Tuesday, July 5, 2011

HELP TALKS - Dr. Madhuri Kulkarni on Why Do Children Not Do Well In School

This video is a talk by Dr. Madhuri Kulkarni at HELP on 30 June, 11. Topic "Why Do Children Not Do Well In School". Dr. Madhuri Kulkarni can be contacted at 9869524283.This is part of the HELP Talk series at HELP, Health Education Library for People, the worlds largest free patient education library www.healthlibrary.com

People tend to make two assumptions when a child does not do well in school. They usually assume that either the child is not smart enough to learn the information or the teacher is not doing his or her job properly.Neither of these assumptions is necessarily correct.There are several reasons why a child may have difficulty learning because he/she is not comfortable being around others.These children are usually loners and are somewhat withdrawn.

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