Thursday, December 30, 2010
HELP TALKS - Mr.Johnson Thomas on Suicide Survivors
Feedback - Suicide Survivors by Mr.Johnson Thomas
Mr.Johnson Thomas - Why he likes to give talks at HELP
At HELP, we organize talks everyday by doctors/specialists on different health related topics, issues. These talks are recorded and uploaded on our website, youtube, facebook, orkut, twitter.
Are you a doctor? Would you like to give a talk at HELP Library? Feel free to contact us at HELP - 22061101, 22031133.
For more details log in to our website
Certain categories of patients can be particularly irksome or tiresome
For instance, doctors dislike patients who:
* Expect to be treated on a priority basis.
* Are always late.
* Waste time needlessly.
* Ask the same questions endlessly.
* Think they know all the answers.
* Do not value the doctor's privacy or personal time.
* Do not follow instructions.
* Go 'doctor shopping' i.e., change doctors all the time.
* Don't pay their fees on time. It's always helpful to put yourself in the other person's shoes; i.e., to see things from your doctor's point of view! The ideal patient would be one who:
* Comes to appointments on time, or is thoughtful enough to phone to cancel them.
* Tries to explain exactly what's bothering him; i.e., he can express his anxieties and apprehensions clearly.
* Answers questions honestly.
* Volunteers any important information that the doctor may not specifically ask about, including family history.
* Lets the doctor know if cannot follow his directions and specifies the reasons why.
* Takes medications as directed, strictly adhering to the dose schedule.
* Expresses his dissatisfaction in a courteous manner
Try to do your best to become an ideal patient, and learn to take an active interest in your medical care. After all, this is the only body you have! It's a simple fact of life that patients who know how to make the most of their doctor get better medical care. Therefore, it's very important that you learn how to do so!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
HELP TALKS - Mr.Vijay Jain on Colour Therapy
Your Medical Records
Make sure you carry photocopies of all your medical records and tests. You can give them to the doctor for his files, if needed - but keep your originals with you - they are your property! Also, make sure that you have clearly understood the contents of your medical records so that you can explain the details to another doctor if needed.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
HELP TALKS - Ms.Rukmini Iyer on Moving from Head to Heart
Feedback - Moving from Head to Heart by Ms.Rukmini Iyer
Ms.Rukmini Iyer - Why she likes to give talks at HELP
At HELP, we organize talks everyday by doctors/specialists on different health related topics, issues. These talks are recorded and uploaded on our website, youtube, facebook, orkut, twitter.
Are you a doctor? Would you like to give a talk at HELP Library? Feel free to contact us at HELP - 22061101, 22031133.
For more details log in to our website
Schedule of HELP Talks 1st January to 15th January 2011
Hello Dear Readers,
We wish you all a very happy and healthy New Year.
As you know, we constantly try to upgrade the talks conducted at the center, you shouldn't miss!
Following is the schedule of the talks/workshops. All of these talks are absolutely Free of charge.
For details log on to our
Please do attend and also inform your friends and relatives who could take advantage of this unique free service.
Get Answers to all your Health Questions Online
Would you like a quick consult about a medical problem, symptom or just want more information on a medical topic. This a FREE service.
Date Speaker Topic
To register call: 65952393/94, 22061101, 22031133
Speak out when you are made to wait too long!
While an occasional delay is unavoidable (since a medical emergency could require your doctor's immediate attention), if you are made to wait for an eternity each time, something is seriously wrong with the doctor's attitude towards patients. For any inordinate delay, the clinic staff should be courteous enough to provide an explanation, and, if needed, an alternative appointment. As an example of efficient patient management, if a doctor at the famous Mayo Clinic in the USA makes you wait for more than 30 minutes without an explanation, you can complain to the hospital manager who will rectify matters.
HELP TALKS - Dr.Narendra Kumar on Life-Style Management
Feedback - Life-Style Management by Dr.Narendra Kumar
Dr.Narendra Kumar - Why he likes to give talks at HELP
At HELP, we organize talks everyday by doctors/specialists on different health related topics, issues. These talks are recorded and uploaded on our website, youtube, facebook, orkut, twitter.
Are you a doctor? Would you like to give a talk at HELP Library? Feel free to contact us at HELP - 22061101, 22031133.
For more details log in to our website
Monday, December 27, 2010
Waiting for your doctor to see you
The most common complaint of patients is that they are made to wait for ages before the doctor can see them! It is only because patients put up with such a situation that doctors get away with this unpardonable behavior. After all, no doctor would remain very busy if all his patients decide to refuse to wait for him! Some patients seem to believe that the longer they have to wait outside the doctor's clinic, the better he must be, since he has so many patients clamoring for his attention. This is simply not true! No matter how hard-pressed a doctor may be, he can always space out his appointments, so that you never have to wait for more than an hour to see him.
Friday, December 24, 2010
HELP TALKS - Mrs.Rashida Dhorajiwala on How to transform your Life from the old clutter & to renew your Life for a fresh new beginning
Feedback - How to transform your Life from the old clutter & to renew your Life for a fresh new beginning by Mrs.Rashida Dhorajiwala
Mrs.Rashida Dhorajiwala - Why she likes to give talks at HELP
At HELP, we organize talks everyday by doctors/specialists on different health related topics, issues. These talks are recorded and uploaded on our website, youtube, facebook, orkut, twitter.
Are you a doctor? Would you like to give a talk at HELP Library? Feel free to contact us at HELP - 22061101, 22031133.
For more details log in to our website
Talk to your physician
What happens if you and your doctor differ about a treatment option? Let me point out that there's a right way of approaching your doctor and a wrong way. It's simply a matter of mutual respect; you wouldn't want your doctor to assume the worst about you, so, on a reciprocal basis, don't assume the worst about him! Often, if you can put across your feelings and apprehensions in the right way, you can get your doctor to help you. Explain your needs to the physician in a polite way, without any belligerence or hostility. Remember that you are both on the same side - yours!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
HELP TALKS - Aging with Grace on Dr.Archana Jambusaria
Fauja Singh - An Inspiration at 99 years

"Fauja Singh is an inspiration. At 99 if he can run 55 miles in five and hours then why not we try running every day? He is the face of Adidas taking over from the football legend David Beckham!"
Feedback - Aging with Grace
It is your Right to know your answers!
Try to find a friend or relative to accompany you for the consultation, as his or her presence can be very useful. He or she can help reduce your anxiety, give you courage to ask the relevant questions, and also help you to interpret the doctor's statements. As mentioned earlier, do not hesitate to ask questions (and more questions); never mind how many other patients are waiting outside the doctor's clinic, or how stupid the questions may seem to you. When you are with the doctor, his only focus of interest should be you, and it's his job to provide answers. Remember, the only stupid question is the one you didn't ask. Be courteous but assertive while asking questions and obtaining information, but don't turn aggressive or antagonistic. Listen carefully to what your doctor says, and in case of doubt and ambiguity, do not leave till these have been dispelled. Remember, the word doctor is derived from the Latin root docere, which means 'to teach'. Therefore, look for a doctor who is willing to share his knowledge with you!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
HELP TALKS - Dr.R.C.Shah on Divine Healing
Dr.R.C.Shah - Why he likes to give talks at HELP
At HELP, we organize talks everyday by doctors/specialists on different health related topics, issues. These talks are recorded and uploaded on our website, youtube, facebook, orkut, twitter.
Are you a doctor? Would you like to give a talk at HELP Library? Feel free to contact us at HELP - 22061101, 22031133.
For more details log in to our website
Feedback - Dr.R.C.Shah on Divine Healing
Prepare your Questionnaire
Another important point to be borne in mind is to carry written checklists with you during every visit. Normally, you can think up a wide range of questions to ask the doctor, but as a result of the stress generated by the consultation you invariably forget most of them. Such a situation is very frustrating, and you kick yourself when you get home. To prevent this from happening, write down all the questions you need to ask in order of priority. It is also helpful to write down the doctor's answers. Studies have shown that patients forget about 50 per cent of what the doctor tells them during a visit! Writing down the doctor's answers will prevent such a 'disaster'! Moreover, your doctor also stands to benefit because you need not pester him with your queries all over again!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Mr.Joboy Thadicaren - Why he likes to give talks at HEL
At HELP, we organize talks everyday by doctors/specialists on different health related topics, issues. These talks are recorded and uploaded on our website, youtube, facebook, orkut, twitter.
Are you a doctor? Would you like to give a talk at HELP Library? Feel free to contact us at HELP - 22061101, 22031133.
For more details log in to our website
Feedback - Food for Life-Secret of Good Health
HELP TALKS - Mr.Joboy Thadicaren on Food for Life-Secret of Good Health
Next appointment
Try to schedule your next visit at the end of the consultation. If the succeeding question-answer session is something which can be managed on the telephone, then try to do so. You could save both time and money by avoiding an unnecessary follow-up visit to the doctor's clinic.
Monday, December 20, 2010
HELP TALKS - Mrs.Homai Munsif on Learn to heal yourself with Emotional Freedom Techniques
Feedback - Learn to heal yourself with Emotional Freedom Technique by Mrs.Homai Munsif
Mrs.Homai Munsif - Why she likes to give talks at HELP.wmv
At HELP, we organize talks everyday by doctors/specialists on different health related topics, issues. These talks are recorded and uploaded on our website, youtube, facebook, orkut, twitter.
Are you a doctor? Would you like to give a talk at HELP Library? Feel free to contact us at HELP - 22061101, 22031133.
For more details log in to our website
Useful terms to talk to your doctor
The following terms can be very helpful when you talk to your doctor:
* Please tell me more about that.
* What does that mean in simple English?
* Could you explain that to me again?
* Could you write that down for me?
* Where can I find more information about this subject?
* You seem rushed.
* When can I call you to talk about this in more detail?
Saturday, December 18, 2010
HELP TALKS - Dr.Sonal Motta on Psychological & Health Problems of Sr.Citizens
Dr.Sonal Motta can be contacted at 99300 99110
Ask more
Since it is your 'head on the block,' so to say, you are entitled to raise all relevant questions and seek satisfactory answers to them. If you cannot understand your doctor's explanations, ask him to repeat everything in simpler language. Ask him to show you illustrations; also, ask for written material that explains the medical issues in greater detail, so that you can study this later at leisure.
Feedback - Dr.Sonal Motta on Psycological and health problems in Senior Citizens
Dr.Sonal Motta - Why she likes to give talks at HELP?
At HELP, we organize talks everyday by doctors/specialists on different health related topics, issues. These talks are recorded and uploaded on our website, youtube, facebook, orkut, twitter.
Are you a doctor? Would you like to give a talk at HELP Library? Feel free to contact us at HELP - 22061101, 22031133.
For more details log in to our website
Friday, December 17, 2010
HELP TALKS - Dr.S.V.Nadkarni on Understand Stress(tension)
Dr.S.V.Nadkarni can be contacted at 93200 44525
Feedback - Dr.S.V. Nadkarni on Understand Stress (Tension)
Patience with your Doctor
Do keep in mind that doctors are also human, and they are badgered by their own share of problems. On certain days they may seem rude or curt; on such days, give them a little leeway and a lot of understanding!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
HELP TALKS - Mr.Rashid Merchant on Let Go and Grow-Happiness, Health & Success
Mr. Rashid Merchant is a motivation/personality development teacher. He can be contacted at 98701 99082
The more you ask, the more you will be told
Do not hesitate to share your thoughts with your doctor. If you think what he is recommending does not make sense, say so, and specify your reasons. If you're worried, do express your anxieties and find out how you can get more information and support to dispel them. If you just sit on your chair and listen meekly, your doctor will either assume that you are uninterested in a full explanation of your illness and its treatment - or that you are too stupid to understand! Remember - the more you ask, the more you will be told!
Feedback - Let Go and Grow - Health, Happiness and Success by Mr.Rashid Merchant
Feedback about the talk: Informative, Uplifting and Enlightning talk!
Feedback about HELP: Blessed to live in such a close proximity with HELP