Monday, February 28, 2011
HELP TALKS - Mr.Nasir Mahmood on Understanding Sujok by Tri-Origin Theory
Mr.Nasir Mahmood can be contacted at 99301 78879.
Mr.Nasir Mahmood - Why he likes to give talks at HELP
At HELP, we organize talks everyday by doctors/specialists on different health related topics, issues. These talks are recorded and uploaded on our website, youtube, facebook, orkut, twitter.
Are you a doctor? Would you like to give a talk at HELP Library? Feel free to contact us at HELP - 22061101, 22031133.
For more details log in to our website
Feedback - Understanding Sujok by Tri-Origin Theory
Changing your Doctor
Changing doctors is never easy, because, over a period of time you do build up a personal relationship with your doctor. However, you should consider changing doctors if you strongly feel that:
* the doctor is incompetent (i.e. he has ignored obvious symptoms, missed a diagnosis, prescribed the wrong drug, or can't get to the bottom of your problem);
* the doctor does not communicate with you effectively ( i.e., his explanations are not in lay person's language or no time is given to you to ask questions and bring up related problems);
* the doctor does not pay attention to your needs and concern
* you have lost confidence in the doctor's skill and ability.
* you find the doctor is too inconsiderate ( i.e., he makes you wait a long time for an appointment, he fails to return your phone calls, he does not provide clinic time during evening or weekend hours ); and
* your doctor is too expensive.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
HELP TALKS - Mr.Husain Saboowala on Enhance your Confidence through Communication Skills
Mr.Husain Saboowala can be contacted at 9322270321.
Mr.Husain Saboowala - Why he likes to give talks at HELP
At HELP, we organize talks everyday by doctors/specialists on different health related topics, issues. These talks are recorded and uploaded on our website, youtube, facebook, orkut, twitter.
Are you a doctor? Would you like to give a talk at HELP Library? Feel free to contact us at HELP - 22061101, 22031133.
For more details log in to our website
Feedback - Enhance your Confidence through Communication Skills
Schedule of HELP TALK from 1st March to 15th March, 2011
Hello Dear Readers,
As you know, we constantly try to upgrade the talks conducted at the center, you shouldn't miss!
Following is the schedule of the talks/workshops. All of these talks are absolutely Free of charge.
For details log on to our
Please do attend and also inform your friends and relatives who could take advantage of this unique free service.
Get Answers to all your Health Questions Online
Would you like a quick consult about a medical problem, symptom or just want more information on a medical topic. This is a FREE service.
Would you like your doctor to give a HELP Talk? Please send us his/her contact number or email id and we will invite him/her to HELP Library.
Tue 1st Mar 3.30pm | Dr.Kishore Punjabi | Ease Pains and Aches by Chiropractic Therapy | |
Wed 2nd Mar 4.00pm | Mr.Nitin Jain | Meditation on Inner Self | |
Thu 3rd Mar 4.30pm | Mr.Sunil Raikar | How to make Examination Fun for Children – Talk for Parents | |
Fri 4th Mar 3.30pm | Mr.Kishore Kuvavala | Simple Effective Exercises for Daily Life | |
Sat 5th Mar 3.30pm | Mr.Y.P. Munsif | Creating Abundance and Prosperity through Good Health | |
Mon 7th Mar 3.30pm | Dr.Iqbal Shaikh | Let Like Be Cured By Like - Medicines in Homeopathy | |
Tue 8th Mar 3.00pm | Ms.Neeta Sukthankar | Mantra for Women’s Health and Happiness | |
Wed 9th Mar 3.30pm | Dr.Rohit Bartake | Herbs that Heal - II | |
Thu 10th Mar 4.00pm | Dr.Zinobia Madan | Simple, Small Steps to a Healthy Lifestyle | |
Fri 11th Mar 3.30pm | Mr.Shirish Awdhani | Secrets of Aging Well | |
Sat 12th Mar 3.30pm | Dr.Sonal Chauhan | Ear - A Treasury of Acupressure Points | |
Mon 14th Mar 4.00pm | Mrs.Mangala Sarda | Aum and Hasta Mudra | |
Tue 15th Mar 4.00pm | Dr.Muneerah Kuraishi | Permanent Weight Reduction through Yoga and Diet |
To register call: 65952393/94, 22061101, 22031133
Evaluate your Physician
In order to feel good about your medical care, you should feel good about your doctor, too. In this context, ask yourself the following questions in order to evaluate your physician:
* Does your doctor listen to you and answer all your questions about the causes and treatment of your medical problems, or is he vague, impatient or unwilling to answer them?
* Are you comfortable with your doctor? Can you openly discuss your inner most feelings and talk about intimate personal matters, including sexual and emotional problems?
* Does your doctor take a thorough history, asking for relevant factors about past physical and emotional problems, family medical history, medications you are taking and other matters affecting your health?
* Does your doctor address the root causes of your medical problems or does he merely prescribe medicine to treat the symptoms?
* Is your doctor well-groomed? A doctor who cannot be bothered to take care of how he looks may not look after you carefully either!
* Does your doctor smoke? (if yes, this should be a black mark against him!)
* Are you satisfied with the doctor's stand-in when he or she is unavailable?
* Do you feel at ease while asking your doctor questions that may sound "silly"?
* Does your doctor explain complex medical jargon in simple terms?
* Are the office staff members friendly? Do they listen to you patiently?
* Does your doctor answer your telephone calls promptly?
* Are you usually kept waiting for a long time even if you have fixed an appointment before hand?
* Does the doctor have hospital privileges at a respected medical institution?
If you are not satisfied with the answers to the proceeding questions, discuss your concerns with your doctor. Even after this discussion if you are still not satisfied, you should consider looking for another doctor.
Friday, February 25, 2011
HELP TALKS - Dr.Sonal Motta on Managing to be Happy and Disease Free
Dr.Sonal Motta can be contacted at 99300 99110
Feedback - Managing to be Happy and Disease Free
Searching a Specialist
The best way of beginning the search is by asking your doctor. To start with, your doctor knows you and your situation better than any other physician, also since most doctors are aware of the accomplishments of "super-specialists" who practice at large university hospitals or research based facilities, your doctor can help you identify there experts. If you can find a book relating to your problem, then the author (if he is a doctor) is likely to be a good choice. The other option is to find the name of a doctor or the head of a clinic or department which is actively publishing their medical research in this field (you can easily do this by doing a Medline search). This doctor (or the head of the clinic) is likely to be an authority in the subject, and will be well-informed of the latest advances in the field. Many patients naively assume that all they need to do to get good medical care is to make a beeline for the west. However, do not automatically assume that just because you go to the USA, the UK or Germany, you will find a competent doctor - you need to do your homework thoroughly before making the trip!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
HELP TALKS - Mr.Aminali Panjwani on Sujok Acupressure for Knee, Back and Cervical Pain
Mr.Aminali Panjwani can be contacted at 9820403813
Mr.Aminali Panjwani - His Experience on giving a talk at HELP
At HELP, we organize talks everyday by doctors/specialists on different health related topics, issues. These talks are recorded and uploaded on our website, youtube, facebook, orkut, twitter.
Are you a doctor? Would you like to give a talk at HELP Library? Feel free to contact us at HELP - 22061101, 22031133.
For more details log in to our website
Feedback - Sujok Acupressure for Knee, Back and Cervical Pain
HELP TALKS - Dr. Shreeram Vaidya on Cancer Marker Tests'
Dr. Shreeram Vaidya can be contacted at 98692 66049
Feedback - Cancer Marker Tests'
Dr.Shreeram Vaidya - Why he likes to give talks at HELP
At HELP, we organize talks everyday by doctors/specialists on different health related topics, issues. These talks are recorded and uploaded on our website, youtube, facebook, orkut, twitter.
Are you a doctor? Would you like to give a talk at HELP Library? Feel free to contact us at HELP - 22061101, 22031133.
For more details log in to our website
A Bad Doctor
In contrast, a bad doctor is one who:
* Does not value your time, and makes you wait interminably on a routine basis
* Is more interested in treating your reports than in treating you
* Does not spend enough time with you
* Seems to be too busy and rushed all the time
* Orders tests whether or not they are needed
* Does not explain your options to you
* Discourages questions or refuses to answer them
* Promises too much.
* Makes remarks like "that's my secret."
* Doesn't explain clearly what he is doing during treatment. Sometimes, if you are a victim of a rare or complex problem, you may need to find a “Doctor’s Doctor" i.e. the best doctor in the city, country or the world for your particular problem. How do you go about locating such a doctor?
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
HELP TALKS - Dr.Meherunisa Sutarwala on Ho’oponopono – Hawaiin Healing Technique
Dr.Meherunisa Sutarwala can be contacted at 9821074587.
Feedback - Ho’oponopono – Hawaiin Healing Technique
Dr.Meherunisa Sutarwala - Her Experience on giving a talk at HELP
At HELP, we organize talks everyday by doctors/specialists on different health related topics, issues. These talks are recorded and uploaded on our website, youtube, facebook, orkut, twitter.
Are you a doctor? Would you like to give a talk at HELP Library? Feel free to contact us at HELP - 22061101, 22031133.
For more details log in to our website
Book Review: Power To The Patient

Publisher: Warner Books.
Date of Publishing: 2002
No. of Pages: 448
"Visit Help Library today, and make a difference to your own health as well as that of your community...”
Attributes of a Perfect Doctor
At this stage, one may well pose the question: what are the attributes of a perfect doctor? In my opinion, a perfect doctor is one who:
* is respectful and treats you with dignity;
* makes you feel welcome;
* treats more than the symptoms;
* recognizes the expertise of the patient;
* listens to you, explains the relevant facts, asks you questions and answers your questions;
* makes home visits if you require them, or arranges for another doctor to visit you after hours;
* uses pictures and diagrams to explain complex medical terms;
* explains everything, including diagnosis, procedures, treatment and what you can expect in the future;
* is easy to talk to and gives you clear - cut information;
* is open to discussion about alternative systems and is willing to refer you to say, a natural therapist;
* is interested in you, is down-to-earth and treats you as an equal;
* prescribes medication that you can afford;
* fits you in if you are really sick despite a tight schedule ;
* is up-to-date with the relevant information;
* refers to various sources (e.g., books, journals, internet )to clarify information;
* refers you to an appropriate specialist when required;
* refers you to other support services or self-help groups;
* phones back when additional information or tests results are obtained; and
* gives adequate consultation time.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Book Review: The Power Of Losing Control

In this book the author shows how to find strength, meaning, and happiness in an out of control world. This book shows you why the best way to get happiness is to stop pursuing it.
Publisher: Penguin Group.
Date of Publishing: 2003
No. of Pages: 237p
"Visit Help Library today, and make a difference to your own health as well as that of your community...”
When we fall ill, we expect our doctor to treat us and help us to get better. One way to achieve good health is to learn how to look after ourselves. Read the complete book, How to get the Best Medical Care by Dr Malpani on
Book Review: Prostate Health

Dr. Katz’s Guide to Prostate Health book is contains everything you need to ensure your continued prostate health. This book shows you how to avoid and survive all common prostate conditions. Dr. Katz describes the three ways the prostate can become diseased BPH/ benign enlargement, infection/chronic inflammation, and cancer- and reveals how to treat these prostate conditions and promote prostate health with easy-to-understand information on surgery, medication, radiation and other allopathic treatments along with the latest breakthrough in nutritional, hormonal and other therapies.
Publisher: Freedom Press.
Date of Publishing: 2006
No. of Pages: 255p
"Visit Help Library today, and make a difference to your own health as well as that of your community...”
Receive SMS Alerts : You and Your Health –
When we fall ill, we expect our doctor to treat us and help us to get better. One way to achieve good health is to learn how to look after ourselves.
Useful criteria to consider while selecting a doctor
Useful criteria to consider while selecting a doctor are as follows:
* Is the location of the doctor's clinic important? (In other words, How far do I have to travel to see the doctor? Is it
convenient for me? Is there parking space?)
* Is the hospital to which the doctor admits patients important to me?
* Are factors such as the age, sex, race, and religion of the doctor important?
* Do I prefer a solo consultation or a group practice?
* Do I have to choose a doctor who is covered by my insurance plan?
* Is the doctor duly qualified and in which field? For example, a patient with a heart problem may prefer to see a
cardiologist, rather than a general physician.
* What days/hours does the doctor see patients? Are the timings convenient to me?
* Does the doctor ever make house calls?
* How much in advance do I have to make appointments?
* What is the length of an average visit?
* In case of an emergency, how fast can I see the doctor?
* Who takes care of patients after hours or when the doctor is away?
Monday, February 21, 2011
Book Review - A Brief Atlas of the Human Body

This book contains full-color views of the human skeleton. This new atlas features 7 soft tissue images in addition the 104 bone images. Users can find photographs of the bone structures in this atlas.
Publisher: Daryl Fox
Date of Publishing: 2003
No. of Pages: 95p
"Visit Help Library today, and make a difference to your own health as well as that of your community...”
Influenced by a doctor’s degree?
While looking for the ideal doctor, beware of quacks! While many of us tend to be overawed by a long list of alphabets behind the doctor's name, you need to remember that not all of them are legitimate degrees. For example, many doctors will use the 'embellishments' FICA (USA) and FRSH (London) to give the impression that they have been trained abroad. These acronyms are not qualifications- they merely indicate memberships in a society abroad, which are open to anyone- even a barber- on payment of a nominal fee, can acquire such memberships!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
HELP TALKS - Ms.Rajni Agarwal on Beyond Self Interest and Ego
She can be contacted at