Firstly, the 'hidden doctor' in every human being! The world is full of well-to-do but miserable people, people who do not feel they belong where they are ..... blustering bureaucrats who wanted to be actors, gentle accountants who should have been nurses, sad-faced morticians who are comedians under the skin, dusty archaeologists who belong to the skies as pilots, and pestilent pimps who are prophets deep inside. But within them all without exception, rearing to come out at the burst of a sneeze, there always resides a doctor, a well-meaning quack: wanting to come out and give free advice; make out thoughtful prescriptions and hand out a drug that will make all the difference, something made out of a secret formula only his family had known.

secondly, every sick person, especially one suffering from some incurable or unpleasant illness, believes that there is a magic therapy in some medical system somewhere that will clear up her ailment in a jiffy. like a drowning man, the patient catches at every twig and hopes for relief from the most ignorant when the most able physicians can give him none.

Many people, including some doctors believe that there is some miracle drug somewhere on earth, which is a panacea for every known human ailment. Some mysterious medicament, which is mentioned in ancient. some mysterious medicament, which is mentioned in ancient Ayurvedic texts and to be prepared from some exotic plants growing in the Brahmaputra basin. Or may be there is a plant that grows between the 3rd and the 4th layer of Amazonian rain forest that is the final answer all human ailments, or there is a pasty preparation made from the gravid uterus of the Indonesian bandicoot, which is the 'ultimate' medicine. This kind of faith gains strength from the love of mystery that is deeply implanted in the human breast as Dr. Richard Gordon writes in his hilarious book, ' The Alarming History of Medicine', "Man's relation to quackery is of Astronomy to Astrology". You cannot send up a space shuttle basing your studies on Astrology, as he puts it aptly!

Lastly, everyone likes to think that he knows more about his body than his doctor. After all, he had known it the longest. Stands to reason, does it not?

--- A paragraph taken from Ha Ha therapy written by Dr. G. Lakshmipathi

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Telephonic Troubles- By Dr.Aniruddha Malpani, Article in Times Wellness - 17th August'08

Times Wellness
Telephonic troubles
Sunday, August 17, 2008

Learning the right way to communicate with your doctor over the telephone is an important etiquette every patient should know
Dr Aniruddha Malpani

Often you can save yourself a long wait for the doctor at the clinic by getting advice on the telephone. Such a trend is becoming increasingly important today, when time is at a premium and commuting is so arduous, thanks to frequent traffic jams. You need to learn to make intelligent use of the phone to get appropriate help from the doctor. However, when you're sick or hurt, it becomes difficult to think clearly and the following routine may help get the necessary care you need over the telephone:

· Keep a pen and paper ready so that you can write down the relevant instructions.

· Make sure all your medical records are at hand, so that you can answer questions about your medical problem intelligently and accurately.

· Identify yourself properly, giving your full name as well as your diagnosis. Avoid taxing your doctor's memory.

· Respect your doctor's time. Don't insist on talking only to the doctor every time you call. For example, if you just need to make an appointment, or merely clarify a doubt, the nursing staff or receptionist may be able to help you.

· When you don't know what you need (for example, you may not be sure how serious the illness is and whether you require to visit the clinic), tell the staff you're uncertain and request that you speak to a nurse or the doctor's assistant over the phone. If you're feeling concerned or anxious, let the clinic staff know.

· Ask if you can take a few minutes of the doctor's time now, or whether you should call back again later – this is common courtesy.

· Report specific symptoms. For example, rather than just saying, 'I don't feel well, or I've got the flu,' which can be interpreted in different ways, be prepared to describe your symptoms precisely; for instance, fever, sore throat, cough, and/or bodyache. Similarly, instead of just saying, 'my baby has a fever', specify the exact temperature and the duration of the fever as well as other signs or symptoms.

· Don't misuse the phone by trying to wangle a free consultation. Not only is this unfair to the doctor, but also such a consultation is likely to be very unreliable.

· Ask the doctor what you should do and write down his instructions carefully. Ask the doctor to spell out any word if you are unsure about it.

· Ask if and when you should call back, or if you should come to the clinic.

· Ascertain what complications could occur that may require you to hurry to the emergency room.

· Don't forget to thank the doctor for talking to you on the telephone!

If you have the doctor’s mobile number or residence number, please treat with respect. This is a privilege he has granted you, so don’t abuse it for routine calls, which are better handled by calling the clinic or the secretary.

It’s a good idea to find out what the clinic policy is about phone calls in advance.

· When is the best time to call?
· What is the doctor's rule for returning calls?
· Whom should you speak with (e.g., assistant, nurse) if the doctor can't come to the phone?
· What is the phone number for making emergency calls or for calls when the office is closed?
· Whom can you call if your doctor is out of town?

Sometimes, you may have to call a doctor after the clinic has been closed. Remember when you call a doctor after hours, he is trying to help you solve your immediate problem, not provide advice about your entire medical situation. Try to be specific in your complaint; you should know what medications you are currently taking and which of them has proved successful in the past. If you are not happy with the physician's advice or if you feel you are getting worse, go to the nearest emergency room at once.

Let me give an example of a precise and useful telephone call: 'I am an asthma patient and have had increasing wheezing today. I am not coughing up any mucus. I am using my albuterol inhaler every three hours but it doesn't seem to work. Last year when I suffered a similar episode, the doctor gave me prednisone and it worked, but the prescription is a year old. What should I do now?

On the contrary, here is an example of a bad telephone call: 'I don't feel good. The doctor treats me for breathing problem. I take three breathing pills, one is green, one is white and one is real, and I ran out of the red one last week. While I have you on the phone, I think I have a fungus on my feet, can you suggest a prescription for something for that as well….'

Making effective use of the telephone can help to save both your doctor’s and your time, effort and money. Learn to use this instrument wisely and well.

Personally, I prefer email to talking to patients on the phone for many reasons.

· Everything is documented
· There is no scope for confusion or misunderstanding
· I can refer to the patient’s medical records, to ensure my advise is correct
· We don’t have to play telephone tag, which means I can answer at my own convenience. This is especially important for overseas patients, because of the timezone differences

Smart patients need to learn how to communicate with their doctors – and using the phone and email effectively can help them they save the doctor’s time, as well as their own.

Information Therapy - The Right Information at the Right Time for the Right Person By-Dr.Aniruddha Malpani and Founder of HELP

The Indian healthcare system has become sick. In the private sector, doctors are no longer held in high regard; the doctor-patient relationship has deteriorated; and patients believe that the medical profession has become commercialized. The dismal state of the government’s healthcare services for the poor and the middle-class has also been extensively documented. The knee-jerk reflex has been to train more doctors ; set up more hospitals; and force corporate hospitals and doctors to provide subsidised medical care. This is simply a form of " band-aid medicine". The only effective solution will be to rely on the one resource which is almost inexhaustible—the people themselves. The principle is simple - educate them so they can manage their own health problems. The reason that India is shining today is that we are in a demographic “sweet spot.” India’s major strength is its middle-class, with its millions of educated young adults , and protecting their health should be a high priority. Unfortunately , healthcare remains a neglected area , because of which millions of working years ( and billions of rupees ) are wasted on preventable illnesses . Medical absenteeism exacts a huge toll , but because it is hidden from public view, we have not addressed this problem effectively. This is a daunting task, and the challenges are enormous. However, the biggest mistake we make is to assume that people are incapable of tackling their own medical problems; and that we need to look to doctors for solutions. We need to change our focus. Instead of trying to provide sophisticated healthcare services ( blindly imported from the West) , which need expensive technology, fancy machines and highly trained specialists, we need to tap the people themselves. People are smart and motivated , and are capable of remaining healthy, if we give them the right tools and teach them how to use them. Doctors are illness experts – and not healthcare experts. Healthcare needs to learn from the revolution which has occurred in microfinancing. When given money and the freedom to use it as they see fit , even very poor people have come up with remarkably innovative ideas which could never have been planned, designed or anticipated by the traditional experts - bankers! Information Therapy - the right information at the right time for the right person - can be powerful medicine ! Ideally, every clinic , hospital, pharmacy and diagnostic center should have a patient education resource center, where people can find information on their health problem . The key is to develop patient-friendly materials which people will want to watch and can learn from. Most of us are visual learners, so this should be in graphic format. Modern technology has made creating and sharing visuals easy, so each community can build its own customised health video libraries with ease ! A simple example would be to find an articulate doctor with excellent communication skills, and to record a doctor-patient consultation with her about the top ten common clinical problems. A library of such videos could then be published online as "open source content" ; and patients and doctors could download and dub these in local languages . This version can again be uploaded to the web and shared with other patients from all over the country. Web 2.0 technology empowers patients to form support groups and communities where expert patients can help others. As the technology improves, it will soon be possible to deliver this graphic educational content on the third screen which is quickly becoming universal - the cellphone. Patients will find these videos much easier to relate to, since the videos are in their own language; deal with their immediate personal concerns; use local characters they can identify with; and provide local solutions which they are familiar with . Information Therapy enhances patient autonomy by putting patients first; promotes patient-centered healthcare; respects the fact that the patient is the expert on himself; emphasizes personal responsibility for health; reduces the risks of medical errors; improves patient compliance with therapy; reduces the risk of litigation, because the patient has realistic expectations of the treatment; empowers patients to make their own decisions; and allows the intelligent use of integrative medicine, ( such as yoga , homeopathy and ayurveda) , so people can explore what works best for them. It creates expert patients and allows patients and doctors to form a healthy partnership, by improving doctor-patient communication. Finally, it saves money on medical care , both by promoting self-care (thus encouraging patients to do as much for themselves as they can, and not become dependent on doctors) ; and helping them with veto power, so they can refuse medical care they don’t need, thus preventing overtesting and unnecessary surgery . Is educating people about their health and medical issues too expensive ? In fact, it's too expensive not to do it ! Human capital is India's most precious resource and we cannot afford to squander it. Information Therapy is free ; has no side effects ; and provides a terrific return on investment. We should insist that doctors dispense information therapy every time they do a consultation; advise a lab test; or prescribe medicines. In fact, both the government and insurance companies can make prescribing information compulsory . Information Therapy can be Powerful Medicine – let’s make the most of it.

To Get more information on this subject log on to:

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Discover Energy remedy through Acupressure

Understanding Dementia & Alzheimer's- Why they need your help...

This presentation gives information about the Dementia and Alzheimers how they need our help... a Free talk given by Mr. Shailesh Mishra who works for Silver innings at HELP....

Uploaded on authorSTREAM by healthlibrary

Get the perfect figure naturally by using science of Ayurveda

By using science of Ayurveda you can physically be fit and fine also can get a perfect figure, a free talk given by Dr. Gayatri Devi at HELP......

Uploaded on authorSTREAM by healthlibrary

Your Questions my Answers- A dialogue on Human Sexuality

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Prostate enlargement in Men- Understand this problem and its treatment

HELP In Marathi !!आता हेल्प मराठी मध्ये पण !!

" हेल्प "
भारतातील सरवाथ मोठे मोफत स्वाथ्य ग्रंथालय ..
चला, दुर्लक्ष्य नष्ट करून ताकुया !!

HELP LIBRARY NOW SPEAKS HINDI ! हेल्प अब आपकी भाषा में भी !!

दिल के दौरे के बाद ! & How We Did It

Thanks to to Google Translate and Google Transliteration, we can now convert useful health education material to various international languages. Using a Microsoft Publisher template for Brochures as a base, we at HELP have been successful in translating patient education handouts in Hindi - National language in India. The cartoon pictures have been downloaded from

After creating the required material we saved the Microsoft Publisher file as a JPEG file which we have uploaded on our blog.

Watch out for more interesting brochures in Hindi. We also welcome any suggestions/ideas to do it better.

Bhramari Pranayam- Discover positivity and optimistism in your life using Yoga!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Dial 1298- Welcome to Mumbai's new ambulance network

Click "Play" to view the full video...


Those who think they have no time for exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness

Dr. Edward Stanley

Friday, August 8, 2008

Asthma? Yoga could help you..

Want to view the video just Click "Play"................

"50 Plus? Time to start a new diet plan.!"

Just Click on "Play" to view the following video...........

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

नींद ना मिलने से क्या क्या हो सकता है ?

नींद ना मिलने से क्या क्या हो सकता है ?

आखों का लाल होना॥
बुरी तरह से सर दर्द करना॥
बदहजमी जैसे तकलीफ होना॥
काम पर ध्यान न रख पाना॥
गलतियां करना, ऐसी गलतिया गाड़ी चलते हुए वाहन चालक के लिए घातक साबीत हो सकती है॥

Relation between Pranayam and Meditation: Video

Watch the new video...

My experience as a part of HELP.

I am truly proud , that I am a part of this unique organization.
Our's is the World's Largest Free Health Education center for people. It is our Mentor's initiative and farsightedness which has led to the establishing of this vast informative organization.

Today, patient education and awareness of health plays a significant and vital role. The common layman has every right of being well informed regarding his health. A well informed patient is a boon for himself and paves the way for many others as well, in the field of information. Therefore, come, discover what you are made of, the complex anatomy and working of your system created by Almighty, the function of your vital organs, the symptoms, the remedies, the treatment, as well as the ill effects of various illnesses. This is what we are for. The library not only boosts up the confidence of the layman, but also makes him aware of various alternatives, treatments thus making him stand tall amongst the others.

Our founder has a vision and I and the HELP Team are working towards accomplishing it.Patient education will gradually gain momentum and we see a new India, well informed, educative and self reliant. We also hope of establishing several centers elsewhere also.So do join us.Lets eradicate ignorance which is the root cause of all helplessness. Be well informed, face your doctor with confidence, discuss with him the pros and cons of your treatment, the various alternatives available etc. Thus help, HELP achieve what was once impossible and which would lead to better doctor and patient relationship.

I begin my day, everyday as it comes. Our team at HELP thus realizes that we are there to reach out and help every person who arrives at HELP looking for answers.At he end of the day there is contentment that we have contributed our bit. Let's take the pledge today, that we will stand proudly and serve selflessly towards building a new India and educate every patient who steps at HELP.

I myself went through certain books on Psychology and self help books. I could read very little.But the little bit of what I read brought about tremendous positive transitions in my life. So do come explore, and discover yourself as I did... Our purpose is to empower patients and we are working towards it. The common layman has knowledge as his weapon.Thus let Almighty give all the strength and equip us with what is required, in building a better tomorrow for all patients.

--A first hand account, by Miss. Aarti Bhagat from the HELP team.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Discovering the secrets of Ayurveda for holistic health!

Ayurveda- the wisdom of the sages, is India's gift to the Western world. Through it's pure and essential natural elements, Ayurveda has worked wonders for so many conditions, that even modern medicine couldn't find answers to...We at HELP have always respected this revered ancient form of therapy, and in an effort to revive the wavering reliance of patients on this beautiful form of remedy, we had Dr. Gayatri Devi, throw some light on the various secrets Ayurveda had to offer for treating common disorders. Right from Losing weight to wiping those wrinkles off your face, she discussed so many safe and authentic options Ayurveda had to offer... We will definitely have a lot of important topics we will be discussing in the future talks too, dealing with application of Ayurveda at multiple points of your life...

To know when a talk may be held in the future, check out our section on upcoming talks on our google calender at :

Emergency Dial 1298- Now Help is at hand!

Kudos to the new HELP- line for Mumbai ! 1298 is the number everybody should be storing in the speed dials of their mobiles, so you are never far from a hospital when you need it the most... We were very impressed by this unique ambulance service started in Mumbai, and we had to help them spread the message when we invited them to HELP. Mr. Chris Walker opened our eyes to the situations that none of us would ever wish to be in, when they had rushed cardiac victims, accident cases to hospitals saving precious lives. It is well known how difficult it is to make it in time to any place in Mumbai with the traffic, so how does an ambulance manage to make it in time either? With intelligent GPS monitoring and stationing their vans outside railways, and other accident prone sites, having a direct dial number- yes, 1298 is a direct dial from mobiles too, these saviors are trying to do their best to at least give victims a good chance to survive... HELP salutes this noble service and we will always be proud to be associated with such organizations who are striving to do their bit for society through their efforts...

When a loved one has a psychiatric disorder- living with the challenge!

Manav Foundation

It is said very rightly, that the mind rules the body...Indeed, it is heart rending to imagine then, what is life like for patients, afflicted with a psychiatric disorder, and more so for their loved ones.
We at HELP have always tried to support a cause for those considerate enough to help such individuals, which is why we invited Binaifer, from Manav Foundation, to tell us from their numerous experiences, how it feels when someone you love, has a Psychiatric disorder, and what strength it takes to not give up on them. Right from understanding and accepting it as a medical disorder, to not blaming oneself or the patient for the quiet suffering they go through, we discussed many more important social issues. It is only through seminars like these, can we join hands to make a difference to their world. Probably, if they are at least given a respectable place in society, it will go a long way in helping them realize that they are not abnormal or just crazy, but just ill in a different way...

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Mayo Clinic Family Health Book

There is so much good info in here it's hard to know where to start. There are detailed illustrations of all of the body's systems, pictures of various skin disorders, instructions on how to deal with all types of illnesses and symptoms, info on healthy eating and diet, and info on various drugs used to treat a myriad of ailments.

This book available for free reference in our library collection at the center. Drop in to check it out!