Friday, July 31, 2009
HELP TALKS-Dr.Saurabh Dani on 'Preventing Thalassemia'
Dr. Saurabh Dani is a Practicing surgeon and consultant of Obstetrics; Gynecology, having special interest in High Risk Pregnancy; Emergency Obstetrics. Having done his Post Graduate from Nawrosjee Wadia Maternity Hospital, Mumbai – has allowed him to work with the best professionals in the field of Obstetrics; Gynecology.
He has attained is under graduation from the prestigious Shivaji University, Maharashtra.He can be contacted at
Thursday, July 30, 2009
The Invision Guide To Lifeblood - Book reveiw

This book spotlight on the intimate relationship between kidneys and blood, revealing the marvel of kidneys and red blood cells and how they work, how hypertension and diabetes can cause chronic kidney disease, how CKD can cause anemia, drastically sapping energy and lowering quality of life. The book also educates on management and prevention strategies for the health of kidneys and blood.
Author : Alexander Tsiaras
Publisher : C. Collins
Year Of Publishing : 2008
No. Of Pages : 114
HELP TALKS-Dr.R.C.Shah on 'Divine Healing'
Dr. R. C. Shah has done B. A., D.L.W., L.L.B.,D.T.M. (LON), D.J. (LON), D.S.E.(LON), .C.I.A.H.M. (LON), Ph.D.
He has wrote several books in English and in Gujarati. Some of them are Divine Healing, Human body, Acupressure, Magnet therapy, Gems therapy, Yoga for mind control, Improve your Eye-sight, How to get wealth from Share market, etc.
Divine healing includes Bases, Human Body, Healer, Prana- the vital energy, Elements, Healing by touch of hands, Distance healing and absent healing, other methods, Self Healing, Thought power, Love, etc.
Divine Healing in India is neither a mystery nor a miracle. Healing is the greatest gift that can be desired by a human being from nature. The diseases cured by Divine healers include Arthritis, Sciatica, Muscular pain, Slip disc, Spin troubles, Parkinson's disease, Swelling, Appendicitis, Uterus troubles, Ulcers, Piles, Kidney troubles, Stones, Blood pressure, Asthma, Stroke, Paralysis, Mental disorders, Anxiety, etc.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Schedule of help talk from 1st Aug. to 14th Aug.09
Hello Dear Readers !!
As you know, we constantly try to upgrade the talks conducted at the center, you shouldn't miss..
Following is the schedule of the talks. All of these talks are absolutely Free of charge.
Please do attend them and also inform your friends and relatives who could take advantage of this unique free service.
A Free Talk on "Good mothering through Breastfeeding" by Ms.Kavita Mukhi from on 1st August 2009 at 3.30 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
A Free Talk on "Addiction" by Ms.Tejal Gandhi on 3rd Aug 2009 at 3.30 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
A Free Talk on "Know if your Child has anti-social/addictive potential” by Dr.Dhananjay Gambhire on 4th Aug 2009 at 3.00 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
A Free Workshop on "Patanjali’s Yogic concept Part 1-Omkar” by Dr.Abhijit Redij on 5th Aug 2009 at 3.00 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
A Free Workshop on "Acute Pain Management" by Dr. Sonal Motta on 6th Aug 2009 at 3:30 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
A Free Workshop on "Emotional Intelligence-New Approaches" by Ms. Kshitij Negi on 7th Aug 2009 at 4.00 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
A Free Talk on "Unlock your Potential & be a Winner" by Mr.Rasheed Merchant on 8th Aug 2009 at 3.00 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
A Free Workshop on "Laughter is the only Solution" by Mr.Kishore Kuvavala on 10th Aug 2009 at 3.30pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
A Free Workshop on “Divine Healing” by Dr.R.C.Shah on 11th Aug 2009 at 4:30 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
A Free Talk on “Natural Urges not to be suppressed” by Dr. Rohit Bartake on 12th Aug 2009 at 3:30 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
A Free Workshop on “Energy remedy through Acupressure” by Dr.Ravindra Kapadia on 13th Aug 2009 at 3:00 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
A Free Workshop on “Meditation” by Mr.Kumar Bhism on 14th Aug 2009 at 3:30 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
A Free Talk on "Pediatric Opthamology" by Dr.Deepak Garg on 17th Aug 2009 at 3:30 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
HELP TALKS-Ms.Suchitra Pareekh on Patanjali Yoga-Part 2
Ms.Pareekh is a Soft Skills & Yoga Teacher. She also specialises in EFT & TAT Healing. She can be contacted via email at
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Power Of 10 - Book Review

This book is a fitness revolution based on advanced yet simple discovery: By lifting weights in a series of ultra-slow movements that last 10 seconds each, one can stimulate lean muscle formation far more efficiently and safely than regular weight-lifting or aerobics. Together with a healthy nutrition plan and a focus on rest and recovery, the book is effective as 20 minute workouts per week builds muscle, burn fat and improves cardiovascular health, according to the author.
Author : Adam Zicker and Bill Schley
Publisher : HarperResource
Year Of Publishing : 2003
No. Of Pages : 207
HELP EVENT-Dr.Anjali Malpani on'Latest advances in Inferility Treatment'
HELP TALKS-Ms Madhuri Ruia on Apetite for Success…..Eat Sharp Work Sharper
HELP TALKS-Mr.Anand Ghurye on "Understanding & Dealing Stress"
Monday, July 27, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
HELP TALKS-Dr.Ravindra Kapadia on "Energy Remedy through Acupressure"
HELP TALKS-Ms.Sanjeeta Joshi on 'Sharing the Gift of Life'
Friday, July 24, 2009
Is Your Glass Laugh Full? - Some Thoughts On Seeing The Humor In Life - Book Review

This book inspires readers to see and seize the opportunity to bring humor to their life. It is about humor coupled with other personality qualities such as compassion, integrity, and responsibility. Through the stories in this book, the author shows how humor works so that one can bring a little more into their life.
Author : Ronald P. Culberson
Publisher : Gilbert Belle Press
Year Of Publishing : 2004
No. Of Pages : 175
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Yoga Basics - Book Review

This book combines the ancient principles of Hatha Yoga with modern stretch techniques. Techniques adopted in the book are more accessible. Yoga teaches one how to concentrate and focus your mind, improve muscle tone and invigorate internal organs. The book teaches how to breathe correctly and how to attain perfect posture, enabling to increase energy levels. The author claims that this results in perfectly toned body, a positive outlook on life and a peaceful mind.
Author : Vimla Lalvani
Publisher : Hamlyn
Year Of Publication : 2004
No. Of Pages : 128
HELP TALKS-Dr. Atul Pednekar on 'Yoga counselling through Self-Empowernment'
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Forever Young, Forever Beautiful - Book Review
This book present amazing new insights into the nature of human body, and shows just how easy it is to get rid of chronic ailments and maintain youth for many more decades. It focus on new research on anti-0xidants, flavanoids and incorporates the latest findings from the world over. With the tools of conventional medicine, it points out just where conventional medicine is going wrong today.
Author : Shanti B. Rangwani
Publisher : Orpheus Publishing
No. Of Pages : 163
HELP TALKS-Dr.Zainab Dawoodi on Childhood Disorders
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Baby & Child - all your questions answered (book review)

This book guides new parents or already those who have some experience, through the difficult times of childcare, provide answers to all the questions pertaining to baby and child. It covers all needed to know from caring for a newborn and helping child’s development to setting boundaries for a lively preschooler.
Publisher : Hamlyn
Year Of Publication : 2005
No. Of Pages : 256
HELP TALKS-Mr.Kshitij Negi on "Emotions of addictions, addictions of Emotions"
Mr. Khitij Negi practices Energy-Psychology, EFT in particular, for last 6 years.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Instant Emotional Healing - Book Review

In this book, the author gives effective techniques available to everyone through simple step-by-step exercises, combination of breathing and relaxation exercises, affirmations, and tapping specific pressure points on the body that anyone can use to treat everyday emotional roadblocks with immediate and permanent results.
Author : Peter Lambrou& George Pratt
Publisher : Broadway Books
Year Of Publishing : 2000
No. Of Pages : 292
HELP TALKS-Ms.Desiree Punwani on 'Loving Kindness'
Friday, July 17, 2009
Meditations To Heal Your Life - Book Review

Publisher : Hay House
No. Of Pages : 263
Powerpoint Presentation-Dr.Mana Rao & Dr.Preetam Tayshetye
HELP TALKS- Dr.Naresh Biyani on "New Developments in Neuro-Surgery"
Thursday, July 16, 2009
HELP TALKS-Dr.Rukshana Ladhani on "Personalised Tips for Skin,Hair,Diet & Nutrition"
Your Miracle Brain - Book Review

In this book one discover information and inspiring advice. Learns how to mold brain to optimize memory, intelligence, mental achievement, and mood by eating the right foods and taking specific brain boosting supplements; which vitamins can boost intelligence and memory and how high blood can shrink brain
Author : Jean Carper
Publisher : HarperCollins
Year Of Publishing : 2000
No. Of Pages : 378
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
HELP TALKS-Ms.Deepti Bansal Seth on "Metabolism & Weight-Loss"
Post : Nutritionist & Yoga Consultant
Name : Mrs. Deepti Bansal Seth
Mobile No :9869558347
E- mail ID
Educational Qualification
Academic :
Passed BHsc. Examination in Foods, Nutrition and Dietetics held by the
Passed the MHSc Examination in Foods, Nutriton and Dietetics held by the
Yoga Teachers Training Course From The Yoga Institute
Qualified in Naturopathy From Indian Institute of Alternative medicine
Certificate Course in Sports Nutrition from K11 Fitness academy.
Extra Curricular activities: Have compered the Nirmal Utsav in 2001.
Participated in Eco-Alert 2000 seminar in 2000.
Partcicipated in the XXXV Annual National Conference of Indian Dietetic Association.
Participated in the National Conference of Renal Diseases in 2003.
Attended the Advanced course of 1st Obesity Management Update in 2002.
Co-presented at the RSSDI Mahcon Maharashtra Chapter in 2005.
“Yoga by Deepti” Articles featuring in Tarla Dalal Magazine
Work experience : Has completed internship at
Dietician & Clinical Research Coordinator at
Lecturer in
Lecturer in
Conduct group Yoga Classes at Colaba
Consultation at Asiatic Polyclinic, Churchgate.
Thursdays & Saturdays : 12:30 pm to 03:30 pm.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Schedule Of Help Talk/Workshop From 16th July to 31st July, 2009
Hello Dear Readers !!
As you know, we constantly try to upgrade the talks conducted at the center, you shouldn't miss..
Following is the schedule of the talks. All of these talks are absolutely Free of charge.
Please do attend them and also inform your friends and relatives who could take advantage of this unique free service.
A Free Workshop on "Loving Kindness" by Ms.Desiree Punwani on 16th July 2009 at 3.30 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
A Free Workshop on "Emotions of addictions, addictions of Emotions" by Mr.Kshitij Negi on 17th July 2009 at 4.00 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
A Free Talk on "Childhood Disorders” by Dr.Zainab Dawoodi on 18th July 2009 at 3.00 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
A Free Workshop on "Yoga counseling through Self-Empowernment" by Dr. Atul Pednekar on 20th July 2009 at 3:30 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
A Free Workshop on "Satya Meditation-To discover inner peace & power for managing Stress & Self-Healing" by Ms. Jaya Ahuja on 21st July 2009 at 3.30 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
A Free Talk on "Sharing the Gift of Life" by Ms. Sanjeeta Joshi on 22nd July 2009 at 3.30 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
A Free Workshop on "Energy Remedy through Acupressure" by Dr.Ravindra Kapadia on 23rd July 2009 at 3.00 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
A Free Talk on "Understanding & Dealing Stress" by Mr.Anand Ghurye on 24th July 2009 at 3.30pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
‘Infertility Friends’ invites all infertile couples to attend a Free counseling session and Talk on “Latest Treatment on Infertility” given by Dr.Anjali Malpani on 25th July 2009 at 4:30 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
A Free Talk on “An appetite for success. Eat sharp work sharper.” by Ms Madhuri Ruia on 25th July 2009 at 3:30 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
A Free Workshop on "Patanjali Yoga-Part 2" by Ms.Suchitra Pareekh on 27th July 2009 at 3:30 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
A Free Workshop on "Divine Healing" by Dr.R.C.Shah on 28th July 2009 at 4.30 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
A Free Talk on "Preventing Thalassemia" by Dr.Saurabh Dani on 29th July 2009 at 3.30 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
A Free Talk on “Parenting as a Team” by Ms.H’vovi Bhagwagar on 30th July 2009 at 3.30 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
A Free Talk on " Aura Scanning, Spiritual Scanning, Spiritual Healing & Psychic Surgery" by Mr.Vinod Shah on 31st July 2009 at 3.30 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133