Monday, May 31, 2010
HELP TALKS - Mr.Arvind Bhatt on 'Feng Shui for Good Health'
Mr.Arvind Bhatt is a corporate trainer and can be contacted at 98196 62088.
Health Tip Of The Day
.After Swimming In Chlorinated water. Take a Shower to remove Traces of the chemical from your hair and skin.
HELP TALKS - Mr.Umesh Soman on 'NLP & Self-Motivation'
Mr.Umesh Soman is a corporate trainer and can be contacted at
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Health Tip Of The Day
Research suggests that calcium, which we’ve always known is good for the bones, may also help lower your cholesterol level. |
Friday, May 28, 2010
HELP TALKS - Dr.Abhijit Redij on 'Stress Management with Yoga-I'
Dr.Abhijit Redij can be contacted at 98694 36203
Thursday, May 27, 2010
HELP TALKS - Mr.Sham Kodilkar on 'Art Therapy for Schizophrenia'
Mr.Shaam Kodilkar can contacted at 98695 65439.
The Oxford Book of Healthy Foods – Book review

The Oxford Book of Healthy Foods – Book review
The Oxford Book of Healthy Foods provides valuable information on the science behind herbal medicines and nutrition. Ranging from fruits, nuts and cereals to vitamin supplements and natural herbal remedies such as Echinacea, St. John’s wort, and kava. It is a comprehensive guide to an array of health foods available today. It explains their role in our diet and the potential benefits to our well being, and examines the claims about each, those which are supported by scientific evidence. Beautifully illustrated with botanical drawings, this is a unique reference work for everyone with an interest in healthy foods, healthy eating and the scientific facts behind it all.
Author: J. G. Vaughan & P.A. Judd
Publisher: Oxford University Press Inc.
Date of Publishing: 2003
No. Of Pages: 188
"Visit Help Library today, and make a difference to your own health as well as that of your community...”
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
HELP TALKS - Ms.Suchitra Pareekh on "Patanjali Yoga-Kriya Yoga Part 8"
Ms.Suchitra Pareekh can be contacted at 98196 18857.
HealthTip Of The Day
When you’re feeling stressed out, concentrate on dropping your shoulders to release tension
HELP TALKS - Mrs.Homai Munsif on "Self Hypnosis to Remove Fear, Phobias and Nervous Tension"
Mrs.Homai Munsif can be contacted at
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Before You Call the Doctor

This book is a guide providing safe self – care for over 300 common medical problems. It is a must for those interested in taking charge of their own health. It covers the essentials of home care for hundreds of ailments, from serious illness such as heart failure and emphysema to everyday maladies such as colds and constipation. Each entry explains the disorder, lists the effective at – home treatments, identifies when you should see your doctor and highlights those sign and symptoms that warrant immediate professional treatment. It also covers first aid for common medical emergencies, seven keys to optimal health, men’s and women’s health issues, how to stock your medical cabinet, maintain a family health record and much more. Before You Call the Doctor helps you to be an informed participant in your own medical well being instead of being a passive consumer.
Author: Anne Simons
Publisher: Ballantine Books
Date of Publishing: 1992
No. Of Pages: 688
“Visit Help Library today, and make a difference to your own health as well as that of your community...”
HELP TALKS - Ms.Shilpi Kapoor on 'Inclusive Libraries – Making Libraries Disabled Friendly'
Ms.Shilpi Kapoor can be contacted at
Monday, May 24, 2010
HELP TALKS - Dr.Sonal Motta on 'Back Pain - A Modern Approach'
Dr.Sonal Motta can be contacted at 9930099110
Book Review - The Purification Plan

The Purification Plan – Book Review
This book offers an exclusive 7 – day program to a less toxic lifestyle. It provides information on nutritious foods, essential herbal and nutritional supplements, gentle exercises, stress reduction techniques and in home spa treatments – all with proven detoxifying benefits. This program can also be customized with targeted strategies for specific health concerns including overweight, arthritis, diabetes, high cholesterol, migraines and allergies.
Publisher: Rodale Health Books
Date of Publishing: 2005
No. of Pages: 436
"Visit Help Library today, and make a difference to your own health as well as that of your community...”
Health Tip of The Day
When standing keep your weight evenly distributed over both your legs. letting of one of your hips absorb most of your body’s weight may cause harmful spinal curvature.
HELP TALKS - Dr.Ravindra Kapadia on 'Energy Remedy'
Dr.Ravindra Kapadia and can be contacted at, and 9820227924
Saturday, May 22, 2010
HELP TALKS - Dr.Rohit Bartake on 'Mind, Body and Medicine'
Dr.Rohit Bartake is an Ayurvedacharya and can be contacted at and 98196 89024
HELP TALKS - Mr.Saradindu Chanda on 'Meditation and Healthy Living'
Friday, May 21, 2010
HELP TALKS - Mr.Shrish Awadhani on 'Neurobics-Keep Your Brain Young'
He can be contacted at
Thursday, May 20, 2010
HELP TALKS - Ms.Vatsala Rao on 'Fun with Yoga for Sr.Citizens'
She can be contacted at
HELP TALKS - Mr.Mehernosh Chhapkhanawalla on 'Optimal Health-conquering Lifestyle diseases'
He can be contacted at
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
HELP TALKS - Ms.Rajni Agarwal on 'Anger Management'
She can be contacted at
Health Tip Of The Day
If you use a razor with blades, replace them regularly. New blades are less likely to irritate your face or lags.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Health Tip Of The Day
If jogging a mile intimidates you, try walking a mile instead You burn the same amount of calories- it just takes longer. |
HELP TALKS: Dr Chaitali Bhide on "Slip Disc And spondlitis "
Friday, May 14, 2010
Health Tip Of The Day
Change your socks frequently,specially in hot, humid weather. Damp feet are fertile breeding grounds for all kinds of fungi and warts.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
HELP TALKS-Mr B Kumar on "Hypnosis in day to day life"
Mr.B.Kumar can be contacted at : 9821238835
Monday, May 10, 2010
Health Tip Of The Day
During exercise, remember that you are not training for the Olympics. Just do as much as you feel comfortable with : exercise dose not have to be painful to be good for you. |
Saturday, May 8, 2010
HELP TALKS - Mr.Vijay Jain on 'Human body & Vaastu Shastra'
Mr.Vijay Jain can be contacted at 93244 56898
Friday, May 7, 2010
Health Tip Of The Day
Do not take vitamins just before retiring for the night. Your body will not digest them easily . |
HELP TALKS - Mrs.Brinda Jaising on 'Understanding your Personality'
Mrs.Brinda Jaising can be contacted at 9892281713
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Another way to relieve a mild upset stomach: eat a delicious banana |
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
HELP TALKS - Ms.Rukmini Iyer on 'Self awareness in Interpersonal behaviour'
Ms.Rukmini Iyer can be contacted at
Monday, May 3, 2010
HELP TALKS - Mrs.Asha Garekar on 'Pranayam Meditation and Relaxation'
She can be contacted at 98692 04701
Consumer Health Series: Taking Charge of Your Health
2. Taking Charge of Your Health:
The moment immediately after you understand that something is wrong can be truly horrible. It is important that you remain calm at this stage. What you need to do now is to gain control over the situation to help you to see the true picture. It may feel like a verdict as you find yourself quite helpless!
How do you get the help you so badly need? Gradually you will learn to ask the right questions and find yourself on track to acquaint yourself with the situation. The first step is gaining control of your medical condition is to write down exactly what you understand about it. You could start by taking a sheet of paper and list down all that you understand. Then go about writing about what you should know and what you would like to know i.e. your doubts, questions cropping up in your mind – no matter how long the list becomes. This will help you relax (a bit); will remind you what to ask your doctor, your insurance company and will become a basis for your action plan. The following example will show how your information and question sheet might look like:
Understanding my Medical Condition
My Diagnosis:
Medical Term and Layman’s term for my condition:
My Symptoms:
Obvious treatment: (if I’m aware of any):
Other information I have about my condition:
Lifestyle changes I think I should adopt:
What are the possible causes of my condition?
Why are there other symptoms than those generally
Associated with this disease?
Will going through a standard treatment get me cured?
Will I need any specialized treatment?
How long will it take me to get well?
Will my treatment allow me to continue with my
current activities? Will I need a break from work?
Think about how you can get information about your medical condition……
Health Tip Of The Day
Try to avoid fruit and fruit juices , coffee ,colas, and alcoholic beverages when you take aspirin or ibuprofen. These combination may upset your stomach
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Consumer Health Series: HELP yourself with Information Therapy:
"We believe patients are the largest untapped healthcare resource; and that Information Therapy can be powerful medicine ! The reason the healthcare system today is sick is because it is so doctor-centric. We feel the best way to heal the system is by putting patients at the center of it..."
Read more.....
This is the vision of Dr.Aniruddha Malpani and Dr.Anjali Malpani, Founders of Health Education Library for People - world's largest free health education library.
This is the first post on Consumer Health Series. We aim to help you become a savvy medical consumer. What we want to accomplish through these series is to guide you through the healthcare maze if and when you are faced with a serious medical condition. We will help you to take charge of your Health - in partnership with your Doctor !
Are you a medical consumer ?
Each one of us is a medical consumer - being human is enough to qualify each one of us as a medical consumer - we need not become patients to call ourselves medical consumers. In fact, every healthy person who wants to take charge of his/her of health will find each of the articles in this series of great use. Information Therapy will empower us with the best patient do's and don'ts, so if that day comes when we find ourselves ill - we will be empowered and know how to be the integral focus of our own health care team.
So, what happens when you fall ill ? Or worse, what happens when you are faced with a diagnosis of a serious illness ? Ill health could strike you regardless of your education or your status in society. Your world is changed forever !
Some of you will breathe a sigh of relief to have finally found out what has been making you feel sick, some of you will feel worse for the knowing - you may experience anger, confusion, sad, scared or may even want to deny or accept the fact which your diagnosis has thrown up. But, these are all perfectly normal emotions.
What are you supposed to do now ? This appears to be a dead end to an otherwise 'normal, healthy life' . Nothing in your life has prepared you for this turn of events when you come face to face with a serious illness.
By making an effort to gain control over your emotions and of your situation and by taking the time to take some simple steps you will be better equipped to make good decisions in taking care of your illness and health. Take charge of your healthcare.......

Let's Eradicate Ignorance