Tuesday, June 21, 2011

HELP TALKS - Mrs Mangala Sarda on Sharirik Abhyaas :Preparing The Body For Yoga

This video is a talk by Mrs.Mangala Sarda at HELP on 18th June, 11. Topic "Sharirik Abhyaas: Preparing the Body for Yoga". Mrs.Mangala Sarda can be contacted at 9322293236/ 0251 2603171. This is part of the HELP Talk series at HELP, Health ducation Library for People, the worlds largest free patient education library www.healthlibrary.com.

The goal of yoga is two fold. The first is making our body beautiful and the second is realizing our spirit that is eternally beautiful.The most common form of yoga is the combination of physical movements (asanas) with breathing and meditation techniques.Yoga provides improved health and longevity, as well as generates a heightened level of self-understanding, connection and awareness.Yoga is a life-long practice that focuses not on goals and achievements, but rather on experiencing a journey towards inner peace and freedom.

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