Saturday, November 29, 2008
HELP TALKS- Dr. Vatsal Parikh on "Advances in the treatment of Age-Related Macular Degeneration (Eye diseases)"
HELP TALKS- Ms. Neeta Sukthankar on "Freedom through Yoga- Kleshas in Patanjali yoga sutra"
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Author : Douglas C Smith
Publisher : A Simon & Schuster Macmillan Company
Date of Publishing :1997
No. of Pages: 222
HELP TALKS- Mr. Lalit Parimoo on "Experience emotional healing through Abhinay yoga"
HELP TALKS- Dr.Ravindra Kapadia on Energy remedy through Acupressure"
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Author: Carrmine Ireene
Publisher: Jaico Publishing House
Date of Publication: 2006
No. of pages: 151
Monday, November 24, 2008
HELP TALKS- Dr. Muneerah Kuraishi on "Fit for life: Using diet and yoga- 2"
HELP Review
Hi…I am back with the HELP reviews.
Everyday meeting new people at my desk is quite an exciting job. I get to learn new things and great ideas from them which I find to be the most positive part of my duty.
I never thought of people being so concerned about their health issues. They come; they search for various books of different subjects, read them and also appreciate them. Some of them spend three – four hrs a day reading these books at HELP. One of our readers said, “At HELP I have finally found several wonderful books that I have always wanted to read but never came across. I would particularly like to commend HELP on its Mental health section, which is a rare & essential read for the person on both the sides of the therapy table.”
The readers of HELP call it a boon to the society which is full of benefits and gains.
Last but not the least I would like to share what I learnt from a reader today. There was this elderly, tall, dark gentleman sitting in a corner trying to find some books. I asked him if he needed my help. With a smile on his face he replied, I am looking for some books on nutrition for children. While helping him out by finding the books he was looking for I asked “Sir, why are you so keen in reading these books? You know what his answer…was? He said that though I am old but am still fit and healthy, it’s only because at my young age my parents and my Grand parents gave us proper diet and hence now it’s my turn of doing the same to my grandchildren so that when they grow old they should be as fit and healthy as I am today.
I was speechless with his idea of still serving to his family who is in his late 70s not worried about his future but is for his grand children though he has already performed the duties on his part. It was my lesson for the day…do you agree with me?
HELP TALKS- Dr. Nandita Shah on "Real health, not medicine- Prevention and reversal of high blood pressure, heart blocks and stroke through food"
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Patient Empowerment
Caregiving: Taking Care of Elders - Dr Aniruddha Malpani
Posted On Sunday, November 23, 2008 - Times Wellness
Taking care of the elderly can be a daunting task. However, if done right, it can be a rewarding experience
Posted On Sunday, November 23, 2008
Thanks to the rapid advances in the field of medicine, more and more people live to a ripe old age, it is increasingly likely that you will be taking care of older relatives at home. While this has always been a traditional practice in the joint Indian family, caregiving can prove to be quite a burden in Mumbai, where most of us lived in small cramped flats, and space is at a premium.
While many people think of caregiving as a burden, in reality entering into a caregiving relationship offers a valuable chance to reconnect with someone for whom you care deeply. And don't forget that you'll be setting an example for your children, so that when it's time for them to take care of you when you become old, they'll do a good job too.
Taking care of the elderly as they become more infirm and demanding with each passing day can create a lot of stress. If you're trying to shoulder the burden all alone, the frustrations may overwhelm you. An amicable situation can turn sour and, in some cases, mistreatment or abuse of the older person could be the tragic result. As testimony to this disquieting but indisputable reality, the media is reporting more and more cases of abuse and neglect of the elderly in India. Many parents have even been forced to commit suicide when they have got fed up of the ill-treatment they have received.
To sidestep an unpleasant situation and to ensure that you handle caregiving as successfully as possible, you should go in for a little thought, education and preplanning.
To start with, hold a family session when your parents are well. Talk about the future, and what they would like you to do for them in case they fall stick. Involve your brothers and sisters in the discussion and hold it in a positive atmosphere. Although talking about old age and impending debility can be uncomfortable, and disconcerting, this could be the most positive approach in the long run.
Consider covering the following areas:
Division of labour: Decide who will do what - in an unambiguous manner - when your parents need help. If one relative lives close by and decides to be the primary caregiver, it's crucial that the other siblings play a supportive role. One should also find answers to the following important queries: Who will give the primary caregiver a break when he or she needs it? Who will help financially? Who will lend a sympathetic ear when the primary caregiver feels overwhelmed?
Money: To plan for the years ahead, you should know your parents' financial resources. Such information helps you avoid the pitfalls of arranging for your parents to live beyond or below their means. If you're the main caregiver, decide well ahead of time if you want financial compensation for your efforts. This attitude might seem very commercial , but may actually help in the long run.
Insurance: Make sure your parents have taken adequate medical insurance to cover their medical expenses.
Living will: This document puts into writing what medical measures your family member does and doesn't want to be taken in the event of a terminal illness or condition.
Power of attorney: This legal document allows a designated person to make specified legal and financial decisions if your parent or elderly relative becomes unable to manage his or her affairs.
Try to make your caregiving relationship as positive as possible, while, at the same time, being realistic. The relationship you had with your parent as a child doesn't disappear, and if you had a friendly, easygoing rapport with your mother or father when you were younger, it's likely to continue. However, if the relationship was subject to stresses, they may re-emerge. Also remember that prominent personality traits tend to become exaggerated as both of you grow older.
Caring for an older adult is very different from caring for a child. With the passage of time older persons become more dependent on others, not less. On some days, the experience may feel like an emotional roller-coaster ride: you quickly move from pity and guilt to love and on to anger and frustration.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
HELP TALKS- Mr. Amit Sharma on "Dieting & Exercise- Cutting through the hype to know the correct health plan for your body"
HEP TALKS- Dr. Rukshana Ladhani on "Skin and hair care with diet and nutrition"
Friday, November 21, 2008
HELP TALKS- Dr. Nisar Shaikh on "Stress management through Om Meditation"
Thursday, November 20, 2008
HELP TALKS- Dr. Ashima Acharya on "How your emotional state causes different diseases in your body"
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
HELP TALKS- Dr. Kritika Jain on "Theory of mind b using Hypnotherapy"
Hypno Therapy is a drug less, complementary therapy which uses tools and techniques to empower people to bring a change in their life and it also explains know that how they can change their life (from a negative to a positive) just by simply changing their own thought patterns.
Overcoming Insomnia

Sleep is essential to physical and emotional health. Physically, adequate sleep plays a role in helping your body recover from illness and injury. Sleep problem can be a significant barrier to recovery. But the emotional and mental benefits of sleep are also significant.
People with chronic insomnia were more likely to impair the ability to perform tasks involving memory, learning, logical reasoning and mathematical calculation. This may contribute to develop several kinds of psychiatric problems, and these persons are likely to make greater use of health care services.
Those who suffer from insomnia usually complain that they take more than 30 minutes to fall asleep at night? Or wake up frequently during the night and have a hard time going back to sleep.
Virtually everyone suffers at least an occasional night of poor sleep. However, certain individuals may be particularly vulnerable. These include students, shift workers, travelers, and persons suffering from acute stress, depression, or chronic pain. Older adults also have frequent difficulty with sleep problems. Even occasional sleeping problems can make daily life feel more stressful or cause you to be less productive.
There are many ways you can get a better night's sleep:
1. If you can't easily figure out what is keeping you up, start to keep a record of your sleeping patterns. Write down what you do before bed, what time you go to bed, when you think you fall asleep, when you wake up, and what wakes you up.
2. Remedies like a glass of warm milk or a warm bath do work for some people.
3. If you are worried, talk to a friend or family member. Some people find it helpful to set aside 20 minutes sometime earlier in the day for worrying.
4. Learn some relaxation techniques like meditating or try listening to quiet music.
For More Information on a variety of Sleep Problems visit HELP. Some of the books available at HELP on this subject are:
67 Ways to good sleep : A People's Medical Society book
Restful Sleep:The complete mind/body program for overcoming insomnia
Desperately Seeking Snoozin
How to avoid insomnia-the guide for troubled sleepers
Anidra (Guj)
The promise of sleep, Natural relief from headaches, insomnia & Stress
Learn to sleep well, No more sleepless nights, etc
Monday, November 17, 2008

The mind is filled with happiness, there remains no place for sadness. All the sadness and negative vibration are thrown out of the mind. There is NO ENTRY for sadness or negative thoughts. No negative vibrations are generated.
Laughter works as a ventilator of the mind. It is an entry for Positive Vibrations and an exit for Negative vibrations.
Patients of chronic illness like hypertension, frustration, constipation, asthma, depression, hyperacidity, etc have found remarkable improvement in their health experience calmness, happiness and peace of mind when they gather to laugh for 30 to 45 minutes daily, when they join Laughing clubs.
We devote so much time and divert all our energy to achieve progress, status, future and money that we are left with no time for our health. Wealth can be regained but if health is lost everything is lost.
Some of the books available at HELP Library on Laughter Therapy are:
The laughter prescription |
Laughter the best medicine |
Compassionate laughter : jest for your health |
Healing Power of Humor |
Let there be laughter-Medical Mayhem
Saturday, November 15, 2008
HELP TALKS- Ms. Neeta Sukthankar on "Yoga for Mental health"
HELP TALKS- Mr. Sanjay Singh on "Fitness for Senior citizens"
Friday, November 14, 2008
HELP TALKS- Mr. Lalit Parimoo on "Experience emotional healing- learn Abhinay yoga"
HELP TALKS- Dr. Ravindra Kapadia on ""Energy remedy through Acupressure
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
HELP TALK- Dr. Shilpa Kulkarni on "Preschool- why don't my kids don't listen to me"
The Art Of Avoiding Illness
The Art of Being Well
If you don’t want to be ill...
...Find Solutions.
The negative thought generates negative energy that is transformed into illness. Negative people enlarge problems as they do not find solutions. They prefer lamentation, gossip, pessimism.
Be accepted, accept that you are accepted, accept the criticisms. It is wisdom, good sense and therapy.They who do not accept this, become envious, jealous, imitators, ultra-competitive, destructive.
...Do Not Live Life Sad.
The happy person has the gift to improve the environment wherever they live. Good humor. Laughter. Rest. Happiness. These replenish health and bring long life.
...Don’t Live By Appearances.
There is nothing worse for the health than to live on appearances and facades. Those who hide reality, pretends , poses and always wants to give the impression of being well, their destiny is the Pharmacy, the hospital and pain.
...Speak your feelings.
Illnesses as: gastritis, ulcer, lumbar pains, spinal are emotions and feelings that are hidden, repressed. The speech, the dialogue, the word, is a powerful remedy and an excellent therapy!
HELP review
All the students were highly committed and sincere. Going around in the library from one section to another they kept on asking questions related to the information they were supposed to collect. We would love to encourage such students who need our HELP and could prove to be a benefit to our society.
Since our librarian are well qualified they were able to provide all the required information they needed for the project. It was an exciting task of solving their queries and giving them all the relevant information about HELP. The students were impressed as the books are being classified, weed out policy for books, stock valuation and other such procedures at HELP.
They were very excited to see our video collection where we have a collection of over 500 titles on dvds related to health issues.
They also made a remark that there is no other library in Mumbai which conduct lectures and talks for common people's benefit. At HELP we welcome all such people who are interested in acquiring information regarding their health. We would highly appreciate such visitors at HELP as this makes us feel that our goal is getting achieved.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Procedure to English to Hindi using Google Translate and Google Transliteration
Uploaded on authorSTREAM by healthlibrary
It is our constant endeavour at HELP Library to provide authentic, evidence based health education material to the general public. There exists a great need for basic health education material in Indian regional languages. To bridge the gap between demand for and supply of such educational material on the internet we have started translating and creating pamphlets in Hindi - our national language. The slideshow will show you how we have cleverly used Google tools - Google Translate and Google Transliteration to help society at large.Please leave your comments and ideas to improve this activity.
HELP reviews
We have these two beautiful young ladies coming to our library, one named Arwa and the other named Sakina. They come and spend time at HELP for seeking information and to become aware of different mental and physical disorders.
Both these young ones were keen to read books on mental illness and their search ended at HELP.
They also appreciated HELP by saying that the library is very well organized and they found it very easy to locate the sections they wanted to refer.
The books at HELP have been proved to be very helpful for Arwa and Sakina and also to other such young readers of our library.
Though we are known as the Patient's Education Library for People, HELP is been accepted and appreciated for being useful to Medical Students as well.First Aid
It's immediate care for injury or sudden illness
minutes - even seconds - can mean the difference between life and death. First aid fills the "time gap" until medical help arrives.
Save a life - Prevent further injury
- Relieve pain.
Because someday, someone may need your help!
They can happen anywhere, at any time, to anyone. People who know first aid are better able to react calmly and skillfully in emergency.
What you do will depend on the type of injury or illness, where it occurs, etc. But in any emergency:

This means taking care of any life-threatening situations, usually in the following order:
1. Get the person away from the source of danger, such as fire, a downed power line, etc
2. Give artificial respiration or CPR, if necessary and if you've been trained.
3. Control heavy bleeding.
4. Treat for poisoning
5. Treat for shock.
6. Examine the person carefully for other signs of injury.

If you're the only person on the scene, get help only after giving urgent care. If someone else is on the scene, have that person call "911" (If available) or another emergency number immediately.
Do only what you're qualified to do. For instance, don't try to give CPR unless you've been trained!
HELP TALKS- Mr. Shabbar Suterwala on "Building self confidence- How to make the perfect first impression"
Attention Deficit / Hyperactive Disorder
Hyperactivity is a very distressing and multiple handicap which affects, in varyi9ng degrees, thousands of babies, children and adults. A child is often affected before birth, and if adequate preventative measures are not taken, serious disabilities occur which threaten the child's future development. If left untreated the condition may continue to affect the person through adulthood in some form or another, although some remission may occur at puberty.
Hyperactive babies often suffer from 'colic', need very little sleep, cry and scream for much of the time. They are restless, fidgety. They often reject mothering and affection.
Hyperactive child's attention span is very short and they are easily distracted. They may not deliberately destroy things but lack of control, poor co-ordination and general clumsiness leads to breakage of toys and household objects. The speech and thinking processes of the hyperactive child often reveals many defects. As some learning disabled children have their greatest difficulties with visual perception, so others cannot integrate what they see and hear and therefore cannot understand, even though they may have no measurable hearing loss.
In infancy-
- Crying, screaming, restlessness, some need little sleep
- Colic, very difficult to feed, whether breast or bottle
- Cannot be pacified or cuddled, spurns affection
- Head banging, cot rocking, fits and tantrums
- Clumsy, impulsive, often accident prone
- Erratic disruptive behavior
- Compulsive 'touching', constant motion
- Disturbs other children, may be aggressive
- Lacks concentration and may be withdrawn
- Normal or high IQ but fails at school
- Poor appetite, poor hand and hand eye co-ordination
- Self abusive- pulling hair, picking skin and so on
- Continued problems with sleep
- I was told that I had ADHD what does that mean?
2. How can it be Helped?
Ans: There are many different tablets that can help the Chemical Messenger System, one of which is Ritalin.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
HELP TALK- Dr. Gayatri Devi on "Skin care through Ayurveda"
Friday, November 7, 2008
HELP TALK- Dr. Deepak Patel on "Learn Pranayam for Respiratory Disorders"
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
HELP TALKS- Dr. Fatema Slatewala on "Reducing stress through Homeopathy"
Monday, November 3, 2008
Schizophrenia-A biochemical brain disorder

Schizophrenia is a complex biochemical brain disorder whose cause is yet not known. The illness affects each person differently and can follow a varying course over time
Schizophrenia can strike anyone at any time,afflicting 1 in every 100 persons worldwide. Regardless of age, sex race or social background.
· Hallucinations : Like—hearing, seeing, smelling, feeling or tasting things that are not really there
· Delusions—Clinging to steadfast, bizarre beliefs that defy reasons
· Thought disorder—Disorganized and fragmented thinking leading to incoherent and illogical thinking and speech.
· Flatness of affect—Inability to express appropriate emotions
· Bizzare behavior—Out of character, abnormal behavior patterns
· Social withdrawal—Isolation and reclusiveness
Causes of Schizophrenia
The cause of schizophrenia is not known. It is considered however, to be not one, but a group of diseases of the brain, characterized by disordered perception, thinking and feeling. Research is concerned with possible contributing factors, such as genetic or biochemical defects, slow acting viral infections as well as social and environmental influences.
Schizophrenia is treatable
Hospitalization is often necessary for people with schizophrenia during an acute phase of the disease. With the development of neuroleptic drugs, schizophrenia has become significantly more treatable. A number of these medications are prescribed by psychiatrists to lessen the delusions & hallucinations and to help maintain coherent thought.The thrust of research is to develop antipsychotic medication that is more effective in treating the symptoms of the illness with less side effects.
Active involvement of families and other caregivers has proven to be immensely beneficial in alleviating the suffering caused by schizophrenia. In networking with others in a similar situation, family members can utilize their experience to enable the provision of better supports and services.