Wednesday, June 30, 2010
HELP TALKS - Ms.Suchitra Pareekh on 'Klesa'
Ms.Suchitra Pareekh can be contacted at 98196 18857.
Monday, June 28, 2010
HELP TALKS - Mr.Y.P.Munsif on 'Miraculous Healing Power of your Mind'
Mr.Y.P.Munsif can be contacted at or 98676 02354
Saturday, June 26, 2010
HELP TALKS - Mr.Kshitij Negi on "Emotional Overhaul with Energy Psychology"
Mr. Kshitij Negi practices Energy-Psychology, EFT in particular, for last 6 years. He can be contacted at
Friday, June 25, 2010
PUTTING PATIENTS FIRST-How To Heal Our Sick Health Care System
The Empowered Patient Conference in Mumbai on 20th October.2010.
Nehru Center - 10am - 1.30pm
HELP is pleased to organize The Empowered Patient Conference in Mumbai on 20th October.2010.
Traditionally, Indian patients were passive and were quite happy to leave all medical decisions to the doctor . However , times have changed, and internet positive patients are hungry for information and want to work in partnership with their doctor. This is a huge challenge – and a great opportunity as
well . We feel patients are the largest untapped healthcare resource and that Information Therapy is Powerful Medicine !
In partnership with the Patient Information Forum, UK, HELP is organizing The Empowered Patient Conference. Our keynote speaker will be Mr Mark Duman, President of PiF (
Information Therapy can help patients (and health insurance companies !) save money on medical care by
1. Promoting SelfCare and helping them to do as much for themselves as they can
2. Helping them with Evidence-Based Guidelines , so that they can ask for the right medical treatment that they need – no more and no less
3. Helping them with Veto Power, so they can say No to medical care they don’t need, thus preventing overtesting and unnecessary surgery .
Information Therapy is good for doctors and hospitals as well, as patients who are well-informed have realistic expectations of their treatment. They are much more likely to have a good medical outcome and much less likely to sue.
How can we all work together – doctors, patients, hospitals, health insurance companies and IT companies , to ensure that patients are at the heart of everything we do in healthcare ?
HELP TALKS - Dr.Abhijit Redij on 'Stress Management with Yoga-Part 2'
Dr.Abhijit Redij can be contacted at 98694 36203
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Wanted: Librarians
We are expanding........ and our growth requires more librarians. To be a part of our growth story send in your CVs to
HELP TALKS-Dr.Ravindra Kapadia on 'Energy Remedy'
Dr.Ravindra Kapadia and can be contacted at, and 9820227924
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
HELP TALKS - Dr.Keshav Chander on 'Yoga for Arthritis Management'
"Yoga for Arthritis Management"
Dr. Keshav Chander has done Ph. science and have done a diploma from Yoga Vidyaniketa. He has done a diploma in yogic education and advance diploma in from Mumbai university. He also teaches yoga at different places since 10 years. He can be contacted at
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
HELP TALKS - Dr.Sonal Motta on 'Experience the Magic of Dowsing'
Dr.Sonal Motta can be contacted at 9930099110
Monday, June 21, 2010
HELP TALKS - Dr.Pradip Butale on 'Understanding Cancer'
Dr.Pradip Butale can be contacted at 98705 69400
Friday, June 18, 2010
HELP TALKS - Ms.Neha Mehta on 'How to Manage Stress with EFT'
Ms Neha Mehta can be contacted at 9820651914 or
Thursday, June 17, 2010
HELP TALKS - Mr.Kishore Kuvavala on 'Laughter For All Ages'
Mr.Kishore Kuvavala is the President of the Priyadarshini Laughter Club & can be contacted at 9323273127. His Website address is
Health Tip Of The Day
Don’t keep raw chicken in your fridge more than a day or two after you’ve bought it; it can spoil quickly. |
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
HELP TALKS -Mr.Nitin Jain on 'Third Eye Meditation'
Mr.Nitin Jain can be contacted at 98191 06275
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
206, Dr.D.N.Road, National Insurance Building,
Near New Excelsior Cinema, CST, Mumbai-1
Acupressure For Your Personal Problems.Conducted byDr.Rukshana LadhaniBe a part of this session at HELP LibraryOn 17thJune’ 10 at 11.00amRegistration fee: Rs.200/-Call: 65952393/94, 22031133, 22061101Email: helplibrary@gmail.comWebsite: |
“Test Your Memory”
Conducted by
Mr.Sushant Mysorekar
Why Test our Memory:
To know where your memorystands.
If you wish to improve your memory, then how?
Details of the Test:
· 2 hrs Surprise Testto know about your working memory.
Benefits: To understand yourself.
How you can improve:Shall be discussed after the Memory Test.
Be a part of this session at HELP Library
On 19thJune’ 10 at 11.00am
Registration fee: Rs.500/-
Call: 65952393/94, 22061101, 22031133
Health Tip Of The Day
When Choosing a tooth brush ,opt for one with soft, round bristles.This type of brush helps to combat plaque, is less likely to wear away at your tooth enamel,and is less likely to irritate your gums.
Monday, June 14, 2010
HELP TALKS - Mr.Mehernosh Chhapkhanawalla on 'Optimal Health-Take Charge Of Your Body'
He can be contacted at
Health Tip Of The Day
Another way to soothe a mild sore throat: Sip some hot tea with honey and lemon in it.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
HELP TALKS - Dr.Imtiyaz Kondkari on 'Joint Pain, Backache & Musculo Skeletal Pain - Is it Osteoporosis?'
Dr.Imtiyaz Kondkari can be contacted at 93222 53527.
To keep your cholesterol consumption down, avoid egg yolks. When recipe calls for one whole egg,you might try using two egg whites instead..
Friday, June 11, 2010
HELP TALKS - Mrs.Rupal Sumaria on 'Mind & Body Yoga'
Ms.Rupal Sumaria can be contacted at 98330 53860
To prevent heartburn, try standing or sitting up straight for a couple hours after eating. |
Thursday, June 10, 2010
HELP TALKS - Dr.Rohit Bartake on 'Manas Prakruti-Mind Behaviour'
Dr.Rohit Bartake is an Ayurvedacharya and can be contacted at and 98196 89024
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
HELP TALKS - Dr.Rajiv Naidu on 'Managing Stress in your Daily Life'
Dr. Rajiv Naidu is a Homeopathic Physician, practicing at Andheri, since last 12 years. He is Qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Past-life therapist and Energy Healer. He is a Counselor and a Psychotherapist. He conducts workshops on meditation, self empowerment, stress management, public speaking etc.He can be contacted on 98208 00120 or
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
HELP TALKS - Ms.Rukmini Iyer in 'Applying Fish Philosophy On Personal Wellbeing'
Ms.Rukmini Iyer can be contacted at
Health Tip Of The Day
If you are prone to snoring don’t sleep on your back. Most people snore most when lying in this position|
Monday, June 7, 2010
Health Tip Of The Day
Raisins are good source of Iron and they also improve our digestive System.
HELP TALKS - Mr.Vijay Jain on 'Importance of Date of Birth and Health in Vaastu Shastra'
Mr.Vijay Jain can be contacted at 93244 56898
The Healthy Back Book and The Healthy Knees Book – Book Review

This book gives information on what you need to know: the basic structure of the spine, the most common back injuries, and the chronic pain problems that can arise.
The Healthy Knees Book – Book Review
This book gives information on the most common knee injuries, how your knees function, the most common knee injuries, and the chronic pain problems that can arise. These books also offer a ‘whole body’ approach to balance and healing – with information and tips from medical specialists, physical therapists, yoga and fitness instructors, bodywork practitioners, and herbalists-providing varied and simple solutions for active individuals. These books contains candid advice and clear techniques for dealing with knee and back pain, best practices from both Western and Eastern medical traditions, simple stretches and conditioning exercises and nutritional tips to help avoid or lessen future injury.
Author: Astrid Pujari, M.D., and Nancy Schatz Alton
Publisher: Skipstone
No. of pages: 200
"Visit Help Library today, and make a difference to your own health as well as that of your community...”
HELP TALKS - Mr.Avinash Khanna on 'The crumbling down of Fats-the real and ONLY secret'
Mr.Avinash Khanna can be contacted at : 9619711767
Saturday, June 5, 2010
HELP TALKS - Mr. B Kumar on 'What is Self-Hypnosis?'
Mr.B.Kumar can be contacted at : 9821238835
Health Tip Of The Day
The Caffeine In coffee and tea can actually make a hangover worse.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Health Tip Of The Day
Thursday, June 3, 2010
HELP TALKS - Mrs.Vidya A Jain on 'Reinvent your Spiritual Wheels-Your Chakras'
Mrs.Vidya Jain can be contacted at
Why Suffer? – Book review

Author: Ann Wigmore
Publisher: Avery Publishing Group Inc.
Date of Publishing: 1985
No. Of Pages: 182
"Visit Help Library today, and make a difference to your own health as well as that of your community...”
Health Tip Of The Day
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
HELP TALKS - Dr.Chaitali Bhide on 'Importance of Electro therapy for Orthopedic (Bone) Problems'
Dr. Chaitali Bhide can be contacted: 9773188485
Health Tip Of The Day
Salads Are Great….but don’t drown them in fatty dressings or you’ll defeat your purpose in eating them|
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
HELP TALKS - Dr.Dharav Shah on 'Say No to Tobacco-Yes to Happiness'
Dr.Dharav Shah can be contacted at 92233 28856.
Word of Mouth - World’s most powerful marketing media
Special libraries like health libraries will benefit from this form of marketing, more so, as librarians come in contact with a large number of people from diverse professions and businesses, who come seeking for the same nature of information.
It then becomes the responsibility of the librarian to convey a positive image of the library’s services, products and values. We need to consciously project the values which we stand for. The reader needs to be made aware of the services we provide and the products which she can carry with her – a reminder of the services and values that the library she has chosen to visit. This will ensure a repeat visit from the same reader.
Most importantly, we need to remember to tell the reader to tell at least 5 more people from her family and friend circle to visit the library – simply because she found it to be useful in looking after her health !
Word-of-mouth marketing starts with the employees of the library. Employees should make it a habit of informing at least 5 new people outside the library about the services offered by the library where she works. This will also improve the employee’s self-esteem and pride in belonging to such an institution. Carrying extra brochures at all times will help in conveying your message efficiently.
Google grew by word-by-mouth !
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The HELP Team.
Health Education Library for People,
National Insurance Building, Gr Floor,
206, Dr.D.N.Road,
Mumbai - 400 001.
Tel Nos.65952393/ 65952394/22061101
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