Saturday, May 30, 2009
HELP TALKS-Dr.Ravindra Kapadia on "Energy Remedy through Acupressure"
The Blue Death - Book Review

This gives information about the natural and man-made hazards present in the very water we drink. The author dispels notions of fall-safe water systems. Along the way revealed are some shocking truths: the millions of miles of leaking water mains, constantly evolving micro organisms, and the looming threat of bioterrorism, which may lead to catastrophe.
Author : Dr. Robert D. Morris
Publisher : Harper Collins
Year Of Publication : 2007
No. Of Pages : 310
HELP TALKS-Dr.R.C.Shah on "Divine Healing"
Dr. R. C. Shah has done B. A., D.L.W., L.L.B.,D.T.M. (LON), D.J. (LON), D.S.E.(LON), .C.I.A.H.M. (LON), Ph.D.
He has wrote several books in English and in Gujarati. Some of them are Divine Healing, Human body, Acupressure, Magnet therapy, Gems therapy, Yoga for mind control, Improve your Eye-sight, How to get wealth from Share market, etc.
Divine healing includes Bases, Human Body, Healer, Prana- the vital energy, Elements, Healing by touch of hands, Distance healing and absent healing, other methods, Self Healing, Thought power, Love, etc.
Divine Healing in India is neither a mystery nor a miracle. Healing is the greatest gift that can be desired by a human being from nature. The diseases cured by Divine healers include Arthritis, Sciatica, Muscular pain, Slip disc, Spin troubles, Parkinson's disease, Swelling, Appendicitis, Uterus troubles, Ulcers, Piles, Kidney troubles, Stones, Blood pressure, Asthma, Stroke, Paralysis, Mental disorders, Anxiety, etc.
Friday, May 29, 2009
HELP TALKS-Dr.Bharati Gala on "Women’s Health In Today’s World"
HELP TALKS-Mrs.Bhavini Sethia on "Learn Breathing Technique through Yoga"
HELP TALKS- Dr.Gauresh Palekar on 'Knee Pain'
HELP TALKS-Mrs Deepti Bansal Seth on "Strengthening Gastrointestinal System with Diet & Yoga"
Post : Nutritionist & Yoga Consultant
Name : Mrs. Deepti Bansal Seth
Mobile No :9869558347
E- mail ID
Educational Qualification
Academic :
Passed BHsc. Examination in Foods, Nutrition and Dietetics held by the
Passed the MHSc Examination in Foods, Nutriton and Dietetics held by the
Yoga Teachers Training Course From The Yoga Institute
Qualified in Naturopathy From Indian Institute of Alternative medicine
Certificate Course in Sports Nutrition from K11 Fitness academy.
Extra Curricular activities: Have compered the Nirmal Utsav in 2001.
Participated in Eco-Alert 2000 seminar in 2000.
Partcicipated in the XXXV Annual National Conference of Indian Dietetic Association.
Participated in the National Conference of Renal Diseases in 2003.
Attended the Advanced course of 1st Obesity Management Update in 2002.
Co-presented at the RSSDI Mahcon Maharashtra Chapter in 2005.
“Yoga by Deepti” Articles featuring in Tarla Dalal Magazine
Work experience : Has completed internship at
Dietician & Clinical Research Coordinator at
Lecturer in
Lecturer in
Conduct group Yoga Classes at Colaba
Consultation at Asiatic Polyclinic, Churchgate.
Thursdays & Saturdays : 12:30 pm to 03:30 pm.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Help Talk/Workshop/Film From 1st June to 15th June, 09
Hello Dear Readers !!
As you know, we constantly try to upgrade the talks conducted at the center, you shouldn't miss..
Following is the schedule of the talks. All of these talks are absolutely Free of charge.
Please do attend them and also inform your friends and relatives who could take advantage of this unique free service.
A free workshop on “Destiny” " by Ms.Tejal Gandhi on 1st June, 2009 at 3.30pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
A Free talk on "Diabetes, Yes We can control" by Dr.Shreeram Vaidya on 2nd June 2009 at 4.00 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
A Free workshop on "Yogic Diet for comple Health by Dr. Keshav Chander on 3rd June 2009 at 3.30 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
A Free workshop on "Aura Scanning, Spiritual Scanning, Spiritual Health & Psychic Surgery" by Mr.Vinod Shah on 4th June 2009 at 4:00 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
A Free talk on "Common Sexual Problems in Males & Solution" by Dr. Dhananjay Gambhire on 5th June 2009 at 3.00 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
A Free workshop on "Intoduction to Cleansing process in Yoga-2" by Ms. Shanti Chavan on 6th June 2009 at 3.00 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
A Free talk on "Hypnotherapy & Stress Management" by Dr.Rajiv Naidu. on 8th June 2009 at 3.30 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
A Free talk on "Divine Healing" by Dr.R.C. Shah on 9th June 2009 at 4.30pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
A Free Talk on "6 tastes (Shadra)" by Dr.Rohit Bartake on 10th June 2009 at 4:00 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
A Free workshop on "Energy remedy through Acupressure" by Dr. Ravindra Kapadia on 11th June 2009 at 3:00 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
A Free workshop on "Hypertension and its Control Measure" by Dr.Mana Rao on 12th June 2009 at 3.00 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
a Free talk on "Scope of Homeopathy for Problems for Sr.Citizens" by Dr. Sonal Motta on 13th June 2009 at 3.30 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
A Free screening of film on " Leukemia" on 15th June 2009 at 4.00 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The CR Way - Book Review

This book provides quick and easy menus and recipes so delicious that one wonder why one ever wanted to eat more that one needs. And for those who want some of the benefits without sacrificing all the calories, slow the aging process, protect against cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes, and increase energy and mental capabilities. The book shows how to plan a diet that works and is a key to a happier, healthier life.
Author : Paul McGlothin And Meredith Averill
Publisher : HarperCollins
Year Of Publication : 2008
No. Of Pages : 304
Monday, May 25, 2009
Men Are From Mars , Women Are From Venus,Book Review

A valuable, much needed book. A contribution to thae understanding of the communication styles of men and women.
Author: Gray, John
Publisher:Harper Collins
Year of Publication: 1992
N0. of Pages: 286
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Bad Attitude- Reverse Your Child's Rudeness In 1 Week--With Food - Book Review

This is a wonderful book on dealing with rudeness in children for teachers and parents. While the focus is on how food choices can have a major impact on bad attitude, the book also deal with other important topics such as food allergies, eating disorders, and good health, habits such as hydration, sleep, and exercise. Also helpful are the specific menus and recipes for little bodies.
Author : Audrey Ricker And Brian Cabin
Publisher : Rodale Inc.
Year Of Publishing : 2002
No. Of Pages : 214
Friday, May 22, 2009
HELP TALKS- Mr.Nitin Jain on "Simple Meditations for Everybody"
This comprehensive and fascinating guide covers every body part from head to toe to help decode the often mysterious messages body sends. The body supplies endless signs regarding its state of health and wellness. Most of the time these require nothing more than a trip to the drugstore or cosmetic counter, or no treatment at all. At other times you may need to take a trip to the doctor, or even the emergency room. The author gives information on everything one ever wanted to know about body.
Author : Joan Liebmann-Smith And Jacqueline Nardi Egan
Publisher : Bantam Dell
Year Of Publication : 2007
No. Of Pages : 322
HELP TALKS-Mr.Bhavesh Chheda for Silver Innings on "Internet Changing Life of Senior Citizens"
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Balancing Pregnancy & Work - Book Review

Comprehensive, down-to-earth and full of practical and psychological insight the book tells everything needed to know how to balance pregnancy and work.calmly and with confidence. The author takes one through all options in every sphere, helps to cope with conflicting demands, and shows how to reach the decisions that are right. Personal stories provide tips on how other women managed.
Author : Nancy Hall
Publisher : Rodale International Ltd.
Year Of Publication : 2004
No. Of Pages : 303
HELP TALKS-Dr.Rukshana Ladhani on "Aromatherapy-Uses of Oil for different Problems"
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
HELP TALKS-Dr.Sonal Motta on "Pain is not a problem- Discover it"
Healing Conversations - What To Say When You Don't Know What To Say - Book Review

This book enables us to provide or ask for a new level of support when facing life’s inevitable challenges, transitions, and losses--at work, at home, and in our community. It is a practical guide to help one step into someone else’s shoes so that you can offer, ask for, or receive comfort. The author helps you think more deeply about how to incorporate the principles of healing conversations and intentional kindness into life.
Author : Nance Guilmartin
Publisher : Jossey-Bass
Year Of Publication : 2002
No. Of Pages : 325
HELP TALKS-Mr.Kshitij Negi on "Dealing with Recession, Dancing with Recession - Emotional Freedom Way"
Mr. Khitij Negi practices Energy-Psychology, EFT in particular, for last 6 years.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
How To Stay Lovers For Life - Book Review

This is a step-by-step guide to diagnosing and treating one’s relationship problems. The author provides hundreds of simple strategies to get relationship back on track. Proven tips to begin improving relationship even if the partner isn’t willing to change, the truth of anger and fights, how to have fewer fights and more fun – a marriage counselor’s tricks of the trade.
Author : Sharyn Wolf
Publisher : Dutton Signet
No. Of Pages : 346
HELP TALKS-Dr.Ravindra Kapadia on "Energy remedy through Acupressure"
Eating For Good Health - Book Review

This book shows you how to assess every aspect of your present diet and demonstrates clearly what is desirable in that diet…and what is not. It explains what protein, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals are, which foods are their main sources, what their functions are in your body, and how much of them you actually need in order to maintain optimum health.
Publisher : Reader’s Digest
No. Of Pages : 160
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Kids Who Laugh - Book Review

This book not only explores the many benefits of humor, but also shows that humor is a learned behavior – a skill that parents can teach their kids. Most important, through a wide array of exercises and games, the author presents the actual tools that parents can use to develop a healthy sense of humor in their children. Each activity is fun, easy, and designed to appeal to children of a specific age, ranging from newborns to preteens. The author suggests a variety of great resources, from amusement parks to movies to magazines, that can further help kids appreciate and create humor.
Author : Louis R. Franzini
Publisher : Square One
Year of Publication : 2002
No. Of Pages : 181
HELP TALKS-Dr.Rohit Bartake on "Diet & Ayurveda"
Friday, May 15, 2009
HELP TALKS- Dr.R.C.Shah on "Divine Healing"
Dr. R. C. Shah has done B. A., D.L.W., L.L.B.,D.T.M. (LON), D.J. (LON), D.S.E.(LON), .C.I.A.H.M. (LON), Ph.D.
He has wrote several books in English and in Gujarati. Some of them are Divine Healing, Human body, Acupressure, Magnet therapy, Gems therapy, Yoga for mind control, Improve your Eye-sight, How to get wealth from Share market, etc.
Divine healing includes Bases, Human Body, Healer, Prana- the vital energy, Elements, Healing by touch of hands, Distance healing and absent healing, other methods, Self Healing, Thought power, Love, etc.
Divine Healing in India is neither a mystery nor a miracle. Healing is the greatest gift that can be desired by a human being from nature. The diseases cured by Divine healers include Arthritis, Sciatica, Muscular pain, Slip disc, Spin troubles, Parkinson's disease, Swelling, Appendicitis, Uterus troubles, Ulcers, Piles, Kidney troubles, Stones, Blood pressure, Asthma, Stroke, Paralysis, Mental disorders, Anxiety, etc.
Thyroid Problems - Book Review

This is a clear, concise illustrated guide that gives expert advice on understanding thyroid problems. It gives answers on – What the thyroid does and what can go wrong, symptoms of overactive and underactive thyroid, types of treatment for thyroid disorders, case studies, charts, and checklists.
Publisher : Dorling Kindersley
Year Of Publication
Year Of Publication
HELP TALKS-Dr.Keshav Chander on "Yoga for Peace and happiness"
Dr. Keshav Chander has done Ph. science and have done a diploma from yoga vidyaniketa. He has done a diploma in yogic education and advance diploma in from Mumbai university. He also teaches yoga at different places since 10 years.
His workshop covers how a person can increase their Memory with the help of Yoga.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
HELP TALKS- Dr.Abhijit Redij on "Yoga Support in Treatment of Anxiety & Depression"
HELP TALKS-Dr.Sanjiv Shah on "Vision beyond Glasses by Lasik way"
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Schedule of HELP Talk/Workshop From 16th May To 30th May, 2009
Hello Dear Readers !!
As you know, we constantly try to upgrade the talks conducted at the center, you
shouldn't miss..
Please do attend them and also inform your friends and relatives who could take advantage of this unique free service.
A Free talk on "Dealing with Recession, Dancing with Recession' - Emotional Freedom Way" by Mr. Kshitij Negi on 16th May 2009 at 4.00pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
A Free workshop on "Simple Meditations for Everybody" by Mr.Nitin Jain on 19th May 2009 at 4.00 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
A Free Talk on "Strengthening Gastrointestinal system with Naturopathy" by Ms. Deepti Bansal on 21st May 2009 at 3.30 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
A Free talk on "Knee Pain" by Dr. Gauresh Palekar on 23rd May 2009 at 3.30pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
A Free workshop on "Divine Healing" by Dr.R.C. Shah on 26th May 2009 at 4.30 pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
A Free workshop on "Stay Happy Stay Health" by Ms.Marita Nazareth on 29th May 2009 at 3.00pm at HELP, Fort. To register call: 65952393/ 94, 22061101, 22031133
HELP TALKS-Mr.Uttam Dave on "Protecting your children from Abuse"
Mr Uttam Dave(mphil in Counseling & Guidance) conducts workshops onmental health,relationships, marriage skills,parenting skills, business skills and human sexuality.He also conducts Pre-marital counseling and advanced sex counseling at Pragat Vidya Mandir , Andheri(w)
Mr Dave also holds talks at HELP library on subjects of human interest and those which enhance the quality of our lives. Mr Dave can be contacted on 9920655464 /
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Long In The Tooth - Book Review

This is a story about a woman who comes to understand the use of humor, alternative medicine, and insight as means to banish pain and to gain control over her life. The author writes about the psychological effects of chronic illness – the discomfort, the depression, and the depletion of energy. Also discussed are therapeutic approaches that may be helpful to others dealing with neurological illnesses.
Author :
Publisher : Writers Advantage
Year Of Publication : 2002
No. Of Pages : 151
Monday, May 11, 2009
The Complete Book Of Colour Healing - Book Review

This book is a comprehensive study of the wide-ranging, practical, and effective uses of color, so that one can learn the many ways to utilize the power of color, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
Author : Lilian Verner-Bonds
Publisher : Godsfield Press Ltd.
Year Of Publishing : 2000
No. Of Pages : 144
HELP TALKS-Ms.Mili Motwani on "Power Yoga in Daily Life"
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Is Alcoholism Hereditary? - Book Review
This book gives all the information needed if one suspect that anyone one love has a serious problem with drinking. Beginning with basic information on the properties of alcohol and alcohol abuse, the author brings to light the issues that alcoholics and their families must face. The also explains the treatments that are available and what the future may hold—from drugs that stop an alcoholic’s excessive drinking to education that could keep him, from starting to drink at all.
Author : Donald W. Goodwin
Publisher : Ballantine Books
No. Of Pages : 259