Saturday, February 27, 2010

Book Rewive- Codependent's Guide To The Twelve Steps

This Book helps you discover how recovery programs work and find the right one for you. Interpreting the famous Alcoholics Anonymous Twelve Steps specifically for codependent issues for the very first time , this groundbreaking book combines Melody’s expertise with the experience of other people to :Explain each stepsd and how you can apply it to your particular issues. Offer specific exercises and activities to use both in group setting and on your own.

Author: Melody Beattie

Publisher: Simon&schuster

No.of pages: 259p

year of Publishing :1998

"Come to Help Library today, and make a difference to your own health as well as that of your community...”

Sch from 2nd Mar. to 15th Mar.10

Hello Dear Readers !!

As you know, we constantly try to upgrade the talks conducted at the center, you shouldn't miss..

Following is the schedule of the talks/workshops. All of these talks are absolutely Free of charge.

Please do attend them and also inform your friends and relatives who could take advantage of this unique free service.


A Free Workshop on "Laughter Therapy" by Mr.Kishore Kuvavala on 2nd Mar 2010 at 3:30 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133


A Free Talk on "Cure blood pressure and diabetes naturally" by Mr.Ashok Agarwal on 3rd Mar 2010 at 3.30 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101,22031133


A Free Talk on " Good health through Kitchen as per Vaastu science” by Mr.Vijay Jain on 4th Mar 2010 at 3:30 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133


A Free Workshop on " Acupressure for general diseases” by Dr.Rukshana Ladhani on 5th Mar 2010 at 3:30 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133


A Free Workshop on “ Healing yourself through Self-Hypnosis-Part 2” by Mrs.Homai Munsif on 6th Mar 2010 at 3:30 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133


A Free Workshop on "Celebrate the person you are" by Ms.Marita Nazareth on 8th Mar 2010 at 4.30pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133


A Free Talk on “How to manage Stress?” by Mr.Anand Ghuyre on 9th Mar 2010 at 3:30 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133


A Free Workshop on “ Healing by Magnet Therapy” by Dr.R.C.Shah on 10th Mar 2010 at 4:30 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133


A Free Talk on “Power of positive thinking” by Dr.S.Srinivasan on 11th Mar 2010 at 3:30 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133


A Free Workshop on “How to use EFT(Emotional Freedom Technique) to deal with emotions” by Ms.Neha Mehta on 12th Mar 2010 at 3:30 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133


A Free Talk on “Protect your heart (and life) by saying NO to Angioplasty” by Dr.R.K.Bhide on 13th Mar 2010 at 3:30 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133


A Free Talk on “Osteoporosis and its management ” by Dr.Imtiyaz Kondkari on 15th Mar 2010 at 3:30 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133

Asthma - Pamphlet

Acupressure Techniques Final

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

HELP TALKS-Ms.Darshana Thacker on "Vegan Ayurvedic Diet"

This video is a talk conducted by Ms.Darshana Thacker at HELP on 26th Feb' 10: topic - "Vegan Ayurvedic Diet"

Ms.Darshana Thacker can be contacted at 98213 59669


Since wild mushrooms can be poisonous, buy them at a store instead of picking your own.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Atherosclerosis - Pamphlet

Gynecologists vs infertility specialists

HELP TALKS -Mrs.Rupal Sumaria on 'Healing with the help of Crystals'

This video is a workshop conducted by Ms.Rupal Sumaria at HELP on 25th Feb' 10: topic - "Healing with the help of Crystals"

Ms.Rupal Sumaria can be contacted at 98330 53860


If you feel nauseated, have some tea with ginger.Ginger is wonderful remedy for this condition, and it can also relieve your pain caused by swelling.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

BOOK REVIEW- Weight Loss

This book is not a diet book. Alternative medicine offers you an approach that helps you lose weight and keep it off while improving your overall health and fitness. It is essential to understand the factors that went into creating a weight problem in each person, because obesity is never caused by one thing alone and no two people have exactly the same casual factor.

.Author : Burton Goldberg

Publisher : Magna Publishing Co.Ltd.

Year Of Publishing: 2002

No of Pages : 391p

"Come to Help Library today, and make a difference to your own health as well as that of your community...”

HELP TALKS - Dr.Abhijit Redij on 'Patanjali Yogic concept Part 6-Pranayam'

This video is a Workshop conducted by Dr.Abhijit Redij at HELP on 24th Feb '10 : Topic - 'Patanjali Yogic concept Part 6-Pranayam'

Dr.Abhijit Redij can be contacted at 98694 36203



    Hot is healthy! Hot chilly peppers are great for you –if you can take the heat. They’re high in vitamin A and C, have no fat, very few calories, and may act as a natural antibiotic.















Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Baby Milestones- Book Rewie 2010

Essential reading for parents and carers and packed with practical advice, Baby Milestone covers every aspect of child development from newborn to three years.Organized by age, it explains what to expect and how to bring out the best in your youngster at every stage.

Author : Dr. Carol Cooper

Publisher : Hamlyn

Year Of Publishing : 2006

No of Pages : 224p

"Come to Help Library today, and make a difference to your own health as well as that of your community...”

HELP TALKS - Dr.R.C.Shah on 'Self Healing by Active Meditation'

This video is a workshop conducted by Dr. R. C. Shah at HELP on 23rd Feb' 10: Topic - "Self Healing by Active Meditation"

Dr. R. C. Shah has done B. A., D.L.W., L.L.B.,D.T.M. (LON), D.J. (LON), D.S.E.(LON), .C.I.A.H.M. (LON), Ph.D.

He has written several books in English and in Gujarati. Some of them are Divine Healing, Human body, Acupressure, Magnet therapy, Gems therapy, Yoga for mind control, Improve your Eye-sight, How to get wealth from Share market, etc.


Take vacations throughout the year: a change in routine is good for your body and mind.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

HELP TALKS - Mr.Ratish Rao on 'Heal your body and mind through alternative medicine'

This video is a talk conducted by Mr.Ratish Rao at HELP on 22nd Feb' 10 : Topic - "Heal your body and mind through alternative medicine"

Mr.Ratish Rao can be contacted at

Beyond Second Opinions - Book Review

This book is a guide for those wanting to have a child and for people seeking treatment about fertility, fertility medicine, its patients and doctors. It is an accessible, comprehensive, and well informed book. The author takes the reader beyond hype to the hard data on diagnoses and treatments and sheds new light on difficult decisions patients face today on reproductive questions.

Author : Judith Steinberg Turiel

Publisher : University of California Press

No. Of Pages : 393

"Come to Help Library today, and make a difference to your own health as well as that of your community...”





Smell and examine all food carefully before eating or preparing it.


HELP TALKS - Mr.Shoumya Pattnaikk on 'Personality enhancement Programme for the 21st Century

This video is a Talk conducted by Mr.Shoumya Pattnaikk at HELP on 20th Feb' 10: Topic - "Personality enhancement Programme for the 21st Century"

He can be contacted at 99870 93770.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Could it be breast cancer? Book Review

This booklet is a first step in providing information that helps one understand breast cancer and be confident that all the diagnostic procedures necessary for developing an optimal treatment plan are performed. If focuses mainly on the diagnosis of breast cancer, yet some of the tests described are also applicable to recurrence of the disease or metastatic breast cancer.

Author : Professor Nadia Harbeck

Publisher : Roche

No. Of Pages : 86

"Come to Help Library today, and make a difference to your own health as well as that of your community...”






You can relieve mild diarrhea by eating a cup of fresh blueberries.



Saturday, February 20, 2010

Nine Months and a Day - Book Review

This is easy to read book full of practical advice for a safe and satisfying pregnancy and delivery. It is a companion for a woman’s pregnancy, labor and delivery. Concise , accurate, reader friendly, and completely up-to-date , with useful illustrations, a handy information form for recording important names, numbers, and dates and the latest facts about such matters as household and workplace environmental hazards, sexually transmitted disease, cesarean birth, cord blood retrieval, breastfeeding, and postpartum recovery.

Author : Adrienne B. Lieberman and Linda Highey Holt

Publisher : The Hardvard Common Press

No. Of Pages : 216

"Come to Help Library today, and make a difference to your own health as well as that of your community...”

HELP TALKS - Dr.Chaitali Bhide on 'Introduction to Electro-Therapy'

This video is a workshop conducted by Dr.Chaitali Bhide at HELP on 19th Feb' 10: Topic - "Introduction to Electro-Therapy"

She can be contacted at 97731 88485


If you use a razar with blades, replace them regularly. New

blades are less likely to irritate your face or legs.

Friday, February 19, 2010

PREEMIES- Book Review-2010

This extremely comprehensive and informative book, written in plain language

Will serve as a comforting companion for parents and health- care professionals alike.

PREEMIES covers every topic related to premature birth.

Author: Dana Wechsler

Publisher: Poket Books

Year of Publication :2000

No of pages: 578p

"Come to Help Library today, and make a difference to your own health as well as that of your community...”

HELP TALKS -Ms.Rajni Agarwal on 'Building Bridges-a guide for Parents and Teenagers'

This video is a talk conducted by Ms.Rajni Agarwal at HELP on 18th Feb' 10: Topic - "Building Bridges-a guide for Parents and Teenagers"

She can be contacted at

Just a little exercise



Just a little exercise- such as a brisk 45-minute walk five days a week- may raise your resistance to colds and flus.


Thursday, February 18, 2010

HELP TALKS - Dr.Nitin Shah on 'Application of Hypnotherapy in day-to-day Life'

This video is a Workshop conducted by Nitin Shah at HELP on 17th Feb' 10 : Topic-"Application of Hypnotherapy in day-to-day Life"

Dr.Nitin Shah can be contacted at 9819365328

H Saboowala Diet Nutrition Ppt Incomplete(2)

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

health tip 2





Try gargling warm salt water a couple times a day to-relieve a mild sore throat .


Patient Power - Book Review

Patient Power aims to provide a simple, straightforward, authoritative and accessible guide to health care, from the patient’s point of view. It takes you step by step through the maze of services on offer and answers simple and complex questions. Packed with practical information and tips, the book helps to transform one from a passive patient to an informed person, in charge of one’s health and getting the care that you and your family need.

Author : Sarah Harvey and Ian Wylie

Publisher : Simon & Schuster

No. Of Pages : 310

"Come to Help Library today, and make a difference to your own health as well as that of your community...”

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Secret Survivors - Book Review

This book focuses on what incest does to those scarred by it, affecting how they dress, their body image, and relationships, as well as their ability to feel and think. This book also expands the definition of incest to include sexual abuse perpetrated by any caregivers, including teachers, doctors, neighbors, and other non - relatives.

Author : E. Sue Blume

Publisher : John Wiley And Sons

No. Of Pages : 326

"Come to Help Library today, and make a difference to your own health as well as that of your community...”

Dr Abhijit Help 110509

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

HELP TALKS - Mr.Umesh Soman on 'Dissolve Stress with communication'

This video is a workshop conducted by Mr.Umesh Soman at HELP on 16th Feb'10: topic - "Dissolve Stress with communication"

Mr.Umesh Soman is a corporate trainer and can be contacted at

health tip



Asprin interacts with other drugs,so be sure to consult a physician before taking one if you’re on any prescription medication.


HELP TALKS - Mr.Nasir Mahmood on 'Learn to treat yourself through Sujok'

This video is a workshop conducted by Mr.Nasir Mahmood at HELP on 15th Feb' 10 : Topic - "Learn to treat yourself through Sujok"

Mr.Nasir Mahmood can be contacted at 99301 78879.

Monday, February 15, 2010